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Demon Rp - No new members

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76Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:16 am



Raphael watch the boy step away and come up with idle conversation. He just smiled and pulled the boy back to his chest. "Well there are many bathrooms in the school but I'll show you the good ones."


77Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:56 pm



'good ones?' Adrain wondered. "Well...ok. thanks."

78Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:22 am



Raphael took the next staircase up, they arrived a a light colored hallway filled with muscular guys and pretty girls. This was the jock hallway, Raphael's domain. Across from where they were standing was the boys bathroom. There it is the only bathroom I use on this side of the building.

Aoi was was a pretty big school, it was very easy to get lost in it. Many parts of the school had electronic maps with printouts. The school was old but through the years has kept up with the latest tech.


79Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:25 am



Adrian took in the buliding around him. It was impressive, to him anyway. The hall Rafael had taken him to had lots of beautiful boys and girls. He suddenly felt embarrassed to be there.

80Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:13 am



Raph could sense the boys insecurities. "Hey listen to me, when your in this hallway, or anywhere for that matter. You must hold your head up high, you are a demon, you are superior. You must never let others sense weakness, they will pick up on it and try to wear you down." Raphael held him close, he was worried what the others might say to him if they didn't know he was with him. Raphael was the only thing keeping the other kids from ridiculing Adrian. Most the other kids were humans so it would help his cause but he thought Adrians been hurt enough for one day.


81Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:08 pm



Nami watched Poke run long after she could no longer see her, keeping tabs with her senses. 'Damn wolf! How dare he!'

She thought about hunting him down and killing him in front of the whole school, but decided against it, no need to expose such a world to the humans here. She sighed heavily and headed into the building. Nami's strength was litiray arts, words were what she used in her life, whether conversing, laying on the charm for a job, or casting spells to battle demons and monsters (which had somehow become two categories instead of one). Words were her life and that's how she liked it.

Thanks to her talent with reading and writing comprehension she also minored in world language. That was Poke's strong point, speaking in many tounges. Nami couldn't remeber how quickly she'd picked up Japanese, and English while teaching it to Nami years ago. The redhead minored in the preforming arts, singing and acting were hobbies of hers.

Walking the halls she felt very alone and wondered if this was how it'd be every day because they had no classes, save lunch, together. Then, just as she was ready to kick something she heard her name called from behind.


82Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:22 pm



Ms. Harven walked down the hallway with her sweet look and loud heels. She always walked so purposefully, always seeming to have somewhere important to go to. She walked right up to Nami as she ambled through the hall.

"Ms. Kamihime, where is Ms. Kloi today, it would be rather shameful for her to miss the first day back. As you may or may not know the first semester grade of my advanced class is based around the first week. If she misses the first day it would be rather difficult to catch up. Well hope to see her later, I'm sure she'll be in class."

Atella gave a look to Nami as if she was actually giving an order rather than just small comments. She walked off just as dignified as ever, heels echoing through the whole wing.


83Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:50 pm



Zatzu wrote:Ms. Harven walked down the hallway with her sweet look and loud heels. She always walked so purposefully, always seeming to have somewhere important to go to. She walked right up to Nami as she ambled through the hall.

"Ms. Kamihime, where is Ms. Kloi today, it would be rather shameful for her to miss the first day back. As you may or may not know the first semester grade of my advanced class is based around the first week. If she misses the first day it would be rather difficult to catch up. Well hope to see her later, I'm sure she'll be in class."

Astella gave a look to Nami as if she was actually giving an order rather than just small comments. She walked off just as dignified as ever, heels echoing through the whole wing.

Nami's eyes followed after the teacher. That had to be one of the most unnerving encounters she'd ever had. How had she known Nami's name? That she and Poke were friends? And what was with the tone? Like she knew Poke would be coming back to school, which Nami knew wasn't happening today.

"Great, the students and teachers here are nuts!" she muttered to herself. It was going to be a long day indeed...


84Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:55 pm



Kit smiled to himself. How interesting. He now knew that his hunters were traitors. They failed to kill demons, let them walk right by them. And Poke Kloi had run away in tears. How the mighty had fallen.

He had to be honest, he did expect something like that happening, but he didn't see it coming from Sicilia. Oh, what a let down. "Let's go, Rai. I've seen enough."

He nodded and followed his lover. "Poor Poke-kun. I feel bad for her. This must be very hard."

Kit sighed at the soft heart of the man next to him. "You are too kind, Rai. It is her job, purpose in life, to kill demons. And she has failed to do that. Rules must be carried out, we have much to do. first, we are to find out dear charge and 'relieve' some of her pain."

Rai wasn't quite sure whathe was talking about, but he followed Kit in search of Poke.


85Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:36 am



Adrain nodded to Rafael. "Ok. You're right!" He striaghtened his poster and tried to look confident.

86Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:06 am



"What the hell is that, you look like your trying. You must not fake it you must be it. You ARE better than them, you ARE more skilled, you must believe that and know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now show me that you are superior."


87Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:42 pm



"Eeeh?? I look like I'm pretending?" Adrian pouted. "I thought it was really good...um.." He tried to think of ways to make himself better than everyone but no matter what he thought nothing really changed his shy exterior. After all, he was scrawny as far as demons went. Particularly male demons. He was still waiting on that oh-so-important magical growth spurt where he would grow five inches overnight. Adrian sighed. "I don't know what it is I can do Rafael...I'm still partly human you know. Maybe I'm NOT better than everyone."

88Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:46 pm



"Being better than other people isn't all about skills. It's about thoughts and attitude. If you think your better than others will believe it and then you will become better. Trust me, I use to be weak, I use to be nothing more than a dog. Now look i have loyal followers, all because i believed in myself." Raphael moved his hand wide in front of him showing all the people he was above. "If it will help i can give you a little confidence." Raphael looked into Adrian's eyes, He grabbed Adrian by the shoulders and locked lips with him.

Last edited by Zatzu on Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


89Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:01 am



What a shitty day. Poke had had it. And to top all the crap that had gone on within the first few minutes of the school day she'd run off crying. "Just great!" Her voice came out cracked and chocked. She swiped at the tears on her face and in her eyes. What a pathetic little girl she was. She hadn't changed at all since then. She was still a useless baby that needed to be held up and protected.


Fire and smoke were the first things she registered, the only things she could remember. village after village, everywhere she went. It was the same everywhere. Who ever she met, where ever she went. Hate, anger, hurt were sure to be on her heels. she couldn't even stay put long enough to learn to speak a steady language!

Raising her head she got to her feet and turned from the burning and broken lives of the village she'd lived in for the past day and a half. Most were surely dead, those who survived weren't anywhere close. with shakey legs she teetered away from the wreckage of another lost chance. Another broken promise of home.

It was days before her physical wounds healed. She slept in a small cave by the side of a clear and sparkling stream. Fruits were everywhere, berries of all sorts plus an abundence of small animals. Berries did it for her until she found a carcas. No matter how hard she tried, no matter how bad her situation, she couldn't kill a sweet little rabbit, or a cute little fox.

A week after the attack it rained. And it rained hard. She retreated into the back of the cave for safety.

She didn't know how long the rain lasted, a few days maybe, but before it ended someone came to the cave, looking for shelter from the downpour. He was tall and limber, though not lankey or disproportanal. He had vivid blue eyes, spiky red hair, and tattered clothes.

She tried to hide from him, he was no doubt a survivor of the attack. He'd blame her, was good reason. He'd hate her and try to hurt her. She couldn't fight a person, not one she'd brought misfortune on. But hiding was quite impossible, there were no nooks or crannies she could slip into. No stones she could hide behind. Nothing.

So, she took a deep breath, and faced what she deserved. Or a small fraction of it.

But, he didn't hit her or curse her. He smiled at her and patted her small head. He spoke to her in a language she'd never heard in all her life. He didn't try to teach it to her in the weeks they were together, but she picked it up fairly well according to him.

He took care of her, longer than anyone before her even known her. They lived together, ate together, worked together. She began to feel happiness for the first time in her life. He was a blessing, too good to be true.

He'd named her, for she'd never had one before. "Poke Kloi," is what he called her, and she liked it. She liked anything that had to do with him. He never told her why ha'd picked those words for her name, but she didn't care, because they came from him.

The way she felt, it was like a dream. and like all dreams, she had to wake up eventually.

It was three months they'd known each other. Poke had a shakey hold on his strange language, she could speak in broken sentences and name things for what they were. Snow had fallen that day and it shone beautifully in the light of a bright cresent moon. It was so amazing.

She sat by the window, looking out over the small clearing and into the thick forest. Something moved behind the brush, a small animal heading home. she smiled at it and waved, her ten-year-old hand moving so fast it blurred.

"Poke, what are you doing?" She'd learned his name to be Cian. It sounded very out of place compared to his language, but she didn't mind. she liked the name.

She pointed at finger outside. "Animal! Saying hi!"

Usually he would smile at her and take a seat in the nearby chair to read or just watch her. but this time his lips did not curve up. His feet did not carry him to the seat, but towards her. She didn't flinch away or move back, though something small inside of her told her to, told her something was wrong. Very wrong.

He reached ou and grabbed her arm with too much force. "Ah, Cian, hurts!"

He drew her up so that their faces were level. "Be quiet! I've done and done for you, now it's time for you to do for me."

She didn't understand what he meant by his words, but the look in his eyes was familiar. It was an attack, just like what happened to the villages she went to. She thought it wouldn't happen, it was so delayed!

"Cian?" Her eyes began to swim with tears. This could happen! It just couldn't. Why? Every one, every where! It wasn't fair!

"Shut up!" He pushed her back down and leaned over her. "Stay still, or it'll hurt more, I promise."

Poke tried to move back, she didn't know what was going on, but she knew it wasn't good. "NO!" she called. "No, no! Help!" He struck her. Once, twice. Three times. There would have been a fourth if someone hadn't interferred.

She was like nothing Poke had seen before. Her eyes were white, a slit of black against it to show a pupil. Her hands were more like claws, her skin was rough and dark as tree bark. Her hair was a similar color and seemed stiff. Sharp teeth were bared and a snarl escaped her lips. This woman held Cian at bay and pulled him off of Poke.

Throwing him against a wall she cast one quick look back at Poke, "Stay little one." It was in the same language he spoke, but so much more elegant and... fitting. She faced him again, death in her white eyes. "Die, killer of my people!"

The fight was just a flash of pain and heat and cold. Sharp, dull, thick. Black. She couldn't tell how long it lasted, days, minutes, hours. She knew not. She didn't even know when it ended. All she could recall was looking down at two bloodied bodies. One that had to be cian, though she couldn't tell, and the other was the woman.

She fell to her knees beside her savior, and wept.

"L-little o-one," came the weak voice of the woman. Poke went to her, close she she dared. "M-my ha-hand."

Poke grabbed it gentely, and brought it forward, to her face. "You're eye."

Poke gasped as she realized her right eye was useless, touching it there was nothing but blood. "B-bring my- my hand-" Poke understood. She placed the woman's hand over her eye. she spoke slowly, in a tongue Poke had never heard. Then, there was light. Blinding and warm, but it didn't burn.

She gasped and focused on holding the hand in place. When the light was gone she dropped the limb. Blinking, she knew her eye was repaired. "Thank you," she whispered.

"H-hide it, use- use it."

And Poke did. Her hair covered that eye, no one ever saw it. she never used it, didn't know how. but, it gave her confidance and that became strength. She had been protected, and still was as long as she had the eye.

Not long after it had all happened Poke met another girl. One with an attitude, blonde hair, green eyes. A girl that would forever be by her side. It was no dream come true, and that in and of itself, was a comfort. Dreams ended, reality never did.


Nami had been with Poke for years. They'd traveled together, learned together, found the demon hunters society together. Nothing was going to take them apart. No way, no how!



90Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:25 pm



Angel quickly stripped and started the shower, he was gonna be late but he didn't really care much. He kept thinking about the stranger in the room next to him, what was he up to, why did he want a job at the club? He obviously couldn't handle it, there had to be more to it than that, but what.

The water steamed, it was intensely hot. He never turned on the cold water, no need he'd didn't feel pain from the nearly boiling water. He got out of the shower and walked to his room with out dawning a towel. He walked out of the bathroom, he spotted Rui scrummaging around the club. "Can i help you find something or will continue to snoop alone?"

Rui perked up and looked over at the naked man standing in the doorway, steam coming off his body. He was so startled he almost forgot what was asked.
"Oh, I-I thought I saw something over here." Rui stammered out while trying not to look and Angel's body.
"Oh yes and how exactly did you see something when that drawer was closed, hm?" Angel smirked and walked into his room before the dumbfounded stranger had time to respond.

Angel already had his outfit all picked out, it was simply hung in the center of the closet. With incredible speed he dawned is fashionable yet subtle ensemble.

Angel kept an ear out for Rui in the other room. All was silent, he walked out to check to make sure all was alright. The front door was open and Rui's sent was gone, he was happy to be alone, even though he was about to leave. He grabbed his backpack and did a quick survey of the room. nothing seemed to be missing, not that it really mattered. They never kept anything that could be construde as incriminating.

He stepped into the morning light, the thought to run back into the club crossed his mind repeatedly. School was a necessary evil, it gave him some entertainment.

He traveled down the road at a very lazy pace. He was in no rush, so what if he got a detention. The kids there were especially entertaining. As he walked Poke came into view. He paid her little to no mind until he smelled her tears. As he passed her he thought out loud, "What a cry baby".


91Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:46 pm



Poke stopped dead. She hadn't noticed Angel until he'd spoken. She was in no mood to just sit there nd take it with a smile. Boss or no, he had no right to be a hypocrite!

She turned on him and wished that she had something to throw at his head. "Like you never cried before. You have no idea what happened to me today, you jerk!"


92Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:49 pm



"I am strong i never waste time with a silly thing as tears, crying is only for the weak." He held his head up proud as he spoke.


93Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:00 pm



She huffed and folded her arms. "Then what was that little show in your room yesterday during work. I do believe those were tears falling from your eyes." She moved her hands to her hips. "Last I checked that was called crying."

It was official, Nami was rubbing off on her.


94Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:11 pm



"You don't know what your talking about, i never cry."

"Why if you hate demons so much do you work at a club employed by them."


95Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:43 pm



She drew herself up to full height. "I saw you cry! And I do not hate demons! How the hell would you know how I feel? Why do you hate humans?" She fought with all her might to keep tears back. This just wasn't her day.


96Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:47 pm



"I don't hate humans, I hate demon hunters, for no other reason other than the fact of what we were born as they've taken everything i have. My kingdom, my mother and my precious brother Cian. I hate all of you because your stupid and reckless." Angel's voice rose, he never yelled but this was as close as anyone has heard him in awhile.


97Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:54 pm



"Cian?" Poke choked out. "Y-you had a brother?" She felt her face drain of blood as memories flooded back to her.

But, she hadn't known at the time, Cian had been killed by another demon, not a hunter. Shouldn't he know that?


98Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:12 pm



"Not that it matters to you, he was killed trying to protect some human he'd fallen for." Angel ceased making eye contact.


99Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:46 pm



Poke couldn't help but to take a step back. "Protect from what?" Fallen in love with? what was going on? This was the man that had tried to do something horrible to her. How was that protecting someone you loved?


100Demon Rp - No new members - Page 4 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:10 pm



"Times were tough, food was in short supply. One town had been burned down by something. I told Cian to scout ahead, any survivors were free meals. Since they didn't have anything left, they didn't have anything to lose.

He came back i thought i smelled human on him but dismissed it. Then he began to disappear for long lengths of time. I got suspicious, one night I followed him to see what was going on. When i got there he was taking care of a little girl. The next morning i confronted him, he confessed everything. I told him she was our next meal but he refused. He fought tooth and nail for that little whelp. The next day i turned into a fox to sneak up to her, but somehow she saw me and started waving, that's when Cian appeared. I instantly ran away before he could see me, but he knew. I heard him yelling at her, trying to make her afraid, trying to make her run. Finally, when all the noise stopped i thought he may have left, so i went to go see if he left the girl. When i got there his lifeless body was laying next to some bloodied up bitch. I knew there were hunters in the area but she was one i never saw before."

Angel's eyes welled up, then he snapped back to reality. "Why the hell am I telling you this, it looks like you can't even handle your own problems."


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