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Ninja Rp- No new members

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1Ninja Rp- No new members Empty Ninja Rp- No new members Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:22 am



For Characters Message Me.

Zaju stood out in front of the school waiting for it to open. It was exciting, the first day of a new school year. She though was on a reconnaissance mission. She was in the form of her master Gojin. She loved this form, she could stare at him in the mirror and take pictures. She was there to make sure no one would attack him. Her clan belonged to the Byan clan for along time. It was their job to protect the Byan clan at all cost. That's what it meant to be a Konamitsuki. She didn't mind though, she loved Gojin, they had been friends since she was young.
She continued to wait patiently alone. Waiting for people to show up.
Ginko sauntered up to the front doors at the academy, whistling to herself. At first she believed herself to be alone, but soon spotted a boy leaning against a wall.
It took a second but she soon recognized him as that stupid Gojin from the Byan clan. She didn't know him personally, but had a feeling he'd be spoiled and stuck up. Rolling her emerald eyes she walked up to him.
Zaju turned towards the girl that had suddenly walked up to her. Zaju turned directly at her "Ginko of the Kazeha clan, B rank kunoichi, specialty, wind manipulation." she said stoically. After a short pause she stated "Not a threat". Then she turned back to the walkway waiting for more.
"Excuse ME! Who the hell do you think you are a ho! Not a fucking threat?" Ginko harped. "I'll show you no threat!" She pulled out one of her small fans from a holster on her hip. "You have three seconds to take that back!"
Zaju did not realize what she said was so offensive. She knew she had to restrain from blubbering while looking like Gojin. She couldn't help it though she was meek and she didn't like confrontation. The tears streamed down her face.
Slowly she lowered her fan. Had she scared him? Damn, now she felt kind of bad.
"Aw, come on... Don't cry Gojin" she cooed in her sweetest voice. She thought about apologizing but figured it was he who should have said sorry. Maybe he didn't know how insulting it was. "You really should watch what you say..."


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