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Demon Rp - No new members

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1Demon Rp - No new members Empty Demon Rp - No new members Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:28 pm





“You are wise young one, but the fact of the matter is, she is still a demon hunter. Nami is too, and she is more vicious.” Rafael wanted Adrian to understand but the words escaped him. “Listen tomorrow in school join me and my friends. You can spend the day with us. I'm sure even the hunter would like you making mew friends. Well I have to be off, I still have work at the club.” Bye this time the sun had already broken over the trees.


“Alright.” Adrian agreed. “Thanks.” He watched Rafael leave and went back inside to wake the others. There was no point in going to sleep now.


Tay didn't even notice the guy had woken up 'til he rolled over. Now she was trapped between his steely body and the solid, pockmarked ground.

“Looks like a little rabbit found it's way into the lions den.” He said with a smirk. “ooh. She grinned at her handiwork all over his face. “Don't worry little rabbit,” she turned his analogy around on him. “I'm not hungry – much. What's your name little rabbit?” Now it was Tay's turn to smirk at the Newfound name for him. She delicately walked her fingers up one of the arms pinning her down, and smiled.


Something dark crossed Rui's line of vision when he looked at the grinning girl's face closely. He searched the porcelain face for clues to discover in the reflection of her glazed eyes there were scribbles on his own face. As the girl returned his previous remark with a witty one of her own, the silver-haired person took a liking to her. “Rui, just Rui. No last name.”

He took hold of the bottom of her black shirt. She was the one who made the mess, why not use her to clean it off? But no, he was beginning to wake up and his nice side was coming back. In a quick motion, Rui got off the girl and took off his shirt. It was a shame he didn't have another one but he wiped off all the ink and make-up.

“So do you have a name Miss Extremely-Attractive, Well-Timed-Female-Combatant?”


Tay grinned as Rui's shirt slid off his toned shoulders. Not bothering to hide her interest she walked up and placed her hand delicately on his bared chest. “No, that'll do just fine little rabbit.” glancing up into his piercing silvery eyes, she sighed “but... if you really want, you could call me Tay” she drummed her fingers against his stoney chest. “Say, I'm kinda thirsty. Whatd'a say we go catch a drink.” She nodded to the Stardust lounge and licked her lips.


Poke heard Rafael leave. She stood up from her crouched position. Adrian came around the corner, probably on his way to wake everyone. He bumped right into Poke, meaning his face got quite acquainted with her chest.

He, for lack of a better word, bounced back. His face was red and Poke was sure it was for more than one reason.

Poke noticed his lack of silly, bumbling words and eye contact. She quickly pulled him into a hug. “Don't worry little one, I'd never lat anything happen to you or spill innocent blood. Not all humans are like that girl.”


2Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:22 pm



Rafael didn't actually head back to the lounge. He stuck close to the house for the boys protection. He sat on the roof listening to the ensuing thud. He could hear her reassure him that humans were not bad. He figured she must have over heard his past, this angered him. He didn't like people knowing about him, he liked just being a face, a nobody people passed. He hoped that Adrian wouldn't buy into her bullshit. She liked him for now, but what about when she got busy with life, would she still have time for him, would she still have compassion. It's not in a demon hunter's nature to have compassion for the demons they face. Raphael prayed that Adrian would take his invitation, but all he could do pray and hope.


3Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:20 pm



Adrain sunk into the hug. This night was so confusing. "Ok..." He said. "Lets make some breakfast. The others might be hungry when they wake up. ^^"

4Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:06 am



Momo wrote:Adrain sunk into the hug. This night was so confusing. "Ok..." He said. "Lets make some breakfast. The others might be hungry when they wake up. ^^"

Poke let him wriggle free. "Good idea, I know Nami-chan eats a ton when she wakes up." They walked into the small kitchen and began to pull out eggs, bread, and anything else they could think to make. School was going to be hell tomorrow, and not just because Poke didn't get any sleep.

Nami sniffed the air as she felt her stomach growl; eggs, bacon, and some other things she was already making plans to devore. She loved how Poke cooked every morning, it was so nice to wake up to a smiling face and tasty food. It was one of the many things she loved about the redhead. Of course, she'd never said anything to her about how she felt, but those damn kids were sturring up trouble. If they didn't keep their mouths shut she would have to shut them up herself. She didn't want to ruin what she had with Poke. Because if she lost Poke, she'd lose everything. And that would not happen again.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total


5Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:41 pm



Poke was setting breakfast on the table so Adrian went to wake Trai. The blue-haired boy was asleep, facedown in his pillow. Adrain poked at his side. "Ne, Trai-kun you should get up now and eat something. You shouldn't be hungry in class tomorrow." The boy mumbled something incoherent, but didn't make any move to get up. For someone so energetic it could be nearly impossible to wake him up in the morning. "Trai-kun!" Adrain said, shaking the boy's shoulder. At this contact, Tria simply grabbed on to Adrian's hand, rolled onto his side, and glompd his arm as a teddy-bear replacement. So now the red-haired teen was stuck. "-///- Trai-kun..that's my arm. Please let go?"

6Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:11 am

Azure Nox

Azure Nox

Rui inwardly sighed. She just had fun playing with his face and a few markers (which resulted in his shirt being dirty) and then expected for him to treat her to a drink at the place he was trying to get a job at? What was he to do.....

"Well I suppose that's fine, but I can't really treat us with a dirty shirt or shirtless. The employees would kick us out for disturbing the other customers. So how about you meet up with me again tonight at the lounge and I'll treat you then? I will wait for you then, Tay."

It would have been troublesome if she were to accompany him while he was trying to get employed there for sure. So Rui left it at that and walked to the back entrance to the Star Dust Lounge and made several echoing knocks to hopefully get the attention of anyone inside. The silver-haired teen would have liked to get his shirt washed before the ink was permanently stained into it and maybe get a temporary one to wear. Once that was done, he could make a request to be hired. Rui's only real concern was that he wouldn't be able to get along with everyone.

7Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:34 pm



Angel was still tired and now some dumbass was pounding at the backdoor. Hadn't anyone heard of a front door? He slowly sauntered over, his slouching posture causing his arm to sway. This knocker was a big disturbance to him. He was in the middle of getting dressed for school. He had managed to get a new pair of underwear on and that was it. He manged to lift his lagard arm to the knob. When he opened the door there was a white haired teenager standing there. He had a smile on his face that said he wanted something. "No free fucks, no exceptions" he said in his angry yet tired voice. He then began to shut the door.


8Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:47 pm

Azure Nox

Azure Nox

Rui stuck his foot into the shrinking wedge of space that kept the door from closing, which hurt since the cranky person who answered the door was pretty strong. Was it still too early in the morning? And why was the guy so hostile to him? Well in any case, he had to at least get his shirt rinsed out.

"Ack! I'm not a free-loader, easy. I just wanted to know if I could wash this ink out of my shirt since I can't just walk out shirtless first thing in the morning in the city. Not someone anyone would like to see. So could I bother you to use the sink?"

9Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:56 pm



"Fine i could care less really, i got to get ready for school anyway." Angel led the ink stained boy through the storage room. Past all the oils and boxes of incense. They reached the main part of the club where Damian was sorting things for the day shift workes to use. Damian looked up at the familiar stranger, "Hey don't i know you, yea, you were the guy that just stood around last night during the confrontation, you were such a liability. Everyone was worried about hitting you cause you look so weak hehehe" Damian stated in a seemingly nice way while still managing to offend the guy.


10Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:36 pm



Adrian was finally able to drag Tria down to breakfast. They sat down at the table to eat with Poke and Nami.

11Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:45 am



Poke-chan wrote:
Momo wrote:Adrain sunk into the hug. This night was so confusing. "Ok..." He said. "Lets make some breakfast. The others might be hungry when they wake up. ^^"

Poke let him wriggle free. "Good idea, I know Nami-chan eats a ton when she wakes up." They walked into the small kitchen and began to pull out eggs, bread, and anything else they could think to make. School was going to be hell tomorrow, and not just because Poke didn't get any sleep.

Nami sniffed the air as she felt her stomach growl; eggs, bacon, and some other things she was already making plans to devore. She loved how Poke cooked every morning, it was so nice to wake up to a smiling face and tasty food. It was one of the many things she loved about the redhead. Of course, she'd never said anything to her about how she felt, but those damn kids were sturring up trouble. If they didn't keep their mouths shut she would have to shut them up herself. She didn't want to ruin what she had with Poke. Because if she lost Poke, she'd lose everything. And that would not happen again.

Pitter-pat. Pitter-pat.

Rain fell gently against the tile roof of the grand house that stood just to the side of an ancient and holy shrine. Thunder rumbled low in the distance and a flash of lightning lit the sky a startling blue. The night, even through the storm, seemed so peaceful, relaxing.

Inside the house two children played a game of tug-of-war with and old rag doll. The twins scrunched up their faces as neither yielded hold to the other. They revolved slowly as they pulled and yanked at the ragged plaything. In an armchair very near the fire a boy, fresh out of his teenage years, watched the battle with a warm grin. Opposite him, curled up against each other in a love seat were his parents, also watching the tussle with poorly disguised amusement.

And, in the back of the room, beneath the single torch at the foot of the staircase, sat Nami. She had a flaming red bird, Phoenix, perched comfortably upon her finger. It whistled a tune to her, and she repeated it. Every now and again her older brother would glance over at her, almost worriedly.

The twelve-year-old blonde wasn't a very social person. She spent a lot of her time in and around the shrine, either cleaning or practicing her chants, blessings, and other rightful powers. It made the family proud to have such a gifted and dedicated future priestess with them. But it wasn't without their worries. At her age, regardless of future obligations, she should be out enjoying her life and making friends with other girls and boys her age. Yet, Nami showed no interest in anyone other than her family and the various people that had made their home at the shrine itself, maintaining it in lieu of living and dying on the streets.

“Nami-chan,” she peered over at him as Phoenix flitted up to his cage. “I'm going into town tomorrow, would you like to come?”

Nami looked at her mother for permission, her mother smiled and nodded. She didn't get the chance to go into town very often as the school she attended was a mere block away from their home.

“Yay, thank you nii-san! Are we going to the market? I want to get Phoenix a new toy and mirror, he broke his.” She spoke as she normally did, but the excitement shone through her eyes.

“Sure thing.” He stood and scooped up the twins. He headed for the flight of steps that lead to the rooms. As he passed he ruffled Nami's hair with his free hand. He then quickly stuck the twins in separate arms, causing them to drop the abused doll.

“Night Ari, Mairi.”

“Night nee-chan!”

Nami closed the door of Phoenix's cage and walked over to her parents. She crawled up between them and squirmed her way onto her mother's lap. She got cozy; curled up like a cat, hair out of her eyes, fingers playing absently with the talesament secured around her mother's neck, as always.

She didn't remember when but she had fallen asleep sitting with her mother. Now she was in her bed, her room black as ink. She sat up and pushed her curtains back to look outside. Nami gazed up at the sky and huffed, 'New moon tonight. Meh, that always messes with my powers.'

She closed them again and hopped out of bed. She'd get a drink, maybe even a snack, and go back to sleep. Tip-toeing down the hallway towards the stairs she felt something was wrong. There was something in the air, something dangerous, evil.

Her first instinct was to panic, but she was twelve, panicking was for little kids. She dashed as quickly and quietly as she could. Without pausing for breath she dove under the bed and pulled out her sutra case. She took ten out, plenty to protect herself, and replaced the rest.

She was at the top of the staircase in a flash, ready for battle. From what she could tell all was clam down there. She began to suspect she'd just imagined it when something crashed in the twins' room.

She was the first one there. And was the first one to see it.

A demon was crouched over the bodies of her two little sisters. They didn't move, not even for breath. The demon glared at her, blood still on it's mouth and claws. It was so dark she could barely make out it's silhouette. All she could see were those glowing red eyes and it's claws being pulled from Ari's chest.

Then it spoke, a voice that had her skin crawling. “Ah, another snack,” it spotted the sutras, “And ready for a fight.”

She gasped at it slowly came towards her. She'd never seen a demon, never really thought they'd existed. But here as one right before her, one that'd killed her little sisters. One that was going to kill her!

“Nami, get back!” She was shoved to the ground before she could react to the command. A beam of red light shot from behind her and hit the demon in the... shoulder?

“Hachi! It killed them! Ari and Mairi! It killed them!” She was in tears, beyond hysterics. And that made her vulnerable.

It lunged, she screamed. Hachi shot it again.

“Nami! Quick, go and hide, keep your sutras close, all of them!” Her mother stood in the doorway, her talesament in her hand as opposed to around her neck.

Nami obeyed and locked the door behind her for good measure.

The minutes ticked by slowly, it seemed like forever to the small girl. Then, suddenly, all was silent – BOOM! The house shook from the force as pieces of it flew off and broke apart. She cried out and ran from her room just as the ceiling collapsed behind her. She ran quickly to the room where the battle had been. Looking out the window she saw it had moved outside and she was all the was left in the house... alive.

She couldn't bare a last glance at the mauled corpses of her little sisters. She took a deep breath and jumped out the window, landing with a thud in the bushes below. Parts of the house had caught fire and were illuminating the fight. Only two figures moved in the darkness, the demon, who looked part beast, part man, and her brother.

She franticly began to search for her mother and found her, clutching what was left of her father's body. She scrambled to her side and tried helplessly to asses her wounds.

“No, Nami,” she put her hand over her daughter's, one last time. “Take my talesament, use it well. Your time has come my child. Take it, and fight!”

“Momma,” sobs shook her as she obeyed. Fist clenched on the trinket she held back her tears. Nami would not send her mother to the afterlife with the image of her weakness. She would show strength, power, honor! “I love you. I will make you proud.”

She got to her feet and faced the demon, Hachi was gone. As she walked forward she head her reply, “You already have, my precious.”

The fight was such a blur, power ran through her body, heated her veins to the point that she felt she was on fire. Spells and chants flew from her mouth without her even thinking them. Light and flames shot at and from the demon. In the end she was the one left standing over a smoking and mutilated corpse.

The victor, and alone.
//End Flashback//


12Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:50 pm

Azure Nox

Azure Nox

Zatzu wrote:"Fine i could care less really, i got to get ready for school anyway." Angel led the ink stained boy through the storage room. Past all the oils and boxes of incense. They reached the main part of the club where Damian was sorting things for the day shift workes to use. Damian looked up at the familiar stranger, "Hey don't i know you, yea, you were the guy that just stood around last night during the confrontation, you were such a liability. Everyone was worried about hitting you cause you look so weak hehehe" Damian stated in a seemingly nice way while still managing to offend the guy.
"I'm really sorry for the trouble..."
The silver-haired teen normally wasn't good with situations when he made another person angry. If anything it had always gotten awkward on his part and it makes it even harder for him to use his ability to control other people's emotions that way. Although for this person, he didn't. Rui knew about him being a demon just from the air he was giving off. It wasn't his personality, but his scent. If Angel ordained anything he did dangerous, that would put him in a dangerous position.
As the proprietor of Stardust Lounge led him past the shelves or merchandise, he noticed they were chocked full of items such as oils and candles with very strong perfumes. Once the two came to the worker's area, Rui headed to the sink and turned on the hot water faucet to start the water. He scrubbed his shirt as the icy blue-eyed person commented on his behavior the night before and thought for a moment. There were two words that stuck out the most in those two sentences; "liability" and "weak". For a fraction of a second his expression darkened, but was quickly replaced with the face of his previous demeanor.
"Ah, I guess that couldn't be helped. I'm not as strong as the people I meet, and I always end up needing to be protected. Or maybe avoided just so whoever it is could avoid trouble. I might be a jinx!" Rui replied jokingly. Hoping to make use of the conversation that was going, the ashen silver-eyed stranger decided it was the right time to ask.
"Well, there is another reason why I came. It seems you aren't getting enough sleep, and this place is pretty popular so you're probably still short on help. Are you thinking about hiring anyone? If so, I'd like to apply to work here. You don't have to decide now and can just choose to call me whenever, I'm free until you do. My name is Rui, no last name."

13Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:10 am



Damian looked at Angel and Angel at Damian. Angel looked away and pinched the bridge of his nose. With a displeased look he turned to Damian and gave a nod. Instantly Damian was on Rui, his lips close to Rui's ear and his had on Rui's belt line. "So do you think you can handle working here." Damian licked Rui's ear and backed off. The boys headed out the room, Damian wiped his mouth then went behind the bar and grabbed his school bag and left. Angel wasn't as prepared he still had to get finished getting dressed. He didn't care about being late, he knew he could get out of it. He turned towards Rui "You know where the door is leave when your done. Oh and don't try to take anything, I'll know and I'll hunt you down."


14Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:50 pm



Poke-chan wrote:

Poke let him wriggle free. "Good idea, I know Nami-chan eats a ton when she wakes up." They walked into the small kitchen and began to pull out eggs, bread, and anything else they could think to make. School was going to be hell tomorrow, and not just because Poke didn't get any sleep.

Nami sniffed the air as she felt her stomach growl; eggs, bacon, and some other things she was already making plans to devore. She loved how Poke cooked every morning, it was so nice to wake up to a smiling face and tasty food. It was one of the many things she loved about the redhead. Of course, she'd never said anything to her about how she felt, but those damn kids were sturring up trouble. If they didn't keep their mouths shut she would have to shut them up herself. She didn't want to ruin what she had with Poke. Because if she lost Poke, she'd lose everything. And that would not happen again.

Nami, trying to forget the upsetting memories, walked out to the kitchen, following her nose to the tastey smelling food. she spotted Adrian walking back to where they'd told to pair of strays to sleep. He was probably going to wake up his boyfriend. Nami sat down, tossed a lopsided grin at the redhead who had given her a plate full of food and a big grin.

"Morning Nami-chan! Sleep well?"

She swallowed the first big bite of food, "For three hours of sleep, yeah, I did. You?"

"I didn't sleep..."

Nami peered over at her, "Spend all night cooking?" Poke smiled at her.

Then the smile faded. "No," she shrugged. "Just the pre-school jitters, I guess."


15Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:46 pm



Poke-chan wrote:
Poke-chan wrote:

Poke let him wriggle free. "Good idea, I know Nami-chan eats a ton when she wakes up." They walked into the small kitchen and began to pull out eggs, bread, and anything else they could think to make. School was going to be hell tomorrow, and not just because Poke didn't get any sleep.

Nami sniffed the air as she felt her stomach growl; eggs, bacon, and some other things she was already making plans to devore. She loved how Poke cooked every morning, it was so nice to wake up to a smiling face and tasty food. It was one of the many things she loved about the redhead. Of course, she'd never said anything to her about how she felt, but those damn kids were sturring up trouble. If they didn't keep their mouths shut she would have to shut them up herself. She didn't want to ruin what she had with Poke. Because if she lost Poke, she'd lose everything. And that would not happen again.

Nami, trying to forget the upsetting memories, walked out to the kitchen, following her nose to the tastey smelling food. she spotted Adrian walking back to where they'd told to pair of strays to sleep. He was probably going to wake up his boyfriend. Nami sat down, tossed a lopsided grin at the redhead who had given her a plate full of food and a big grin.

"Morning Nami-chan! Sleep well?"

She swallowed the first big bite of food, "For three hours of sleep, yeah, I did. You?"

"I didn't sleep..."

Nami peered over at her, "Spend all night cooking?" Poke smiled at her.

Then the smile faded. "No," she shrugged. "Just the pre-school jitters, I guess."

Adrian poked at his food. "What's it like a school? " He asked.

16Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:39 pm



Momo wrote:

Adrian poked at his food. "What's it like a school? " He asked.

Nami peered up at the ear-adorned boy. "Eh, nothing special. Just you sitting in a room with a bunch of other kids learning stuff. Most of it you probably won't ever use again in your life."

"Nami-chan!" Poke hissed. "Don't give him that kind of first impression!" She met Adrian's eyes. "It's a really fun place if you have friends around. You'll like it, I promise. Besides, even if you don't have fun the whole time it'll be a great human experiance!"

Nami rolled her eyes at her optomistc friend. She shovled the rest of her food into her mouth and ran off to get ready, seeing she was the only one not dressed.

It only took a few minutes to slip on her black leggins, boots, shredded tanktop and fishnet shirt. She was by the door with her backpack just as Trai opened it up. Poke stood behind the boys in her usual jeans and green hoodie, bookbag slung from one shoulder. As they left the apartment Nami got out in front as Poke covered the rear. after what had gone one last night they weren't taking any chances. One little lack of security could cost them.


17Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:18 am



They had only gotten a few blocks when Trai suddenly stopped. "OH.."
"Oh, what?" Adrian asked. "I forgot something important! You guys go on ahead I'll meet you there." Before Poke or Nami could stop him he was off at runner-speed back to the house. "I can get there and back no problem without running into any demons." Trai thought casually to himself. He had just reached the door when a chill went up his spine. He turned towards the shadows and knew right away that he had been wrong.

18Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:40 am



Damian was counting on a nice solemn walk home. He was deep in his thought when he sensed another presence. He looked to see a vaguely familiar face speeding towards him. He stopped at an apartment building, he seemed unaware of Damian's presence until that moment. He looked towards Damian and Damian stared back. Damian wasn't very good at socializing outside of the club. He didn't want to be rude but before he could give a smile or a wave the familiar stranger vanished inside the apartment.
Damian couldn't remember where he had seen that guy before. He was terrible with faces, he always had people coming and going, he never cared to remember them.


19Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:51 am



Trai ducked inside the apartment. "What the hell?" he said out load to himself. "It's that demon boy from the club!" Trai slowly peeked out the window but he could no longer see the boy. "Well...ok. He was probably just going back to the club. He probably didn't even see me! Yeah...that's it. Or maybe I'm seeing things. God, I'm way too paraniod. I need to relax." He ran up to his room to get the notebook that had been left behind along with a pack of cigarettes that he had carefully hidden. "Well, what Adrian doesn't know won't hurt him." He popped one in his mouth and walked out the door. As soon as he shut it behind him he came face to face with the boy Damian.

20Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:01 am



Damian was now nose to nose with with Trai. He didn't know what to do, "Hey whats up" Damian stammered out in his loner kid voice. He took a step back to give Trai a little space. He still searched his mind for the boys name, "Calvin was it?"


21Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:04 am



"Close. It's Trai" Trai stared at the boy. He seemed almost shy. He tried not to let his guard down. "I hope you aren't here to cause trouble. No offense but I've had enough of demons this week."

22Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:10 am



"That's who you are, your the hot guy that pals around with the half" said way that almost was up beat. Damian never showed enthusiasm when he spoke. He instantly blushed when he realized he just called him hot to his face. "I'm just heading to school, I dislike confrontation too, Angel and I are always getting dragged into things because of Raphael. Damian ran out of things to say but he didn't want to face the awkward silence that could leave room for Trai to mention the hot comment. "So, ummm do you like clowns?"


23Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:15 am



Trai blinked at the awkward boy. "Clowns? Heh...no. I don't think they're very funny." The way he was blushing reminded him of his boyfriend, so he couldn't help but soften for him. "Well, hey. I'm going to school too. I guess if you want we could get there together."

24Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:26 am



Damian was taking back by the tone in Trai's voice, he never heard such a tone from a human. In the club the men always talked with such a hunger and anywhere else everyone talked with a stale demeanor. "Yea they scare me" he gripped his book bag strap at the thought of those painted face freaks. "Well, I'm not use to company but I'm sure you will do." As he said that he instantly realized he might offend him. "Not that I'm settling or anything I'm sure your great company, I'm just not use to human's they are often self absorb, not that there is anything wrong with humans, i'm sure there are some good ones like you." Damian couldn't stop he kept rambling trying not offend Trai, normally he wouldn't care but something was different about this person. He all of a sudden cared about what he thought. He was starting to get confused about what was so special about him.


25Demon Rp - No new members Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:36 am



Trai playfully patted the young boy on the back. "Hey, don't worry about it. As long as you act cool I'm sure more humans are gonna accept you. You're pretty shy for a demon. I know a guy just like you. You should be more confident! You don't seem bad, and you're pretty adorable too." He grinned, pulled the half-smoked cig from his mouth and ground it into the dirt. "Oh, I'm not really supposed to be doing this. Bad for my health and all. So I'm gonna ask you not to mention it."

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