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Demon Rp - No new members

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176Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:53 pm



Raphael didn't want to be weird and wait for him inside. "I'm going to be outside, find me when your done."
Raphael walked out the bathroom only to run into a already waiting Trai, "What are you doing here."

Trai looked up at Rafael. "What do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?"

177Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:45 pm



"I'm not anywhere near Damian." Raphael smiled. He wanted to see how far he could push the human.
"Look you made your choice when you kissed Damian, live with it, and live without him.


178Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:06 pm



Zatzu wrote:"I'm not anywhere near Damian." Raphael smiled. He wanted to see how far he could push the human.
"Look you made your choice when you kissed Damian, live with it, and live without him.

"Fuck you. I never decided something like that! That guy kissed ME! And so what? That doesn't mean I care about him any less. I know you kissed him but I can forgive him for that! I don't care! JUst stop messing with him."

179Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:24 pm



"Forgive him? Who ever asked for your forgiveness, we'll be fine without it. You don't know anything about me. Why don't you do the smart thing and stay out of the affairs of demons." Somehow this human was pushing his buttons in return. He growled, he felt like he was gonna snap. He shifted towards Trai, "Don't cross me or I will kill you, and eat you." He stormed down the hall forgetting that Adrian would be expecting him to be outside.


180Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:07 am



Zatzu wrote:"Forgive him? Who ever asked for your forgiveness, we'll be fine without it. You don't know anything about me. Why don't you do the smart thing and stay out of the affairs of demons." Somehow this human was pushing his buttons in return. He growled, he felt like he was gonna snap. He shifted towards Trai, "Don't cross me or I will kill you, and eat you." He stormed down the hall forgetting that Adrian would be expecting him to be outside.

Trai was mentally prepared to argue back untill the words 'kill you and eat you' were uttered. Rafael walked away and Trai was standing dumbfounded. "EAT me? The hell is that about?" He leaned against the wall beside the bathroom, aware that Adrain was still inside and would eventually have to come out and talk to him.

181Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:57 am



Raphael went through his physics class asleep, he wasn't one for academics. He looked forward to his gym classes in the second half of the day.

He almost made it through the whole beginning of his day until he caught the scent of blood accompanied by strong energy. He knew the boys were feeding. He was a little pissy that they didn't wait for him but whatever as long as they saved to body. As soon as class was let out he tracked down the boys and more importantly the body. She looked delicious, definitely fresh meat. Because of Damian there wasn't much blood to cause a mess. He took the body to a hidden place to devour it. He often like to take jewelry if he thought it look nice.

He began to head to his active classes spinning a pretty necklace he had salvaged off the body.


182Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:45 am



Poke waved Nami goodbye and headed to her Language class. It would take almost the rest of day, save a math and history class. She waited until Nami joined the other students on the field before entering the building and running into someone.


183Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat May 16, 2009 1:01 am



Angela was already running a lap when she spotted Nami coming towards the field. "Oh, this should be fun". She quickly finished so she could torture Nami.

Raphael walked past Poke smiling spinning the pretty trinket. "Hello Poke, enjoying your day? hehehe"


184Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun May 17, 2009 2:37 am



Nami stretched quickly. The warm ups always bored her, but teachers insisted upon them for some Gods awful reason. If you were too weak to jump right into action them its your own damn fault. An opponent isn't going to wait for you to "warm up" before attacking.

And speaking of opponent, Nami sensed a demon approaching her. It was the damned fox girl. She glanced over her shoulder quickly, to let the cur know she was aware of her presence. Then, she promptly quit her stretching and waited for the demon to speak. it must have wanted something.


Poked blinked at the wolf-man. And his new toy. She'd seen it somewhere before, she was sure of it...

It was the necklace the girl that Damian killed was wearing! "R-rafael!" She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at him. Yes, the girl was dead, but that was no reason to go flauting her posessions. He should respect her a little bit.


185Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:15 am



Angela snickered at the death glare given to her by Nami. What did she think she was doing, intimidating? She casually walked by with her nose in the air. Almost to say,"your existence isn't even worth a glance from me." She promptly took her place in the front of the class and waited for the instructor.

"Yes Poke, is there something you needed." Raphael said while smiling. He knew what she wanted, he just liked to tease her.

Damian lowered his head, "Who the hell are you?"


186Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:45 am



Nami smirked to herself as the demon walked by, an air of self-given supiriority about it. What a stupid thing, thinking she cared how it treatd her. Nami righted herself and stood on the other side of the class, keeping away from the demon so she could control herself easier. Nami hadn't forgotten that that damn monster had fondled Poke!


"That!" she pointed wildly at the still swinging necklace. He had to know that was what was bothering her. Rafael was no idiot. "You know, you could have a little respect for the poor girl after you ate her!" she hissed in an urgent voice.

Honestly, didn't demons have a shred of care of honor? Not to mention all of this was really starting to grate on her already frayed nerves. She really wished she hadn't cut her lunch with Ms. Harven short. for some reason she felt calm around the woman. maybe she'd go find her next break.


Tay smiled wider. "I've told you already, I'm your sister. Half sister, but that's all details." She stood up and moved closer to him. "If you want real answers you'll have to be more specific than that."


187Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:58 am



Today they would start off with placement of the students. Their first test was martial arts. They would be randomly match and work their way up or down, according to how they do.
"It's pretty so i thought it shouldn't be wasted on a missing body. Plus its hard to digest jewelry. I was planning on giving it to you as a present."
"Prove that your my sister first before i go wasting time."


188Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:23 am



Nami grabbed her number. 13, she hoped against hope that she would be pared up with Angela first thing, but, as thing normally went for her, she got some random girl that didn't look like she could lift more than thirty pounds.

"Wonderful," she muttered to herself. She could only wish for some sort of elimination rounds to her get to her goal.


Poke felt like slapping herself, or Rafael, or anyone really! "Don't joke around with me! And, if you hadn't killed that girl you wouldn't have to worry about digesting her damn jewlery, now would you?" She felt her fists clench and unclench. "I get you guys need to eat, but in school? And people that have something? I just- ahh, never mind. I'll have my thoughts together tonight before my shift at Start Dust."

Then, something hit her. Did they still have jobs there? Because now, they needed them more than ever, seeing as the Hunter Socity was starting to get a little too involved with them for Poke's calm of mind. Not to mention her new "mission".

"That is, if Nami-chan and I aren't fired."


Tay smiled. "Well, who else would know about those scars? And about that shield ability of yours that you so rarely use? You saw it yourself, didn't you? The other night when you pryed into my mind. What more proof do you need? I just want to talk and get to know you. I've never really had a family."

Maybe he'd lighten up if she got sappy.


189Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:14 am



Trai and Adrian finally exited the bathroom. They walked awkwardly in silance to Adrian's locker as he needed something before going to class. Trai leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "Look," he said "I'm sorry for whatever you think happened. Sorry for what did happen. And I'm sorry for shit that hasn't even happened yet that you'll get upset by in the future. I just...don't want to lose you over something like this. Can't we just forget it all? Say that we're even?"

The smaller boy glanced up at him, unable to keep from melting at his words. He felt bad for the way he treated him..and for getting involved with Rafael. Okay, maybe it wasn't that simple. He didn't regret being with Rafael exactly. He just regretted the fact that he had hurt Trai in doing so. Was that wrong?

Suddenly a teacher approached them.

190Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:56 am



Rui walked the halls reading through notes he had jotted through the day. He had had his agency give him employment at the school as a disciplinary officer, and Psychology professor. He had very few classes and got to roam the school aimlessly "monitoring for trouble".

As he walked, glancing over his chicken scratched words, he noticed two boys loitering in the hall. It was already 45 minutes into the class, and even if one of them had a pass that did not give them the right to stand in the hallway together. As he walked up he recognized the two boy as the bystanders from the fight.

"Hello students I'm Mr. Heno, disciplinary officer, these hallways aren't for socializing. Show me hall passes, or I'm going to have ask you to come with me." His silvery eyes scanned them both, waiting for any type of adverse reaction.


191Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:56 pm



"Aren't you that guy from the thing at the place with the fighting and shouting and general discomfort?" Trai asked, completely serious.

192Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:51 pm



Rui almost forgot this was a school for gifted students. After that response he believed that the school needed to kick up the level of the qualification test.

"If you do not produce a hall pass I'm gonna need you two to follow me this way." Gesturing deeper into the hall, towards the faculty rooms.

Rui thought to himself, "these kids are going to blow my cover if I'm not careful, maybe I should use a disguise."


193Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:58 pm



Trai glanced at Adrian. "Did he answer my question?"

Adrian shrugged. "Maybe he didn't hear you."

Trai looked at the older man. "HEY! Are you that guy or not!? It's kinda important ya know?" He poked the man in the forehead for good measure.

194Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:17 pm



"The only important thing here is the fact that two delinquents are loitering in the hall. Now you two truants will follow me and i will have no more useless inquiries.

Angela drew 7, her eyes immediately shot towards Nami, but alas she would not be pitted against her yet. She did smile as she asked herself if she thought she would get expelled for using lethal force.

The first girl stepped up, She was some butchy looking man-lady, she prolly used advanced wrestling technique. And what do you know, Angela was right. The androgynous hulk barreled at her going for her waist, probably to lift her into a suplex. Before her arms grasped Ange's tiny waist, she lifted herself with one hand, using the incredible bulk's head as a anchor point. Once she got straight up she slipped off her head, sliding her hand down to her neck. Once she had hold her body arched, swinging her legs into the dumbfounded girls back. Using her downward momentum she landed on the ground lifting her opponent into the air. She thrusted her legs forward sending her now victim flying 10 feet across the room landing on her head. Angela snickered at the thought of crippling the fatty.

"Oh, my dear friend of course you're not fired, would i get such a lovely trinket for an ex coworker. Now here take it, I won't take no for an answer" His eyes were cold, even behind his warm smile. "Put in on, your job depends on it." He was delighting in his torture of the girl. He knew the anguish and compassion she had felt for the previous owner of the necklace.


195Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:24 pm



"Useless?? It's important! More important than this damn school and these damn classes! There's a damn war going on between demons and humans that needs to stop! You're just going to dodge questions and take us to detention? What will that accomplish?"

196Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:52 pm



Nami stared down the thin girl. She didn't look too hard to beat, but she reminded herself that this was a school for gifted students. This girl was going to be fast. Chances were she was a pin point strikers too. Acrobatic if her lankiness was anything to go by. The biggest problem for Nami would be catching the girl.

She watched in silence as Angela went through her match, not even batting an eyelash a the bull. She couldn't look bad next to her. She wouldn't look bad next to that.

Her match came up and she was spot on. Skinny was quick. she ran around and around the blonde, trying to confuse her and get an opening. Like that would work. Nami tackled demons. Fought things this little girl would crap her pants just imagining.

She closed her eyes and waited. It wouldn't take long for Skinny to attack. She toko a total of five more steps before she flew at Nami's back, a jump kick aimed at the curve of her spine. Nami side stepped, caught the girl's arm, and spun. The chick was so light it hardly took any effort to lift her over her head and slam her down. She didn't get back up.

Nami smirked and made sure to lock eyes with the demon. Soon.


Poke stared at Rafael. He was joking, right? He had to be. There was no way anyone, demon or human, could be that mean. He knew how upset she was about losing the girl. And to say they still had a job and then threaten it? "What? What is wrong with all of you? Are we just fun to fuck with? You know I'm still upset about what you guys did!"

She felt her hands shaking. Her voice was getting louder even though she knew she should be keeping it down for so many reasons. She was just so mad...


197Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:29 pm



"What do you mean war, there will be no gang violence in my halls! Now boys if someone is picking on you two in class because of this then you should get an official. Still that's no reason to stay in the hallway, and not to mention disobeying a teacher."

He was strong and quick witted, he wasn't gonna give in. He would of used the pheromones if he had to.

Angela smiled, her opponent looked so fun, she couldn't wait any longer it was time. Angela's grin almost reached ear to ear, she was so anxious her fangs began to form "I Angela Royal, hereby challenge Nami Ryoushi to a challenge match." She shot her eyes at the teacher, she wouldn't say no.

Raphael was shocked and disgusted that his human toy would dare raise her voice to him. His hand shot forward, grabbing her by he neck pushing he against the wall, suffocating her. "Listen little girl how dare you, a pathetic human, raise your voice at me. You will put on the necklace, you will appreciate it, and you will show up for work, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" People stared but knew not to interfere with Raphael. He watched as Poke's eyes fluttered from lack of oxygen. He dropped her and then helped her up with that same warm inviting smile.


198Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:50 pm



Nami leered at the demon. Oh, so that was what she wanted to play at? Well, if the bitch wanted to flat out challenge her who was she to say no? "Bring it on! I can finally give you payback for touching Poke!" She squared her shoulders and looked the demon.


Poke wasn't sure what just happened, it was so quick. she should have been able to block, or at least know that he moved before she was slammed into a wall. Just how far off her game was she? And that feeling of being mad was still there. She shouldn't be mad, hell, if anything she should be a little scared. She'd never yell at the wolf demon in her right mind, he held too much over her head.

She felt herself standing with someone's help. "What's wrong with me?" she said, though she wasn't sure if it was internal or not. Beneath her skin she felt something stirring. Just what was wrong with her?


199Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:57 pm



"Please you week little girl, you couldn't pay me back a dollar. If you weren't so weak you would never had that problem." Angela walked into the ring shoving the girl, who was suppose to go next, out the way.
She took her stance and waited, like an animal hunting it's prey.

"Oh you just had a dizzy spell, you'll b fine as long as you keep your voice down. Now what are you going to do?" Raphael hated doing such things but couldn't stand humans stepping out of place.


200Demon Rp - No new members - Page 8 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:07 pm



Nami was two second from pulling out some ass kicking magic, but knew she couldn't. But, should Angela cross the line she'd be right behind her. "Please, you haven't seen what I can really do." She could feel the itching want for a good fight brewing. This would be good.


She knew what had happened, he'd kicked her ass. "Liar," she muttered. "You knocked me into a wall. I got that. I have no idea why I was yelling at you though. I must have been out of my mind." She pushed off him lightly and stood on her own, the world swimming for a second. She looked over at him, bowed, and apologized. She'd have Nami look at her after school.

"I have class and I can't be late," she said as she made to walk off. She needed to get away before she lost her temper again.


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