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Demon Rp - No new members

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126Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:32 pm



Poke felt a stab of empathy with Angel. Sure, it wasn't exactly the same as what happened with her, but she knew what it felt like to not have a true home, to be alone in the world. She figured Damian and Rafael were just convenient truces of allies and helpful business partners.

She felt him relax and settle down in her lap. She almost smiled, seeing as it was a bit awkward. Then, suddenly, his ears perked and caused her to try to figure out what was going on. She sensed Nami getting closer. There was no way school was over already.

Angel tensed and then became much heavier and a lot less fluffy as he transformed back into his human form. Naked and on her lap. "AHHHHHHH!!!!"

There was no quake that time, but Nami did choose that moment to show up and take in the whole scene. Without a word she ripped off her talisman and aimed at the fox demon man on Poke's lap. Poke would have tried to stop her if she had a thought process past 'Holy shit get this naked demon guy off me!'


127Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:46 pm



Angel quickly strafed to the left towards the window he had opened. He always made sure he had an escape route. He looked at Poke, "Thanks" as he jumped out of the window. As he fell still naked he motioned for his book bag that was still on the street to come to him. As he did his closed swirled up around him clothing him before he hit the ground.

He stood looking up with his bag in hand, looking at the window he had just exited.


128Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:18 pm



Poke couldn't move, as in shock as she was. Even when Nami tried to snapped her out of it she was ridged as a board. "Poke," she called from what sounded like a distance, though she was right there, hands on her shoulders. "What did he do to you? I'll kill him! what did he do?"

Kill? That got her. "No!" she cried and slid down, going a bit limp. "No, that was my fault anyway, but..." Poke looked up at Nami worried and furious face. "EW! That was soooooo gross! He was all naked and manish! Ew!!!! I need a shower!" Poke jumped up and dashed to the bathroom. Nami stayed on her tail.

"Wait, wait, wait," she said as Poke motioned for Nami to hand her a towel. "What the hell happened?"

"Just let me get in the shower, I'll tell you about it while I clean myself."


Nami just blinked, unbelieving, at her friend. "No fucking way."

Poke shrugged, now calm and drying her hair. "I totally flipped. Did you feel that earthquake?" Nami nodded. "I think I did that. It was so... weird. It felt so out of place. And out of no where. Just a surge of some weird power and then... BOOM earthquake and shattered windows, soon as I screamed. I really think something's wrong with me..."

Nami listened, this was bad. The wave of energy had definitely been that of a powerful demon. If it had really come from Poke this meant something that had never happened, on record, before was happening to her best friend. "We've got to figure this out. But we're going to need help." And the only way to find out about demons was from demons. "We've got to hunt down those demon boys, for lack of a better term, and ask for help. This is a big problem, not just for us."

Sighing, and dreading going back to school today, she grabbed her scarf and pulled on her boots. "THen let's get this over with."


129Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:33 pm



Damian walked the halls, hood up and head down. He didn't bother with anyone in that school. Especially today, after all that went on he didn't even want to be there. He went down a back hallway devoid of people so he wouldn't have to bother with them.


130Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:45 pm



Tay walked into the school through a less used entrance on the side. She did hope she'd be able to meet up with that Rui guy, he might be able to help her ou in the long run. Plus, it did hurt that he was pretty damn hot.

She also hoped she'd be able to find Damian, her brother, after school. She had to go, a girl, half demon or no, needed a proper education. How else was she to survive independently?


Poke and Nami ran as fast as they could back to school. They needed to find one, if not hopefully all, of the demon boys. They needed answers.


131Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:49 pm



Angel briskly walked into the school, he mapped out the halls in front of him. He looked for any signs that the school had been worked on. All seemed fine, using his keen senses he located the positions on Angela, Raphael, and Damien. He eased up and headed towards the science wing, it was time to get to work.

He had to arrange everything in there so that he could work more proficiently. And that way mostly everyone would not be able to work in the lab.
Damian went right for the cafeteria, there he could relax away from everyone. While he was in there he didn't have to go to the first class. His guidance counselor scheduled him for public speaking first period. One he hated talking to other people, two his public speaking was very good, and three even if he didn't mind speaking he definitely wouldn't like it first thing in the morning.


132Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:16 pm



Joey walked through the hallways, which quickly began to empty into first period. Kids still buzzed with conversation about the "earthquake" earlier. He knew it hadn't been natural, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything about it alone. He'd spoken to Sicilia while everyone was outside and she'd told him not to worry about it until she told him to. Seeing as she was in a bad mood at the time he listened and put it out of his mind.

However, hearing it over and over in the halls was making that rather hard. He decided to find those two little corporate girls. Choice made he headed off towards the preforming arts wing, ready to dance, sing, and bullshit - er, act. Yeah, that's what he meant.


Nami and Poke slowed as they neared the building. They'd arrived smack-dab in the middle of first period. The soft murmur of lectures and conversation drifted out of open windows. Nami pushed open the front door and followed Poke to the front desk to sign in.

Dodging questions made by the attendant they agreed to use their lunch hour to find the boys and get their answers. Hugging before they parted Nami headed to the English wing while Poke was off to World Languages, two halls over.


"Okay, left here, keep going until I get there, cut across to here..." Tay muttered to herself as she focused on the mental image of the layout of the school, trying to find the quickest, and most creative, way to her first class, Fashion.

she slipped inside the cafeteria and peered around for the door she needed. It was then that she spotted her half-brother. sitting in the shadows in the back, not facing her.


133Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:31 pm



[quote="Zatzu"]Raphael felt the chill from each of them. He could tell Adrian was breaking inside, as long as he stayed strong he would b fine. He wasn't sure how to feel, was Adrian grabbing tighter. Did he actually care for him or was he just using him to make Trai jealous.[quote]

Adrian punched the wall in anger "RRAAH!!" but quickly recoiled. "Ow...damnit. Trai is being such a jerk...he should appologize to me! He's the one that started this crap!"

134Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:36 pm



Damien quickly picked up on Tay's presence, he turned slightly to the soda machine and caught Tay's reflection on the glass. Oh god why did she have to find him here. He had questions but he need time to think things through first. He knew he couldn't leave, she would see him. His only hope was if she didn't see him or avoided him.
"Poke Kloi, you shouldn't be wandering the halls deary. First period is about to start and you should be with me. I don't take kindly to tardiness." Astella seem to come out of nowhere. She walked down the center of a vacant hallway, Poke in her sights. "I will escort you to my room personally."


135Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:45 pm



Raphael grabbed Adrian's hand, he brought it to his lips. "Let it go, you have me now" he kissed the red mark on his knuckles.


136Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:09 am



Poke looked over at the teacher. "Umm, I was sure I had Language..." She pointed absently towards the room she had been set towards. "Was there a change?"

She had a strange feeling about this. but, then again, today might have just put her on edge.


Tay was caught in a conundrom. Walk up to Damian and talk to him, hopefully getting answers, or pretend she didn't see him and continue on her way to class.

Well, Fashion always was what you made it. and she could make it later. "Damian, right?" Tay called as she made a beeline for him.


137Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:01 am



"I have a copy of my student list, and here you are first and second period Choir, sorry if this causes any confusion. I couldn't find you this morning to tell you. Well let us go, we can take the back stairs."
"Uggh someone must really hate me this morning" Damian muttered before he hit is head against the table.


138Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:46 am



Well, if she had a class list...

Poke shrugged and followed along behind the teacher. Choir first ting in the morning, not bad. A lot better than translating boring texts from a million and half languages. Ready to try and have a somewhat enjoyable and normal day at school she let herself relax.


Tay winced when she saw Damian hit his head on the table he sat at. With a winning smile, she approached him and said "Bad time? I just want to chat. It'll be a quickie." She winked and waited for him to look up.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I. AM. Boss!)


139Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:49 pm



"Well say what you're gonna say." Damian pulled his hood over his head as it laid on the table.


140Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:24 am



Tay smiled tentatively. "Well, first off, you aren't supposed to have hoods up in school mister cool." She slid into the chair next to him. "And I think it should be You wanting to talk to Me!" She pointed reproachfully.


Poke followed Astella into a room and walked in past her. Without even looking around she knew there was no one but them in there. She whirled around to face the teacher, had they walked in the wrong room.

"Umm, Miss..." The door was closed and it was just the two of them. "Uh-oh," she said.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


141Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:34 am



"I had you put in my first period class so I could work one on one with you. You showed so much promise in your audition, I just had to see what you can do. I have a piece ready for you, i would like to work on it with you. It's called the Siren's Sonata." A large grin streched across Astella's face.
"Well no, i have nothing to say to you, so if you wouldn't mind i like my privacy." Damian felt violated that she knew his thoughts. Whether it was coincidence, or if somehow she knew what he was really thinking, this really pissed him off. He wanted to get up and go but he didn't want to waste the effort if she was just gonna follow him.


142Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:48 am



"I signed up for Choir, a group class. Not one-on-one training. I'm flattered by the offer ma'am, but I'm really nothing special." Poke took a cautious step back, her hand wrapped around the scarf behind her back, just in case.


Tay sighed. This guy was NOT a morning person. "Oh yes you do. Just like me. But," she stood and smiled. "I'll talk to you when you're in a better mood. Sundown behind your club? Tonight?"

Without waiting for an answer, hoping he'd be there, she walked off with a friendly wave. "See you soon, bro!"


143Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:52 am



"No Ms. Kloi, you have a nice voice, that with some work can be extraordinary. Oh and it's mandatory, if you refuse you'll fail for the year and be instantly expended." Astella smiled sweetly as she spoke. She walked over the music sheet and brought it to Poke. "If i feel you can't handle it, I'll simply place you in my regular class, but until then i ask you to work with me."


144Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:05 pm



With a pout Poke held out her hand for the sheet. She looked over the staffs and felt her mouth drop open. How the hell was she going to hit those notes?!

"I can't hit that note. It's more than an octave above my range..." She really didn't want to fail and get kicked out but she also didn't want to make a fool of herself.


145Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:10 am



Astella moved demonishly fast towards Poke, she was getting quite frustrated with the whiny girl.
"You'll do fine, that's why I'm here, anything you need work on I will correct. Now lets begin." Astella picked up Poke's chin opening her air ways. She lifted her other hand preparing to direct. "Now sing!"


146Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:26 pm



Poke was seriously getting freaked out now. She wasn't one to be intimidated... usually. But this woman, there was just something about her that seemed to coax Poke into agreeing with her. That, and the woman was a bit scary.

"Okay, here goes," she mumbled. Taking a quick read over the music she waited for the teacher to begin conducting.

As her hands moved into the air she counted the time while giving Poke her starting note. Poke took one last breath and began. "Aquarious------" Most of the song was in Latin, and she had to remind herself not to translate while she sang. The notes were high, constantly at the top of her range, but the song was beautiful. Even coming from her mouth.

Something like approval flashed in her new mentor's eyes. Along with something else, something darker.


147Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:54 pm



Astella recognized Poke's potential, she may have been whiny but she would get over that. Her voice was tranquil and flowing,very few cracks. She also picked up on the high notes very quickly. Next she would have to push her so her voice would empower, now she was just singing she had to put effort into using her ability.

"Great now on the line Fortiori carpe debitum naturae, I want you to get angry. Think of the one thing that pisses you off most and put in your words. It will bring your words to life."


148Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:08 am



Great? Mrs. Harven liked her singing? Yay! She had to try hard not to disappoint her. 'Angry, I can do that!' she thought. She thought back to any memory that held anger. One in peticular stood out in the crowd. When she and Nami had had their first mission with the Demon Hunter Society, Nami had gotten hurt protecting Poke. It had made her furious.

She took a breath and filled herself with the memory of Nami's pain and the emotion that had filled her then. And she sang with a voice so smooth and hot with recalled rage it made her tingle. Like she was doing something she hadn't in a long time.


149Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:27 am



Astella had timed it perfectly, she invited one of her students to the sound booth. The light went on letting Astella know she had enter the other room. The studio had a one way mirror so Poke couldn't see the girl, but the girl could see Poke. Just before Poke's part Ms. Harven stepped into the other room and watched as the girl's heart failed. The sound ripped threw her cardiac system turning it to ribbons.

Astella knew she had done it, she had awakened Poke's latent abilities, now all she needed to do is to make her use them willingly. This was the hard part.


150Demon Rp - No new members - Page 6 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:20 pm



Poke sang the last few verses, hit the majority of the high notes from what she could tell. A small smile graced her lips as she took a steadying breath and waited for the teacher to grade her preformance. But, as she inhaled she smelled something familiar and metalic.

She sniffed the air again, trying to figure out what it was, but couldn't through Ms. Harven's perfume. "Ma'am, do you smell something odd?"


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