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Demon Rp - No new members

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151Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:37 pm



Zatzu wrote:Raphael grabbed Adrian's hand, he brought it to his lips. "Let it go, you have me now" he kissed the red mark on his knuckles.

Adrian's ears twitched slightly. Could he really say that he had Rafael now? Did this boy really care for him that much? He pulled his hand back suddenly and turned away. "Sure...whatever you say. I'm just gonna use the bathroom >_>". "

152Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 am



Raphael felt discarded by Adrian's reaction. He blew it off as if he didn't care at all. "Well I'll be here, then I can give u a tour of the school"
"Hm, I'm not sure, you know these old rooms, scents and sounds galore. Hey, i think that's enough today, we still have i believe forty minutes to play around with. How about i treat you to a nice snack to sooth your throat."


153Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:55 pm



Poke still felt unsure, but there was no reason to bother her teacher with it. She'd come back later, maybe tonight, and investigate. Right now she'd just been offered a treat to sooth her throat, and that just had to be ice cream or something sweet like that. Poke was beginning to like her choir teacher. It might not be so bad to have to do one-on-one work.

"Alright," she chirped. "If you think it's okay."


Nami glanced at the clock on the wall, class was no where near over, even though it'd felt like hours since she'd sat down for tutorials. She couldn't wait until her minor, athletics, to roll around. She really needed to burn off some steam.

'Wonder how Poke-chan's doing in Language...'


154Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:56 am



Astella walked Poke to the cafeteria for a soothing treat. She bought both of them some ice cream to cool there throats. Estella looked at Poke and waited for her to glance back. As she looked back at Astella, she gave her a sweet look.

"Because of certain things in the past I was unable to have kids. If I would of ever had a daughter I would hope she would be just like you."


155Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:18 am



Poke felt her heart leap at the comment. No one had ever said anything so kind to her! No one but Nami, and never that straight forward. Before she could gather the coherency to respond she felt tears pooling in her eyes. "Oh," she gasped and whipped them away. "Thank you so much Mrs. Harven. You don't know what that means to me."

Poke looked her teacher in the eye and flashed her the best smile she could muster. Finally, her life looked like it was turning around. Maybe that bad luck she'd had all her life was finally coming to an end.


156Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:56 pm



Damian was curious at the bro comment. What would she have to gain posing as his sister. All this commotion made him hungry in a way cafeteria food couldn't feed. He left unnoticed and slipped down a back hallway. He sat there waiting for another student to cross his path.

He began to hear footsteps down the hall, as he stared he spotted one of the gymnastic students rushing down the hallway. The coach was a stickler for punctuality. Damian stared them down, he stood out partially blocking their path. The began to shift to the other side of the hallway, as soon they got to the opening Damian brought out a wing blocking the hallway completely.

The student backed off scared, they began to turn the other way but with no success, Damian was already there. "Look I'm hungry and your useless, no one will care so just come here."


157Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:09 pm



Damn it! Damn human nature and womanly functuns!

She needed to get back to class! A stupid visit from "Aunt Flow" was NOT going to screw with her grades! Nami slipped into a back hall and sprinted away. She raced around a corner and sensed the familiar demon before she saw him.

Damian stood above a knocked out student. There was no blood so the kid had probably just fainted. "Hold it, you!"

She just couldn't catch a break today!


158Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:24 am



Damian already was holding the unconscious student in his hands. There was no stopping him now, he bared his fangs and sunk them into the body. His eyes changed to gray and his ears perked up.


159Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:09 am



"Y-you ass!" Nami stuttered. She'd never been so blantently ignored by a demon before. "Drop it! NOW!"

She ran over and pulsed energy through her body as a warning, if she fought him here and now there would only be more trouble. Her hand flew out and grabbed onto the collar of the kid's shirt. "Dammit! I said let go!" She tugged hard, but it was difficult trying not to break anything and make the demon releas its grip.

She wondered faintly if she was allowed to kill her employer.


Poke licked off the last of her ice cream just as a surge of demonic power trickled out of nowhere. It was quickly followed up by Nami's energy kicking out a warning blast of energy. Something was going on.

"Um, e-excuse me, Ms. Harven, but I - uh, need to... use the restroom! Yeah," she stumbled out. Poke got to her feet and made way towards the demon and her friend.


160Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:38 am



Astella sensed the energy to, this was another oppurtunity to mess with Poke's head. "Oh me too lets go together, hehe no we're just like best friends." Astella got up and linked arms with Poke.

Damian smiled as Nami fruitlessly pulled at the student. This student was as good as dead, he shot out his wings and knocked Nami away as he flew to the ceiling.

Angel could sense the energy from Damian. They had a pact, if one had food they all shared. Damian got most of the blood, Raphael gets the meat and before that Angel gets their soul. Angel thought to himself, I could use a meal, so he headed to his companion.


161Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:46 am



Nami stood back up and glared at the bat demon on the ceiling. "Give me that student or you'll be in real trouble!" she shouted as she allowed her power to ripple over her. "Now!"


Poke peered up at her teacher. It was nice that they were getting so friendly, but she couldn't bring the woman into a demon fight! But she couldn't just leave Nami to herself, expecially now that she felt another demon's power perk up. She needed a way out, and fast.

They made it to the hall the led to the bathrooms, it was forked, on to the main hall, one to the back hall where the energies were coming from. Either way would lead them to the false destination, but only one would put her where she needed to be and her teacher in danger.


162Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:22 am



Damian was severely humored by Nami's power display. What was she getting so worked up about she was already almost gone.

Angel briskly walked through the halls, on his way he passed by Poke and a teacher he had never seen before, but he didn't like her. As he walked by he couldn't help but mutter "Banshee" to which she replied nonchalantly "Abomination". He perked his nose up ever so slightly and chose the eastern hall.


163Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:29 am



Poke blinked rapidly at the man passing by her. Angel was headed for Nami and the other demon, which she noticed was Damian. Screw it! She could protect the teacher if she didn't run off first. Nami needed back up!

She broke from Astella's arm and ran after Angel, passing him just before he reacher Nami, who was staring down Damian... on the ceiling. He had a very pale girl and was sucking on her neck. Bad, that was very bad.

As soon as Poke appeared Nami shoot out a small burst of spirit energy, aimed at Damian's face. Poke kept her senses on Angel, who seemed to be slightly amused by the whole display, and her eye on the demon holding the girl. If he didn't let go Poke was going to come up there. She pulled out a knife from her boots and pointed it at the bat. "3... 2..."


164Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:53 am



Angel banked off the wall and headed right for the girl. Before he made contact he began to turn into a fox and pass right through the girl. When he passed to the other side he began to turn back to normal carrying a long blueish white smoke. He devoured the girl's soul like a strand of spaghetti.


165Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:57 am



Nami blinked rapidly at the fox demon. "Son of a bitch! Spit that back out right now!" Poke focused on Damian, who was still holding onto the souless body. Oh, they'd really fucked up.

"Damn it! Can't you guys eat bums or someone who doesn't exactly have a future if you've got to eat someone!" Poke hissed as she jumped up to slice at Damian in an attempted to recover the body. Maybe there was still hope.


166Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:03 am



Damian had been done feeding for awhile he just liked toting with the girls. Especially since they would probably come to work tonight. He dropped the body and landed on the ground near Angel. Damian walked off after wiping his mouth on the corpse. "Sorry ladies there was nothing I could do, she was as good as dead when i got here, so I thought mind as well eat her soul." Angel said like he was trying to reason with them.

"Raphael will probably be by soon to get rid of the evidence, okay."


167Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:19 am



Nami was furious beyond words. Her eye twitched and she was on the verge of blowing something up. That, and she had to wrok with them leter.

Poke, on the other hand, stoo dup from checking the body and conferming that the poor girl was dead. Very dead. "That doesn't make it okay!" she called. "You guys can't go around eating anyone you feel like! I don't care how strong you are! If you keep doing that Nami and I really willhave to kill you!" Poke really didn't want to. For some Gods-known reason she had started to feel oddly attached to the demons.

"Fuck that, I'll kill them now! They ate someone! Too late," Nami pooled her energy and began to take aim.

Poke was torn between teling Nami to stop and helping her fufill their duties as hunters.


168Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:09 pm



"We don't need permission from you to fulfill out basic needs. What if we made you starve, kept you from eating when you wanted to." Angel stood proud, he stood firmly by his point.

Damian was heading down hallway intending to ignore the squabbling. He soon felt a large amount of energy forming behind him. He instantly whipped around sending out a large screech the shattered glass and tore the paint from the walls.


169Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:51 am



Niether girl had a half decent reply to Angel's comment. "There has to be some middle ground here!" Poke insisted.

Just the a huge power began to form between the two demon boys. Before it could take shape, however, Damian sent a screech at its focus point. Nami did her best to throw up a shield for her and Poke but over sized it an wound up stretching it out to envelop just passed Angel, effectivly cutting its strength.



170Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:08 am



In an instant the boys vanished while the girls were startled. Angel went back to controlling the school, manipulating students to do his bidding. Damian was recharged, he didn't much care for appointments, he went to search for her who called him brother.

Sicilia couldn't care less at this point what the other were doing. Maybe if she was lucky they would kill each other. Angela had fallen asleep before martial arts class, she slept in a book in the library where Sicilia could keep an eye on her.


171Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:49 am



Both girls looked around, confused and dazed. "Wah? Where the hell did they go?" Nami growled. The boys were gone, and so was the damn body! Nami punched the wall in frustration, leaving a slight, cracked indent. "Bastards!"

Poke sat up and shook her head clear before looking around. Other than the damage Nami'd just caused nothing was broken or out of place. How odd. "What was that?"

Nami shrugged at her and help the girl up. "Beats me, but those three will be getting an earful from me after school!" And speaking of after school the day was almost half over already. All Nami had left were a bunch of physically taxing classes right after lunch. She smiled lightly at the thought of getting out some of her stress.

While Nami went on a quick daydream trip Poke glanced around for Ms. Harven, to no avail. She must have gone around a different way. Poke hoped the teacher wasn't cross with her. But that was for a later time. Right now, as the bell sounded from somewhere within the depths of the school, She and her partner were on a mission. To find one of the demons and make them explain what the hell was going on with Poke.


Tay skipped merrily towards the cafetiria by use of several conjoined, empty classrooms. she had pleanty of time to make it there and get some tastey food.

Earlier she'd felt a few very powerful energies, but thought nothing of it. It wasn't wise to bother people who were dealing with business that didn't consern her.

With a giggle she flipped over one of the desks and landed lightly on a stood near the corner of the room. She'd just come to notice she wasn't alone.


172Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:51 pm



Astella headed back to her class room, she had class and they were boring her. She was relieved, it didn't seem Poke's companion was much of a threat. If it wasn't for her, their little shield would have shattered and so would their ear drums.

Damian stood out of sight not making a sound none the less calling Tay. He wasn't sure what he was gonna say but there was no backing out.

Sicilia shut the book Angela was "reading" waking Angel in attention. "Go on your gonna be late for your next class, I'll be fine here."
"You sure."
"Yea, I can take care of myself, but thanks anyway."
"Alright I'll be back before the end of the day."

Angela left the library with a smile she was happy that things were back to normal. Now was time to have fun.


173Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:16 pm



The pair of hunters poked around everywhere. No luck. The trio was hidden and totally unfindable.

"Oh, so when we finally want to find a Gods damn demon they fucking vanish!? If we didn't need them alive for this I'd kill 'em!" Nami ranted just before ripping off a large chunk of manjuu with her mouth and chomping angrily.

Poke, though frustrated and worried, couldn't help but smile at the grumpy blonde. She reached over and pulled a tiny piece off of her friends bun and popped it in her mouth.

They'd made their way outside to a little, and empty, outside eating area. From where they sat they could see people gathering earily for martial arts class. Poke watched as groups of friends met up all over the field. 'Must be nice to have a whole bunch of friends..' Poke thought. She leaned against Nami and smiled up at her only friend.

Nami glanced down at her and raised an eyebrow. "With the face?" Poke shrugged the best she could next to the girl and began watching the groups again.

"Ever wish you had more friends than just me?"



Tay smiled as she sensed just who made her not alone. Damian stood, still as stone, in an unlit corner of the room.

"I know you're a bat demon and everything, but you don't have to play Dracula on my account," she chided. He was early.


174Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:08 am



"I'm doing anything of the sort, and I certainly wouldn't do anything special for you." Damian looked at the tiles on the floor, trying not to make eye contact. He noticed that the little tiles had no pattern, they were just thrown down in whatever order the person grabbed them in. They were just lonely spots, no greater design behind them, yet they still were there. Without any structure beyond the physical they still were there.


175Demon Rp - No new members - Page 7 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:36 am



Tay just flipped him a pout. "So mean to your darling little sister!" She turned slightly so that she was facing him dead on, not wanting to act like she had anything to hide. Already she could sense he was uncomfortable and shy. She followed his gaze and wound up with an eye full of floor tiles. Oh for the love of-

"Well?" she prompted. "You came and found me. Gotta be something on that little mind of yours."


Poke looked her friend dead in the eye, waiting for a response. "Are you nuts? Of course not! Don't you remember?"

--FLASHBACK(oh yes I went there)--

It was only a few days after she'd escaped from Cian, ally gone mad from her poor luck. She'd wondered the forest with no goal or purpose in mind. Maybe she should just live out the remainder of her pathetic life in a cave somewhere. That way people wouldn't get hurt just from being around her.

But, as luck would have it, she found no cave. All she came across were some huge trees with over hanging branches to hide her from the light rain that seemed to fall endlessly from the sky. She huffed and glared up at the sky. "Stupid rain," she muttered in the language she'd been taught. It still upset her to think about it, but now that she'd learned how to talk it was annoying not to.

It was in the dead of night that she heard the sound, a soft rustling somewhere to her left. She stood quickly, ready to flee if she had to. Poke expected to see soem monster, or dangerous animal. Hell, she half expected to see Cian for a moment. What she got was a girl about her age with short blonde hair and alert eyes.


Poke smiled up at her. "Naw, just a weird thought. Slipped out." She stood and glanced at the clock that was placed on the wall just inside the room. "Almost time for our next classes. Have fun in Hand-to-Hand! And try to control yourself please."

Nami just rolled her eyes at the redhead. "I'll make no promises." Poke pouted at her. "But I'll try." With a tight hug and big smiles they went their separate ways. So what if they hadn't been able to hunt down the demon boys. They'd be at work after school.

Oh joy of joys.


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