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Demon Rp - No new members

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26Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:41 am



As Trai's hand touched Damian's back his whole world went into slow motion. Every smile every word every touch was savored. What the hell was going on. Damian searched his mind for what he was feeling. What was happening to him. He was so caught up in his mind he didn't realize he had grabbed Trai and locked lips with him. He wasn't sure how it happened or for how long, he jumped back away from Trai. He was now in the middle of the street in the path of an on coming bus.


27Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:53 am



Trai looked up when the boy didn't answer, but before he even had time to think his lips were locked against his. He wanted to push him away but his whole body was frozen. When Damian finally pulled away he looked just as shocked as Trai himself must have been. The boy jumped back into the street just as a bus was coming. "Hey!" Trai screamed. Without thinking he grabbed Damian's outstreatched arm and pulled him against his chest as the bus whizzed by. The boy stayed shaking in his arms even after the bus turned a corner and was out of sight.

28Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:59 am



Damian wasn't shaking because of the bus, no he had faced much worse things. He was shaking because he didn't know what was going on. Damian in all the years he's been alive he never cared for another person. When he came to he noticed he was in Trai's embrace. He just tried to save him, not that the bus would have done much damage, it was the principle of the matter. "I am so sorry i don't know what came over me. If you hate me I'll understand, I'll leave you alone." Damian spilled without once looking Trai in the eye, how could he. With that he turned to walk away.


29Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:13 am



Damian apologized and walked away. Trai stood there watching, unable to move or speak. What the hell had just happened? When he could finally control his body again he turned and standing right behind him was Adrian, eyes wide and shimmering with tears. Trai knew instantly that Adrian had seen them kiss. "H-hey, sweetheart it's not...I don't even.." Adrian narrowed his eyes into a glare, spilling tears down his cheeks. "Don't say anything to me." He growled. "I saw what was going on with him! Do you think I'm just a toy for you? Do you think you can just go around picking up new demon boys? Is that what you do!?" "No!" Trai cried instantly. But Adrian was already running away from him. While Trai knew that it wasn't necessarily his fault, he couldn't help but feel responsible for breaking something so fragile.

30Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:18 am



Raphael had seen the whole thing he instantly swooped down to comfort the crying boy. Raphael suddenly appeared before Adrian causing him to bump into him. Raph didn't budge an inch. I told you all they do is hurt you. Humans are good for very little at best. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, i hate to be right sometimes. Come with me I'll give you a shoulder to cry on, and a family who won't hurt you." Raphael pulled the crying boy into his broad chest. He stared down deeply in watery eyes, "I'll keep you safe"


31Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:20 am



Poke and Nami stood in front of the school building, waiting for Trai and Adrian to get there.

"Oh, why did we let them go off on their own? They could be hurt! Or kidnapped! Oh man!" Poke was in full-on panic-mode. She paced back and forth on the grassy lawn, leaving a trail of flattened plants in her wake.

Nami rolled her eyes. "Relax, they're fine, I'm sure of it!" She grabbed Poke's collar and made her stop with the pacing, it was making her dizzy. "Those guys aren't going to start trouble."

"But this place is teeming with demon activity! What if they run into something hungry?"

Words weren't going to get through to her. Just as Nami considered smacking Poke a little upside the head someone appeared at the school gates.


32Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:33 am



Sicilia entered the school court yard. She was glad to be there, her first day of school. She could finally get her mind off of work. She walked in with her nose in the air clearly ignoring someone. She glanced down and glared at Poke. As she entered further some feet back Angela came into the picture. She was following Sicilia clearly trying to think of what to say. She looked over and saw Nami glaring at her. She just looked and flipped her off.


33Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:36 am



Zatzu wrote:Sicilia entered the school court yard. She was glad to be there, her first day of school. She could finally get her mind off of work. She walked in with her nose in the air clearly ignoring someone. She glanced down and glared at Poke. As she entered further some feet back Angela came into the picture. She was following Sicilia clearly trying to think of what to say. She looked over and saw Nami glaring at her. She just looked and flipped her off.

Nami stared at the she-demon, too surprised to say anything for a moment. Then, as her brain registered she'd been flipped off and turned a rageful shade of red and screeched, "HEY BITCH GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE IF YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME! I'LL KICK YOUR SORRY AS-"

Poke quickly put her hand over the blonde's mouth. "Hush! Before she... crap."


34Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:41 am



Angela was instantly in Nami's face "I thought you'd never ask you little trollop." Sicilia walked right past her not stopping as she spoke "You'll never change." Angela's whole demeanor changed from fiery to heartbroken.


35Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:46 am



Zatzu wrote:Angela was instantly in Nami's face "I thought you'd never ask you little trollop." Sicilia walked right past her not stopping as she spoke "You'll never change." Angela's whole demeanor changed for fiery to heartbroken.

Poke looked back and forth between the two. She could feel the tension. Nami, looking interested, pushed Poke's hand off her mouth. "Sounded pissed? That your ho demon? What the hell were you groping Poke for then?"

Poke kicked her lightly in the leg. Figured, she could almost hear what Poke was going to say. "Don't make them angry! Can't you tell the're upset already?" And then she'd get all puppy-eyed and feel bad for them. That girl was way too sweet and caring...


36Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:03 am



Sicilia whipped her her head around. She went right to Nami and punched her square in the jaw knocking her down. "Just because your floozy goes giving herself to whoever will take her don't go calling me names you second rate sorry excuse for a hunter." Her tongue was sharp, and deadly accurate. Her words were never spoken lightly. Angela watched Nami, making sure that if she got up and tried to retaliate she would be there to stop her.


37Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:09 am



Zatzu wrote:Sicilia whipped her her head around. She went right to Nami and punched her square in the jaw knocking her down. "Just because your floozy goes giving herself to whoever will take her don't go calling me names you second rate sorry excuse for a hunter." Her tongue was sharp, and deadly accurate. Her words were never spoken lightly. Angela watched Nami, making sure that if she got up and tried to retaliate she would be there to stop her.

Poke cast one quick glance at Nami to make sure she wasn't hurt too badly before rounding on Sicilia. No one hurt her friends! And what the hell did she call Poke?

"Don't you touch her! I didn't give myself to anyone, she," Poke pointed at Angela, "Came out of no where and grabbed me!"

Behind her Nami was on her feet. "Don't go assuming things! Or acting like you can boss us around! We're twice the hunters you'll ever be! And call Poke names again you'll be demon hunter on a stick!"


38Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:17 am



Sicilia was looking for trouble, she knew she was a better fighter than both of them and without there weapons they were no match for Angela. Well, hm, lets see Poke your a stupid bimbo who can't handle to be on her own. And what else Nami your just a bitchy orphan who acts bad but i could lay you out in no time. You see ladies I've read your file thoroughly, as is customary for superiors to do. And why yes your success record is quite good, you two however are not." Sicilia clenched her fists and Angela began to bear her fangs. Sicilia wasn't herself, she would never bring up someone's past to hurt them like this.


39Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:22 am



Zatzu wrote:Sicilia was looking for trouble, she knew she was a better fighter than both of them and without there weapons they were no match for Angela. Well, hm, lets see Poke your a stupid bimbo who can't handle to be on her own. And what else Nami your just a bitchy orphan who acts bad but i could lay you out in no time. You see ladies I've read your file thoroughly, as is customary for superiors to do. And why yes your success record is quite good, you two however are not." Sicilia clenched her fists and Angela began to bear her fangs. Sicilia wasn't herself, she would never bring up someone's past to hurt them like this.

That was it. She launched herself at Sicilia. But it wasn't Nami who did it, it was Poke. It had happened so suddenly that Nami had had a hard time realizing what was going on. It was very unlike Poke to get riled up over mere words, though those were fighting words to start a civil war on, but Nami was so shocked by her friend's reaction she momentarily forgot her rage at the other hunter.


40Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:31 am



Nami spotted Angela going to double team Poke. She charged the demon and put herself between her and the fight. "You deal with me. I've been waiting for this."

Angela merely sneered and bared her fangs at the blonde. Growling she launched herself at Nami, who dodged by bending over and flipping the fox over back. With a dip and a spin she crouched down in an attempt to knock her opponent over, to no avail. Angela grabbed at her and missed tearing flesh by slashing off Nami necklace that held the talesment.

Wasting no time Nami grabbed it and murmered the needed incantation. "Burning steel be at my call! Forth you come to serve me well!" A flash of red light and Nami was holding a three-foot long sword, black steel with red wisps of flame winding up its blade.

The pair clashed back and forth, neither gaining ground as blade met claw again and again. Nami wanted to check on Poke's fight but she as having enough trouble keeping up with the fox's swift movements. Six tails were alot to handle, it should have been done in pairs, if not trios! Nami could only defend by herself.


41Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:33 am



Sicilia smiled, as soon as Poke got close Sicilia grabbed her arms and threw her to the ground. Poke instantly sprung from the ground. Sicilia was surprised at Poke's resilience, she got up with no problem. Poke regained some composure, she wasn't just charging she was analyzing now. She rushed forward leaping off the ground as Sicilia went in for a sweep kick. As Poke descendant Sicilia turned and caught her in the stomach with her heel. She moved her leg slamming Poke into the ground. Again Poke got up, she didn't get angry often, not like this. She was beyond her breaking point she felt no pain. Her anger burned inside her, she took off her seemingly harmless scarf. As she spun, Sicilia quickly noticed the blades woven seamlessly into the fabric. With a back flip and a kick to the jaw Poke was down again. This time she wasn't just gonna get back up. While on the groups she caught Sicilia's wrist with the scarf. As she pulled she drew blood, she got back up with the scarf on Sicilia's arm. Poke had caught Sicilia in mid air causing her to lose her composure and fall to the ground. Sicilia didn't want to move to much for fear of further lacerating her wrist. Sicilia didn't bring any weapons with her, she didn't feel she needed them as long as she had Angie around. She grabbed hold of the scarf cutting her hands but stopping any further damage to her wrist. Sicilia leaped up simultaneously grabbing the hand that Poke held the scarf in. There they were, hand in hand. They commenced fighting, they stood in front of each other blocking each blow. Poke's martial art was superb but couldn't stand up to Sicilia's, but as long as Poke's scarf remained wrapped around her wrist she would never be able to completely gain the upper hand.


42Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:56 pm



Zatzu wrote:Sicilia smiled, as soon as Poke got close Sicilia grabbed her arms and threw her to the ground. Poke instantly sprung from the ground. Sicilia was surprised at Poke's resilience, she got up with no problem. Poke regained some composure, she wasn't just charging she was analyzing now. She rushed forward leaping off the ground as Sicilia went in for a sweep kick. As Poke descendant Sicilia turned and caught her in the stomach with her heel. She moved her leg slamming Poke into the ground. Again Poke got up, she didn't get angry often, not like this. She was beyond her breaking point she felt no pain. Her anger burned inside her, she took off her seemingly harmless scarf. As she spun, Sicilia quickly noticed the blades woven seamlessly into the fabric. With a back flip and a kick to the jaw Poke was down again. This time she wasn't just gonna get back up. While on the groups she caught Sicilia's wrist with the scarf. As she pulled she drew blood, she got back up with the scarf on Sicilia's arm. Poke had caught Sicilia in mid air causing her to lose her composure and fall to the ground. Sicilia didn't want to move to much for fear of further lacerating her wrist. Sicilia didn't bring any weapons with her, she didn't feel she needed them as long as she had Angie around. She grabbed hold of the scarf cutting her hands but stopping any further damage to her wrist. Sicilia leaped up simultaneously grabbing the hand that Poke held the scarf in. There they were, hand in hand. They commenced fighting, they stood in front of each other blocking each blow. Poke's martial art was superb but couldn't stand up to Sicilia's, but as long as Poke's scarf remained wrapped around her wrist she would never be able to completely gain the upper hand.

Poke stared coldly down at her fellow hunter, though that buit of information didn't matter to her like it should have right now. "Take it back!" she growled, twitching the scarf.


43Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:14 pm



Sicilia instantly gripped Poke's hand tighter further reducing the scarf's movement. Sicilia was surprised a group of students hadn't appeared by now, they always gathered around school yard fights. Sicilia started to come down from her anger, the stress of all that was happening had finally been let out. She calmed them shot a stare at Poke, "Enough!". She twisted her arm releasing herself from the scarf then with quick and precise movements hit Poke in her shoulder causing her arms to go momentarily limp. She backed off, and with a whistle called away Angela. Sicilia took off her own scarf and wrapped it around her bloody forearm. They girls look at their opponents and making sure they were okay to get away. They turned and walked away, always keeping an eye over their shoulder. Angela turned to Poke, "Oh I saw your little friends with a couple people from the club on my way over" she turned back around "The Wolf and the Bat."


44Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:20 pm



Zatzu wrote:Sicilia instantly gripped Poke's hand tighter further reducing the scarf's movement. Sicilia was surprised a group of students hadn't appeared by now, they always gathered around school yard fights. Sicilia started to come down from her anger, the stress of all that was happening had finally been let out. She calmed them shot a stare at Poke, "Enough!". She twisted her arm releasing herself from the scarf then with quick and precise movements hit Poke in her shoulder causing her arms to go momentarily limp. She backed off, and with a whistle called away Angela. Sicilia took off her own scarf and wrapped it around her bloody forearm. They girls look at their opponents and making sure they were okay to get away. They turned and walked away, always keeping an eye over their shoulder. Angela turned to Poke, "Oh I saw your little friends with a couple people from the club on my way over" she turned back around "The Wolf and the Bat."

Nami had been about to slice that demon open from head to toe, she was sure of it! But that other one, the supposed hunter, had whistled and called her back. Both pairs looked each other up and down carefully before the older two walked off.

Then the Fox said something that drained the color from both of their faces. "Oh I saw your little friends with a couple people from the club on my way over" she turned back around "The Wolf and the Bat."

"No!" Poke about faced and dashed from the school grounds and back the way they'd come, following her finely tuned tracking ability. She was closing in on Adrian's signature. She kicked it into high gear as she sped towards him and something else, a wolf.


45Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:53 pm



Zatzu wrote:Raphael had seen the whole thing he instantly swooped down to comfort the crying boy. Raphael suddenly appeared before Adrian causing him to bump into him. Raph didn't budge an inch. I told you all they do is hurt you. Humans are good for very little at best. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, i hate to be right sometimes. Come with me I'll give you a shoulder to cry on, and a family who won't hurt you." Raphael pulled the crying boy into his broad chest. He stared down deeply in watery eyes, "I'll keep you safe"

Adrian rubbed tears from his eyes and nodded. "Can you maybe walk me to school then? I don't want to be late or anything..." He was trying hard not to think about it so he wouldn't start crying agian.

46Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:35 am



Raphael griped Adrian tight in his arms before he began to lead the way. Raphael saw the demon hunters standing at the end of the street. He leaned over towards the tearing Adrian. "Just stare straight ahead, don't make eye contact and don't say a word." he said in a low toned soothing voice. He had no plans of confronting the already tattered girls.


47Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:41 am



Zatzu wrote:Raphael griped Adrian tight in his arms before he began to lead the way. Raphael saw the demon hunters standing at the end of the street. He leaned over towards the tearing Adrian. "Just stare straight ahead, don't make eye contact and don't say a word." he said in a low toned soothing voice. He had no plans of confronting the already tattered girls.

Poke slowed at the sight before her, Adrian was with Raphael and it looked like he had been crying. "Adrian? Are you okay?" She looked behind the pair but there was no sign of his boyfriend. "Where's Trai?"


48Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:33 pm



Poke-chan wrote:
Zatzu wrote:Raphael griped Adrian tight in his arms before he began to lead the way. Raphael saw the demon hunters standing at the end of the street. He leaned over towards the tearing Adrian. "Just stare straight ahead, don't make eye contact and don't say a word." he said in a low toned soothing voice. He had no plans of confronting the already tattered girls.

Poke slowed at the sight before her, Adrian was with Raphael and it looked like he had been crying. "Adrian? Are you okay?" She looked behind the pair but there was no sign of his boyfriend. "Where's Trai?"

Normally he would have told poke exactly what had happened, but right now all his faith was in Raphael, a fellow demon who he could trust. So he stayed silant and looked past them.

49Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:46 pm



Raphael past the curious girls without so much as a glance. Raphael kept hold of Adrian so he would feel safe. Raphael tensed up, he was waiting for the girls to make there moves. He would not let them ruin what he worked so hard to accomplish.


50Demon Rp - No new members - Page 2 Empty Re: Demon Rp - No new members Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:46 am



Zatzu wrote:Raphael past the curious girls without so much as a glance. Raphael kept hold of Adrian so he would feel safe. Raphael tensed up, he was waiting for the girls to make there moves. He would not let them ruin what he worked so hard to accomplish.

Poke froze as Adrian didn't even spare her a glance, let alone an answer to her questions. The pair simply kept on walking. For some reason, in response to the sock her whole body shut down, she couldn't move, couldn't think.

Nami on the other hand became utterly enraged. "Hey, Adrian! She asked you something! Don't blow her off, she's been freaking out about you ever since you walked off!" She growled when they kept going. "And you! What the hell do you think you're doing with your arm around him like that! Get back here both of you or so help me!"


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