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Demon RP Characters

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1Demon RP Characters Empty Demon RP Characters Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:20 pm



Post all of your characters for the Demon/Green RP Here. One character per post.

Needed(of char): Name, age, looks, personality, likes & dislikes (optional), powers/demon type (if any)

Please add picture if possible.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


2Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:56 am



Poke Kloi
Sex: Girl
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Age: 16
Likes: Girls, music, candy, hoodies, animals, fruits
Dislikes: Boys, veggies, homework, jerks
About Her: Hyper, almost always has headphones in, candy nearby at all times (Pocky=fave), single (as of yet), "likes" Nami

Demon RP Characters RyssasPics

Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:25 pm; edited 3 times in total


3Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:04 am



Nami Fioneki (Nami Ryoushi alias)
Sex: Girl
Hair: Blonde with green streaks
Eyes: Green
Age: 17
Likes: Games, soda, computers, fighting, junk food, stormy weather, odd clothing, fingerless gloves
Dislikes: Spiders, sunny days (mainly the sun part), screamo, loudmouths (ppl who can't keep secrets)
About Her: Easily angered, DS Lite with her always, will wear "anything", single (as of yet), "likes" Poke

-pic soon to come, too lazy to hunt a good one down so you'll have to wait-

Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


4Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:42 pm



Sex: Plenty of it
Hair: Crimson
Eyes: Icy Blue
Age: 1235 (looks 18 )
Likes: Solitude, Money, Damien, Admiration
Dislikes: Angie, Whores, his sister, People in general, Angela, Talking, Stardust Lounge,

About Him: Angel is the head proprietor of Star dust lounge. He hates his job and the people he works with. He does have strong feelings for Damien though, he hides it by being distant. Angel is the youngest in the line of royal fox demons, junior to his older sister Angie. He is one the smartest kids in Aoi Academy for the gifted. He is a 4 tailed demon who only has 3 tails. The forth was ripped off by his sister in a fight, she wears it as a belt to antagonize him.

Last edited by Zatzu on Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:58 am; edited 4 times in total


5Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:51 pm



Sex: Male
Hair: White and silvery blue
Eyes: Green
Age: 732 (looks 17)
Likes: Being a know it all, Leading people on, having people hate him.
Dislikes: Humans, People falling for him.

About him: Raphael is athletic playboy who loves his mischief, especially when he gets caught. He comes from a very hard past, it has caused him to mistrust humans deeply. He is the captain of a couple of Aoi Academy's sports teams. He is often at odds with Angel for over stepping his employee boundaries. He often has to take charge when Angel gets tired of dealing with people. He thinks all beings should stick with their own kind. He is a rough loud person most of the time, but when it comes to something he cares about he goes in whole heartily.


6Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:16 pm



Sex: M
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gray Blue
Age: 635 (looks 16)
Likes: Poetic moments, Pretty Artwork, Not being at Work, Darkness, Silence
Dislikes: Flirting, loud people, Shallow people, Anyone who would try to ruin his happiness

About Him: Damien is a quiet person, he doesn't talk to many people outside the club. He doesn't do much but go to school, work, eat and sleep. He sits alone in school with his head down. The only time he does much of anything is when he is in the studio. He is the schools top rated artist, although he destroys his work once finished so no one dwells on it. He despises having to flirt with people for a living. He rejects affection unless he has proof that it is true and will last, which has never happened.


7Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:54 am



Name: Rui Heno
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Likes: shades, sleeping on the couch, silver (mainly accessories), teasing, dark chocolate
Dislikes: waking up, making things unshiny, if his collection of shades is blemished, sour food

Persona: very relaxed and playful. Has been distrusting of people since childhood and puts up a "nice guy" act to evaluate who he can be himself with.


8Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:24 pm



Name: Kyuketsuki
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Likes: She doesn't have many likes she is mysterous person but what is known is that she likes to kill humans by playing with her pray. She loves to drink your blood and eat your soul. She also eats your flesh when everything else is out of the way.

Dislikes: Humans mostly, starving, and annoying people.

Personality: She is normally uncaring to those she has never met or hates. If she does know you she tends to show a little likes to ya. If your human run she'll kill you on site. When she takes to her true form she has no remorse and kills everything that is in her way.

Her humaniod form: https://2img.net/h/i714.photobucket.com/albums/ww141/T_kaarlii/anime%20girl/blue.jpgDemon RP Characters Blue

https://2img.net/h/i573.photobucket.com/albums/ss175/DouSanjiKoori/_1.jpgDemon RP Characters _1

Her True form:

https://2img.net/h/i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa106/Darth_Malevo/prometheusbygunnerromanmv0.jpgDemon RP Characters Prometheusbygunnerromanmv0

9Demon RP Characters Empty Re: Demon RP Characters Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:07 pm



Name: Crawflex
age: Unknown being he lived for thousands of years.
looks: He has one look when the human bond isn't letting him use his powers fully.
(Sorry he is chibi form here the colors are purple and black) Demon RP Characters 49

personality: He is cold and heartless to others but if he is warmed up to you than he is nicer personality.
likes: Not much that he likes mostly killing other demons and his bonds.
dislikes: Most other people, demons weaker than him.
powers: Shapeshifting, Unlimited amount of demon energy.
demon type: Cursed Demon

Please add picture if possible. (Humanoid form when he can use all power)

Demon RP Characters 13

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