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Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us!

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Feo pulled him to a small shrub to hide the small trespasser. "Do you have any idea what the clan would do to you if they found you here? Feeding on their horses no less! Fool do you know nothing of my kind?"

He was not sure why the thought of Colby being killed and set in the forest as an example was so distressing. Plenty of others had had the same fate. Feo himself had ever been the one to carry out the deed at times. These new thoughts were just not getting him anywhere.


Cori glanced up at Ianassa. "I was sure, if I could just word it right, I could make a friend out of him. You see, no one will speak to me because I practice magic. They left mother alone because she was the cousin of the queen, but I have no standing whatsoever." she sighed as she tried to forget about the djini. "Sorry about that," she said, realizing how she had unloaded on the nymph. "I don't usually blurt out my whole life's story to random people!"




Tarkal glided slowly over the wastelands playing his favorite game. The How Many Pieces Can I Break That Old Tree Into Game. It was always entertaining. What he had to do was pick a tree that looked dried up and ready to fall over, take careful aim, and then dive at it, and smash against it. It kept him fit and strong, though if he picked a bad tree he could wind up sore. He alit on a thick branch and scouted around for his next target. He might not be able to fly but he was a master of gliding!

It was during his search that he spotted something one did not see everyday in the wastelands. Something alive. Or, something that was very recently alive.




"To be honest I don't make a habit out of learning the ways of your kind. But I am not concerned about being caught by them any more than I am afraid of being attacked by things out in the wild. What good is it to avoid all risks I ask?"


The water Nymph laughed. "It is alright. I suppose I should know about my pupil. But, my, what a strange story. Those who oppose magic? How silly! What is wrong with magic?"



Feo sighed. "The least you could do is try and be a little more inconspicuous and not just lay out in the open for all to see! You need to be more careful or something really will kill you, here or out there!" His voice was strained and he noticed his grip on the alp was a tad bit tighter than it should have been. He released Colby and told him to stay still while he went to call his horse.

He put two fingers to his lips and whistled several notes in a whimsical flow. He pulled back his hand and waited, scanning the fields with sharp eyes.


Cori tilted her head. "Of course they disapprove. They say magic is unnatural and given by the demons of darkness to corrupt and harm. They refuse to admit any good it can do by simply saying it is a falsehood used to draw us in. They follow the words of the Vedenemo very strictly, and the Vedenemo is never one who condones magic or the likes," she explained.

Nymphs really didn't follow politics of any people. She had heard this but figured they just did not take part. Cori would have to work on making such assumptions.

"Oh, I have not introduced myself!" she stated in sudden realization. "I am Cori, of the Siltskin family." She bowed respectfully to her new master and waited.




Colby rolled his eyes at the Elf's concern for him. He could take care of himself just fine, thank you very much.

"Hello Cori! I am Ianassa of the Nerieds. But you can call me Nessa." She curtsied in return.



"Don't roll you eyes at me," Feo snapped. Just as it looked like Colby was going to respond a whinny sounded and the tell tale clop of a galloping horse could be heard. Soon a chestnut brown mare was standing next to Feo, nudging him with her nose.

"Now then," he said to Colby, "I can get you out of here, but you need to disguise yourself. How well can you do that?"


"Okay then, Master Nessa," Cori said with a smile. "I'm ready to learn!" She perked herself up and waited for instructions.




"Hmm. Sort of well...if you aren't looking very closely I suppose. I can transform but this" he pulled at his hat, "does not. Tarnkappe it is. Would you like me to be a cat? Or a bird? Or a butterfly?"


"Alright then pupil! Our first order of business is to visit the River Dragon! I am in need of some dragon scales. I cannot believe how quickly I run out of those.."



Feo was surprised, how useful transforming could be! And to become something as small as a butterfly... wait. That hat looked familiar, he'd seen it somewhere. "Colby, just how did you come across this place?"


Cori stiffened. To be honest, she didn't like dragons at all. They were very strong and had good magic resistance, which meant she needed to use more powerful spells to ward them off. And of all dragons her new teacher wanted a river dragon. they were quick, mean, and sly. all sorts of bad things.

But she was not about to chicken out right away. "Right then, let's go!"




"Well!....About that. It was the smell of horses! Yes. These wonderful horses and their warm sweet milk. They called to me. I knew that if I were to treck just a little ways further I would behold the wonderous sight of the haven you call a 'stable'. Daring I know. But it couldn't be helped. These horses...like a siren beckoned me. Oh, but listen to me. Talk, talk, talk. No need to go on about this. Weren't we leaving?" The alp grinned a toothy grin and poofed into a butterfly.

"Fantastic!" Nessa grabbed onto the mermaid and catapulted them both into the moving tide, leading out to the lake.



Feo felt that Colby wasn't telling the whole truth, but he ignored it. The other had a point, they needed to be going. He watched as Colby turned into a white butterfly with a little hat on it's head. A butterfly... "Colby, were you in my room this afternoon?"


Cori was pulled along before she even knew what was happening. After they entered the river she was released and allowed to swim using her own tail fins. "So, this dragon, where is it?"




"Your room? What would I have been doing there? Unless you keep horses in your room. But that would be silly." He laughed nervously.


"River Dragon is in the Cave of Treasures. If we go in quietly we can pick up the scales off the floor that he sheds. But I warn you, do not be tempted by any of his treasures. He will wake up and be very agitated. Now go young ward!"



"Well, there was this butterfly on my wall when I woke up that looked like it had that hat on. It actually looked just like you do now..."


Cori moved forward slowly, looking every way for something that might jump out at her. "Just get in and get out," she whispered to herself. "Not hard. Only grab the scales."

She swam deeper into the cave, snatching up the glimmering scales as she went and stuffing them in her bag. she rounded a corner and her jaw dropped. Before her lay mound of treasure, higher than some of the trees she saw on land. They shined and sparkled brightly, calling for her to grab a handful.

"Nope, just a few more scales." She continued along the floor of the cave, dodging a few scattered coins that were mixed in with the scales and mud. Cori was very careful not to ever touch the gold as she dug for the last few scales. That was when she saw it.

A djini lamp, just laying at the bottom of a pile. It was tarnished and partly covered in plant life but there was no doubt about it. She slunk towards it, eyes never leaving the opening of the end. Her hand reached out to grab it, but froze just before her finger tips touched. She pulled back her hand as if it had just been burned. "No," she hissed. "I don't need it! I don't want it!"

With that she turned back and darted out of the cave with what she had.




"Weren't we going somewhere, Feo? Do you really want to stand here and talk about this where anyone could just walk up and see you aiding my escape?"


"I see you have returned, pupil. And I don't hear any angry dragons. Did you find the scales?"



Feo hopped on to the horse and waited for Colby to nestle himself somewhere safe. "Ready?" An affirmative noise came from somewhere on his person and he set off. As he rode he spoke to the alp. "I have to pick up food for my trip. Stay hidden and quiet. The woman we are about to visit may be old, but she is sharp." Granny Ellsa had a knack for catching Feo doing things he ought not to be, ever since he was young.

"Better thought, hide on the horse while I go in."


Cori puffed out her chest proudly. "Yup! Here," she handed over her bag, almost full with shining scales "thye must look glorious in direct light..." she mused aloud.




Colby purched himself on the horse's head and watched as Feo went into the shop. -sigh- I was kind of hoping he wouldn't notice. I don't think he'd be very happy if he knew that I was the cause of his freaky nightmare. He might just leave me somewhere...not that I would care...I do like being alone after all.


"Yes." Nessa sighed dreamily. "Which is why I shall use them to make the most beautiful jewelry. Teehee."



Feo came back out of the hut with a well-sized sack of food for his trip. Without a word to Colby, trying to make the other as unnoticeable as possible, he started off into the forest. He needed to head up to the wastelands. Elves had been disappearing form there and it was his job to find out what and stop it.


"We should take them to the surface and catch the last few sun rays!" Cori said as she glanced upwards at the reddening sky beyond the water.




A young beautiful girl floated in mid air with her legs folded. She had her hands encompassing a floating glass ball. "Tarkal, A two headed beast of fur and fangs seek your treasure, One head, that of broken fang and dull claws must not be allowed to obtain it. If he does his power restore and his life tripled. That is my prophecy." Hell came down onto solid land and then ducked behind a bush to watch the road. "I have my own vision to complete."
She sat hidden from sight to view a glimpse of her past that she hadn't seen in quite some time.



Lukosa reeled up on her fathers limp body just as it was stirring from a deep sleep.

Zerxes was confused but quickly gathered his surroundings as his own.

Suddenly Lukosa's ears perked up. She heard something... and it wasnt friendly, at all.

she turned from her father just as a large creature busted through the decaying and dried trees.....

"Lukosa, what is that?"

"I dont know but its not good!"

"No! Look! over there! its shining!" Zerxes yelled. With that she looked away from the creature and her father to lay her eyes upon a lamp. A real magic lamp. Shifting her eyes back and forth from creature to lamp and back, and back again. He saw it too, she could see it in their eyes. the race was on.



Colby twitched slightly. "That's odd...I feel as though a familiar gaze is on me."



"Right now it is dark. But the moon's rays are also beautiful and will give these scales a protection charm. Let us go!"



"Ahh, really Hell?" Tarkal growled at the sky. "What am I looking for then? Give me more than that!"

He didn't wait for an answer, though. He'd known Hell for a long time now, she'd get back to him in her own sweet time with no sort of helpful information. He would just have to figure it out for himself. But, first things first, if those were corpses, he had a nice big dinner made easy!

Tarkal mapped out his aerial way towards the pair of bodies, which turned out to be very much alive, a bit to his displeasure. The pair was oddly mismatched. A nude human was kneeling beside a werewolf that looked nothing short of worried about him. That, and hey both turned to stare at something shining a few yards away.

With a quick glance Tarkal saw a magic lamp. The utter surprise had him falling off the tree branch he had been perched on. He scrambled to glide properly, but wound up smashing through a hollow tree.


Feo's eyes scanned the road and its borders. He would be reaching prime hunting territory soon. He was on high alert and took in everything from the birds settling down in the branches to the small animals scurrying around in the brush. That was when he spotted something hiding behind a bush. He draw closer to it, acting as though nothing was noticed, until he was just a few feet from the figure.

In no more than a second he had his bow out and an arrow notched, ready to fire. "Come out of there, slowly and peacefully," he ordered.


"Protection charm? From the moon's light? I can't wait to see this!" Cori cried in anticipation. She was rather poor at protection spells that were placed on objects or others. She had no problem making herself a shield, but if it came to defending others it was better she use offense. Not that she had anyone to protect.




Hell could hear Tarkal in her head but he would have to wait. She couldn't help him anyway, her visions were always unclear. She just had to keep a look out and make connections were necessary.
She had finally seen him after so long. She was casted out of her village so long ago for an incident of birth. Her and her brother were very close at that time but now he lived his own life devoid of her. She had foreseen it long ago. If she was to come back into his life it would cause nothing but trouble.
All of a sudden she heard shouting, she prayed it was not at her, but somehow Hell knew better. She remained perfectly still, she used her Mara abilities to throw up an illusion. A large dire bear jumped from the woods snarling. Hell used this distraction to change her hiding spot.
She darted behind a tree and waited for her chance to run.




"What the hell?!" Feo shouted. His horse bucked and threw him and his satchel off. He landed hard on the ground, but quickly aimed up at the great bear and shot an arrow directly into it's left eye. But, instead of causing the beast to cry out in pain the arrow flew right through it, as if the bear were not even there. shocked, and now out matched, Feo darted for cover. "Colby, hide somewhere!"




"Wait! That thing isn't real! That dire bear...is a favorite illusion of someone I know. Hell! Where are you? Show yourself to your brother!"



Not real? "What are you doing Colby? What do you mean not real?" Feo did not move from his spot, but watched closly as Colby called out for what seemed to be a sibling.


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