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For a moment, Colby could do nothing but blink in shock. His senses quickly came back to him. "What the heck is that supposed to mean? Aren't we unfortunate enough as it is? I don't care about that. 'Misfortune' will only happen if I let it and I definatly won't!"

Nessa eyed them but did not move. "If that is so then we have no problem. I am merely here as a spirit of the water. If all is peaceful here then like the placid lake, it will remain so."



Cori waited behind the rocks, keeping a close eye on the exchange. She used her magic to transform her fins into legs again, hoping that they would not be needed in defending her new found teacher.


Feo had nothing to say. Colby was right. If something bad was going to happen it would be only because he let it.




"Oh brother your logic is as simple and naive as ever. If you wish to fore-go misfortune then leave here at once. My visions may not be clear, but they are never wrong." She felt her stomach turn. There was only one exit and nether of their powers would work on each other.


Moss breathed a sigh of relief, getting into a fight with another nymph would be detrimental to the environment. "Then to the forest we will take our leave, have a pleasant evening." Moss and Lei began to walk past the tree line. She could only hope her master would not make a disrespectful comment.

Lei was relieved too, to not have to fight. Though she was quite irked someone came to check on them like they had some authority over her. "And if we were doing mischievous things, you would have stopped us?" Lei scoffed. "And your just gonna hide behind that rock I see." Lei turned her nose up and continued forward.




"And in your vision you couldn't even have a conversation with me?" Hell did not answer, she had made her point. He stood in front of the rocks unable to decide what to do. Hell didn't want him here. Was he supposed to just leave?

Nessa simply 'Hmmed' and watched the hot-headed girl begin to leave. She glanced over at Cori who was indeed hiding behind the rocks. She also noticed she was now standing on two legs.



Cori huffed and watched the younger girl go. She told herself she was being the bigger person by just letting the comment go. She knew that if there had been a fight she would have come to help. She knew she was no coward. And she certainly didn't care what some brat with a power boost and an attitude thought of her.




Hell figured the only way out of this was to play along and then dash when she was free of the rocks. "Fine brother I suppose no harm could come from just one conversation." She reached her hand out for Colby."




Colby smiled and took her hand, pulling her from the rocks. Even if she was behaving strangly he was truly happy to see that she was doing okay. He did like his lifesytle the way it was, but never seeing a familiar face could be lonely. Not that he would admit it to anyone. "Come on, I know you missed me, you little brat." He teased.


As the large branch flew her way, Lukosa stopped on a dime and turned broadside toward it. The branch hit her squarely in the side with more force than she had anticipated, causing her to slide a foot back in the muck. She quickly regained her bearings and made a desperate leap the last few feet towards the lamp.

She crashed down onto it, grabbed it her mouth and immeadiately rubbed it.



"I did, it's been lonely, my only companion is a dragon. Not exactly the best of company." They exited the cave and crossed over the rocks surrounding. Hell eyed her escape route and searched the distance for cover and safety. They were close to Feo now, she could stun him no problem. "Cole Irmingard how it's a pleasure to see you, I never wanted to hurt you. You are the only family I have left and because of reasons unknown I cannot stay with you." She prepared her assault but before she conjured her paralysis spell she got a good hard look at Feo. Hell's appearance changed, her hair stood raised and her sharp teeth and fangs bared themselves to the unsuspecting elf. "YOU!" She instantly threw an illusion around herself to make her seem like a ferocious demon. She leaped on top of him drawing her dagger from behind herself. She pinned him down and held the blade to his throat. "YOU VILE SCUM, YOU SHALL BRING HIM THE MOST MISFORTUNE. I SHOULD SLIT YOUR THROAT AND SAVE HIM THE TURMOIL." Hell was heated, she couldn't see straight, all she wanted to do was protect her kin.
Hada came out of the lamp in his grand fashion. "Yes master, what is your command?"




Colby was stunned into silance. He could hardly believe what was happening. First she runs from him, now she was holding a dagger to his companion's throat. Watching soemone threaten Feo made his blood boil. He didn't bother to question why. Hell was in an angry daze so he grabbed her arm. "Stop it!" He hissed, baring his pointed teeth. "He hasn't done anything to you! I won't let you hurt him!"



Feo took Colby's assistance and kicked the girl off of him, making sure not to hurt her too badly. He rolled out of the way and stood instantly. He pulled his dagger free and held it in front of himself. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm not going to hurt him!" He couldn't imagine hurting the alp.

He growled low as he started down the girl.


Tarkal hissed and fan out his wings in an attempt to intimidate the werewolf. 'Hell! They got the lamp! Help!'




"I'm busy"Hell screamed out loud but also telepathically. "I'll help you eventually, be a big boy." Hell was now faced with an angry brother and a dangerously skilled elf. She could freeze him but she wouldn't be able to get close without hurting Colby.
"I have foreseen it, his face was clear. He is going to put you through so much in a short amount of time. I might lose you forever because of it. Get away from him brother, either you stay with him and suffer or come with me and we'll live lonely misfortunate lives. It is a tough decision, your only alternative is to go away from us both." Hell listened to herself as she spoke. His only options weren't things her brother would except. Her only choice was to kill Feo and in turn mostly likely die herself.




Feo snapped. "I'll cause him suffering? Since I met him there has been so many problems! I've had horrid nightmares, been forced to lie to a well respected woman in my village, look after this boy, and I've now been attack by you twice! As far as I'm concerned I cannot make worse happen if I wanted to!" He had no idea where all of this was coming from. It was true the alp had been a slight thorn in his side. But he didn't mind so much for some reason. Usually, if someone had been an annoyance he would let them know how he felt and tell to be on their way. Colby was the first he actually tolerated.

"I've been alone for so long I can hardly remember what it is like to have a companion," he continued in a calmer tone. "Your brother, though he is slight trouble, is the first I enjoy being around for a long time. I'm not giving that up because some strange girl with a glass ball tells me to."


"BUSY!?" he screamed aloud and to his friend. "What the... Hell!"

This was bad. She had said NOT to let the wolves get the lamp or some bad stuff was going to happen. He braced himself for the worse. He'd be a man and take it with a strong face.




At this point Colby just felt completely mindfucked. He felt terribly guilty when Feo began his rant but by the end he was...touched. Confused but touched. He could only hope his sister could feel his sinserity. "See, Hell?" He argued quietly. "This one doesn't intend to hurt me...and everything he said is true. Everything is my fault but he even tried to protect me. All of this misfortune and sadness...I know you only care about me. But why don't you trust me to protect myself? Why do you think I will not be able to fight this terrible misfortune? Please, give me the chance to do so. If things do indeed turn out as horribly as you think...then you can interfere."



Feo watched as Colby made his deal with the other. HE sighed and turned form his sister as he walked back towards Feo, in a show of his choice. The elf was touched, they had hardly known each other and yet Colby was willing to ignore his sister's premonition to stay with him. Maybe it was time he found a companion.

As Colby turned his back Hell raised her dagger, pointed it at the alp's back, murder in her eyes. Colby read the terror on Feo's face and turned to see Hell step towards him. He called out to her in fright. "Hel-"


An arrow stuck deep into her chest, piercing her heart before she could more once more. Blood gushed from the wound and her mouth. Her eyes glossed over and she fell to her knees. The blade was released from her grip as it tumbled the short distance to the ground. For a moment, all was still in the forest. Feo's heartbeat fiercely in his chest, he had another arrow readied, in case the girl was not dead, however slim the chance. Colby stood, shaking, in his spot.

"H-Hell?" he whispered to the new corpse.

She was finally pushed over by a small gust of wind As her body hit the grass it burst into water and what lay in its place was a shriveled and misshapen fish of some sort. Feo recognized it as an Encantado, a river demon that could walk amongst the land beings.

Feo replaced his arrow in the quiver and walked over to Colby. "It wasn't her," he said, placing a hand softly on the alp's shoulder. "It was only a fake."




Colby stared in shock at the form before him. No, that certainly was not his sister. The Encantado's magic had been so strong he couldn't even tell it from his own sister. He felt a wave of relif wash over him. Then he realized that he had just had his life saved from a terrible illusionist. The Elf placed a hand reasurringly on his shoulder. Normally he would have smacked it off or bit someone who touched him in such a way so suddenly, but he was grateful for this man's kindness, even after all he'd put him through. His covered Feo's hand with his own. "Thank you..." Was all he could muster.



Tarkal couldn't wait for the reply, he had to act, now!

He sprinted right at the werewolf holding the lamp and knocked her over, grabbing the lamp with his teeth. He ripped it, not out of her paws, but took her paw off in the process. Blood squirted everywhere as the she-wolf howled in terrible agony. Tarkal ignored her screams and stared at the dijini. He tossed the dismembered limb tot he side and clutched the lamp with both claws. "I have the lamp!" he called to him. "That means I'm your master, right?"

"Correct," said the djini with a smirk. He was enjoying the show. Something told the young dragon that this was not the first time he had seen something like it. For some reason the thought alone stirred a rush of blood lust in the dragon.

with a growl he turned his eyes on the pair of wolves, both helpless now. "I wish both of these werewolves before my eyes dead!"

And just like that, both wolves cried out in pain caused by an unseen force and collapsed to the ground. Tarkal smirked. "Ha! Try and show me up, will you?" He glanced down at the lamp. "Hope Hell's happy for this... Okay, back in djini!"


Feo sent the smaller male a small smile. "Of course, what else would a friend do?" Colby's hand was warm upon his own and it was a strange and welcomed experience.




Hada could have easily twisted that,Hada though was so entertain by this bloody display he thought he would oblige this seemingly stupid dragon and give him a trick free wish, this time.
In a watery cave deep in the lake, the shackles that held the real Hell in place shattered. She knew her brother had done it, he saw through the impostor's disguise and did away with him. She didn't know that Colby had really fallen for the trick and was only saved because, the Encantado a being that can copy a creatures emotions when adopting their disguise can intermingle their own sense of justice with the persona leading to rash out of character actions. If it wasn't for the fact it thought the best course of action was to kill Colby they may have only further been entwined in it's sick deeds. The cave she was in was near a gateway leading to another world she did not want to explore. all she could see was shinning gold, she only heard the breathing of a great sleeping beast. Her powers were week, only now would they replenish that the Encantado was vanquished. She had to return to the surface and find her brother, the only problem was she was about 2 days journey from them, and they were heading in the opposite direction. Also she had Tarkal to worry about, she only hoped that the creature hadn't lead her companion astray. It took her orb which held a lot of her magic ability. Seers carried orbs so that their great power was not inside them all at once. A situation that could drive them mad. If she didn't retrieve it soon, as her power replenishes she could become overwhelmed. As soon a she could she would contact Tarkal to make sure he was alright and didn't get into any trouble.

Last edited by Zatzu on Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total




"Yeah...so, where were we going anyway? Um..if you want me to come with you that is." He began to feel his face heat up. He wasn't good at asking for favors. "I can do...stuff." He murmured. But really he couldn't think of anything of use he could do for his new companion.

"So..you've got legs now?" Nessa stated sarcastically. "That's new. How the heck did this happen? I mean it's cool because we can go to a lot more places.." She considered.



Feo's smile widened as the alp stuttered and grasped for words. It was rather cute. "Well, you have to come with me," he said. "You owe me for saving your life... and, I don't exactly want you to leave."

His hand slid off of his shoulder and hung at their sides. He had no idea how to just come out and tell the alp to stay with him in a more subtle fashion, which he was sure would have been better than just saying it like he did.


Cori titled her head. "Yeah, I can only hold this form for about two hours, so we have to stay near water..." she sighed at her short comings. "It is kind of restricting, I know."

She climbed over the rocks, careful not to scrape her bare legs on the jagged edges. Before she and Nessa did anything further she needed to find pants to cover her legs. The transformation made her so much more sensitive to contact.


Tarkal had buried the lamp for safe keeping while he took care of the corpses. This might have been the wastelands but there were still those who dwelled here, and he did not need scavengers showing up to eat. Especially, when he had his own plans for the bodies.




Colby laughed. "Yeah you did save my life, didn't you? I guess I'm more or less indebted to you. That's fair enough. I'm not an honest man by any means but I will give credit where credit is due. I'll do my best to help you out." He nodded, much more confident now. "So where are we going exactly?" He pondered as he spun around, looking in random directions for some sort of givaway.

Nessa smiled. "It's okay. Staying close to the water is still an improvement to being confined IN the water." She tapped a finger to the side of her face thoughtfully."Maybe you would like me to get you a skirt? You are rather exposed like that." Not that she minded. She couldn't help but notice that human-form Cori had a cute butt.



Feo rolled his eyes at the sudden change in the alp's demeanor. "Well, I have to go patrol the border of the forest and wastelands. Elves and others have been disappearing along there. But," he closed the distance between them. Feo wasn't even sure what was going on but his body seemed to have a very good idea, and wasn't willing to wait for his mind to play catch up.

He wrapped his arms around Colby's shoulders and held him still. "There is not rush. It is going to take a few days, either way, and I want to get to know you better," and then he said something he had only heard while eavesdropping in his youth. "In more ways than one."


Cori blushed as she watch Nessa take a rather long glance at her rear. "Yeah, but pants would be better. Everything is more sensitive to touch in this state." She walked closer, being very careful. Legs were still new to her and she was not very apt on them when she was on flat ground, let alone an uneven, rocky river shore.

Just as she finished that thought her foot slipped off a moss-covered rock and she lurched forward. "Ahh!"





Tarkal found the bodies and was pleased that they were both still warm. He pulled them into his near by, makeshift den and made sure no one was anywhere close by before he started a ritual thought to him years ago. If he preformed well he would be granted a Dragon Rite. With determination he began.

It was very awkward at first, nothing happened to make this seem anything like the vision. Simply heaving his body over the fell beast and moving with the same motions was doing nothing to create pleasure... for a while.

Tarkal was determined to gain his promised strength. He kept at it and, after a few minutes, he got the feel for it. If he moved this way just so it sent a jolt up his spine, making his scales prick up. If he pushed just right it gave him pleasant shivers to the bone, heating him up from his belly, making him want more. It did not take long for his pace to increase.

Interestingly enough, just as in the vision, a part of him began to grow and emerge from lower on his body. He followed his instincts, listening closely to his body's demands. There was an opening at the tail end of the female wolf. He shoved himself into it, reveling in the wave of sheer bliss that washed through him as he did. wanting it again and fuller, he pulling out and slammed back in.

As his thrusts grew more wild and his reach seemed to further his claws dug into the still warm and soft flesh of the being below him. Blood seeped out of the wounds he created, his voice growled from deep in his throat as he attempted to plunge ever deeper into the carcass, searching for what it was he needed, what his body screamed for. Whatever awaited him, he wanted it. But the flesh became limp and lax, failing to bring forth the pleasure he needed to reach his completion. He moved to the snort of the beast and opened the mouth that had howled in such agony just moments before. he began to thrust once more, and was pleased when the results were better than the used and loose flesh of her rear hide.

But it wasn't enough, still.

Tarkal was growing angry. His eyes spotted the male. He still had a hide left to use, still tight and warm and just waiting. Tarkal wasted no time in leaping on him. He rammed into the man's lifeless body over and again, forcefully, ripping the skin of his back open and apart with his teeth and claws as he began to grow ever more frenzied. In and out he tore, growling and snarling like some mindless animal.

Finally, a wall of heat and bliss fell over him. His vision went white and his body tensed before falling almost as limp as the corpses he'd just sodomized. He breathed in heavy, ragged breaths and enjoyed the feelings rushing through him still. Power, release, wild energy still humming just beneath the surface.

With a raspy and deep hiss that was more reflex than thought Tarkal spewed flame. Flame that he had searched for his whole life. Hell had been correct in the dream she had sent him. He was becoming a true dragon. And his mixed blood would provide him the leverage it had seemingly denied him for so long.




Colby's eyes widened at Feo's sudden surge of apparent hornyness. Due to lack of sleep within the last 24 hours his inicial reaction was not to growl and take offense to this. Though even in this state of mind he couldn't help but grin at the elf's pathetic excuse for a pick up line. Clearly the man didn't get laid often. Luckily for him it was sort of endearing. Oh well. If he was going to do this then he was going to have fun with it. He tilted his head in a way that he was sure looked fairly innocent and sweet. "Really, now? What sort of ways do you mean? I'm not so good at guessing games, Feo. You're gonna have to tell me what you want." He purred.

Nessa gasped as her friend lost her footing and instincively lurched foreward to catch her. She succeded, but as a result she also ended up brushing against some rather innapropriate places. She blushed furiosly at the realization.



Feo lost all self-control at the alp's coy smirk. He answered the others question by grabbing his chin and turning his head so that he could kiss the smaller man square on the lips.


Cori cried out in surprise and all but flailed out of Ianassa's arms. Her whole body was warm and her face was sure to be red enough to glow in the night. "Ahh, umm- Nessa? What is your hand doing?"


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