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Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us!

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Colby twitched. "Little?" This Elf, he decided, was arrogent like all Elves are. But it was obvious that he had live cattle somewhere. Cattle...milk. He was tired of living off of blood. It was much more bitter...and required killing which was an unpleasant task. Perhaps...a truce of sorts..until he was less hungry.

"I'll have you know I am not a little creature." Colby stated as he appeared from the shadows. Although now that he was standing across from the man he was much shorter. He refused to acknowldge this and crossed his arms.



The "little creature" stood and faced him, arms crossed and a pout on its face. If his eyes were not playing tricks on him Feo would have to say he was now face to face with an alp... in broad daylight. He smiled invitingly to the alp, trying not to make it angry. The last thing he needed was for nightmares to plague him every night for the rest of his life.

"Hello," he greeted as friendly as he could. Feo was not a sociable elf. It was part of the reason he was a hunter for the clan.




"Hello, cousin creature." Colby returned. "I happened to be passing by when I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have an overabundance of cattle...as you cut them to pieces on a whim. It would be kind of you," and by kind he was thinking more along the lines of 'intellegent' or 'recomended', "if you would loan one to me."



Feo had to stop himself from laughing. "Loan? That implies a return." He was rather reluctant to give up any of his bounty, truth be told. He had not work hard for it, but he had been put in quite a bit of danger getting them.

After a moment of weighing his options he supposed he could spare a few limbs, or even a torso for the other. Even going by the seasons, food was getting hard to come by and he knew it was difficult to provide on your own. "Take your pick of one, I will still have enough for my clan to be fed tonight." He allowed the other to get closer as he returned to his work.

He did not miss the glare sent his way by the alp, either.




"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK TO LAY A HAND ON ME!!!" Lei's voice echoed loudly for all the plains to hear. She pointed at Zerxes an with a twitch in her eyebrow she cast a simple spell. "You mangy DOG, DOG, DOG!" She cast her spell to Zerxes into an ordinary puppy. She would not waste good magic on the likes of him. Though every spell she cast was taxing for she had forgotten to replenish, what with all the searching. She was quite worried of the other beast standing ready.
"Yes master, As you wish." Hada slipped into his bottle to accompany Cori.

Last edited by Zatzu on Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:13 am; edited 1 time in total




Cobly tilted his head to the side. "What? This stuff? I thought you would have something a little more....alive."


Quickly and without so much as a forethought, Lukosa leapt into action as Lei finished her spell and her father dropped to the ground, nothing but a mutt. Seeing and sensing the fear in Lei was intoxicating. Something she had not experienced often outside of her hunting. This was a chance to prove herself, not only to her father but to the rest of the outside world that she was entirely capable defending herself, her father and maybe even a pack of werewolves.

Not knowing what she was doing or how fast Lei's reaction time could possibly be after casting a spell and then having another wolf attack, she was caught in mid-air thinking about the perfect way to sink her teeth into Lei's body. By this point she had gone too far to think of turning back. She had to finish the attack, or risk death in the face of her father and the onlookers.



Feo blinked slowly at the other. "Alive? For what purpose? You only need the blood."

What difference did it make if they were alive or dead? He had just slain them, the meat and blood were all still very much fresh, even still warm.


Cori breathed deeply before diving head first into the water. Slowly, she felt her new legs melding bad together and the skin being replaced by scales. Her short hair slicked itself back as she sped deeper into the lake, heading home to rethink her plans with her new djini.




"Moss defend." A bramble trap whipped out of the ground creating a thorny barrier around herself and Lei.
"I don't have time fir this!" Lei whined in her pubescent teenage manner.
Moss retracted the thorns and stood her ground. Both her and Lei were spent but as long as they were together they could stand strong.




The boy pouted. "So you want me to suck on the meat? Well okay...at this point that would be fine. I guess you wouldn't be able to tell the difference yourself but there is a difference between something living and something dead. And...living things produce milk. Which is so hard to find for some reason. But yes...beggers can't be choosers as I've heard." The young Alp picked up a piece of meat a tentively licked at it. IT wasn't terrible, he had to admit. But then again he hadn't eaten in days.


From what seemed like nowhere, a giant wall of light thorns rose greatly before Lukosa, mid strike. Before she even had time to react, she was already bouncing into and off of the thorns landing on the ground, on her feet with a small thud. She eyed her opponents warily as she steadied for another attack...



"Dammit will you look at me! I'm a damned DOG for crying out loud! forget about the revenge! For once just listen to me. If you kill them now, there will be no way to get my form back... Lukosa, i need you to try for another deal..."

"But what am I supposed to give them in return? you know they will want something for spending their energy changing you back."

"Lukosa, our future depends on it... do what you must.", and with a nod, Lukosa looked from her father slowly to Lei.

"Lei, look at my father... LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! I understand it was in self defense, but if he stays like this for much longer, he will not be able to defend himself. He will starve and die. He is getting old and weak. The form of a dog does not do him justice..... please Lei, I will be in your debt..." Lukosa pleaded with Lei, as on her last sentence she lowered her front legs to bow to Lei. Zerxes was of course shocked, but he could not be mad at his daughter, for he HAD said "do what you must..."



Feo watched the alp. Such a strange creature. Picky about its blood, wanting milk, out during the day. Was it sick or something?

"Are you alright? You seem to be acting oddly for your kind," he commented bluntly.


Cori darted through the barely lit waters, searching for the entrance into her cove. It was sometimes a pain to find, but well worth it to keep her base safely hidden from others.




Lei only smiled, she knew what she wanted. "Moss is a great companion but i think it's time for our family to grow. Your father can have his form and power, and you can have these cattle. All I want is your first born."




Colby glanced up from his meal. "I am perfectly fine. I just decided one day...that most things live their life during the day. So it would be strange to continue on during the night. Of course in doing so I don't really see much of my kind anymore..but I don't care about that. It's very different here..away from them and from humans. But you seem to be wandering alone yourself. I see no other Elves here." He stated, eying the other almost suspiciously.


Ianassa swam lazily through the water. Things were so boring lately...
Just then something caught her eye. It was a mermaid! She swam over to the mermaid and called out, "Hey!"



"I..." Feo had nothing to say. He could say thathe was simply out hunting and on his way back to the other elves, but he knew that he would be leaving the village just as quickly. He felt more at ease alone in the forest than surrounded by the clan. Sudden;y, he felt he understood the awkward alp just a little more. "I prefer to be on my own, though I do belong to a clan. That is what all of this is for."


Cori almost screamed aloud when she heard someone calling to her. She glanced in the direction of the voice and was shocked to see a nymph swimming her way. What was it today and her stumbling upon powerful and rare being? Not that she was complaining, nymphs were great fun and very wise.

"Hello there," she said, waving.




"Oh, I see. Very strange...an antisocial Elf. Hmmm. You are a wierd one." He licked the last of the blood from his piece of meat and offered it back without hesitation. "I have finished. You can have it back now."


"Hello, friend." She smiled warmly. "Where are you headed? Someplace...important? Someplace fun?"



"I wouldn't go so far as to call myself weird. Just, an outsider." He stared at the offered chunk. "And, I think it would be more beneficial to just return that to our Great Earth rather than to us."


Cori straighten up like an arrow. "No, not really. Just wandering around... aimlessly... nothing to do." She was not about to tell anyone the location of her base, or that it even existed. She might spend a vast majority of her time in the cove cooking up new spells and magic, but that did not mean she didn't have an actual home elsewhere.




"Hm...alright. If you're sure about that." He placed the meat on the ground and watched as the ants had their way with it. "Outsider you say. That is a good way to say it. I like that." Colby looked up at the taller man, curiosity replacing his previous anger. "Does this outsider have a name?"

Ianassa sighed. "Nothing to do is right. Today is very boring. Although I did feel a strange magical energy coming from the shore but a while ago." Nessa tilted her head to the side. "Isn't that odd?"



Feo froze. His name? He thought about giving a false one but figured it would not hurt to be honest. "Yes, I am Feo. Tell me, do you have a name as well?" He was finding himself more and more interested in the other as time went by. He had never had an interest in anyone else like this before. It was a very new feeling.


Cori inwardly winced,, she should have known summoning a djini would have some kind of signal, not to mention her transformation was no small feat. "Yeah, very odd... wonder what it could have been."




"Feo?" The boy grinned. "Hmm. Sounds kind of soft to me. And you don't look soft." He giggled impishly at this. "My people call me Cole but I would very much like it if you called me Colby."


"Yes, I wonder." She sighed "I wish I could have seen. Don't you think it would be great to see something magical?"



Feo really did not like the look he was being given. It made him feel like he was being considered for someone's dinner or plaything. "Soft? What do you mean soft?" He felt his warrior pride at risk by Colby's simple statement.


"Magical? But you're a nymph! All you are is magic! You have more abilities than I could ever gain in a life time of studying the arts." Cori was thoroughly baffled by this being. Hers was a power close enough to a djini's to make something spectacular occur on a whim.




Feo's reaction was better than expected and had Colby grinning like a chesire cat. "It was not my intent to imply anything at all. I simply meant that pretty sounding words remind me of pretty things." He let his sentence drift off into a purr. This man was so very easy to play with.


Ianassa laughed out loud. "Oh my! You are right there. Alright, you caught me. But...are you learning spells you say? That sounds very interesting. IS there a reason to study magic?"



Feo felt his face heat up at Colby's tone. This was why he was a loner. Others tended to make him stumble over himself. "So now I am soft and pretty sounding? Are you hear simply to emasculate me?" He decided to turn the tables. "At least I look strong and powerful, you are very lean and cute, like a girl almost."


"Why?" Cori had never been asked that. "I do enjoy it, being able to do things most can't. My mother taught me before she passed. Every time I do something new I like to think she would be proud of me..." she felt herself almost wander off to that place she went to when she was alone at night, wishing there was someone there, too.




"A girl!? Of all the ridiculous..." He didn't want to get into a heated arguement about how his kind didn't really come in female and that would have been a rare sister species entirely. Explinations like that would be lost on him. So instead he did what he was quite good at, twisting words. "You...think I am cute?" He stared up at him with his wide-eyed pseudo-innocent face.

"Oooh. This is a very good reason, Mermaid. It is rare to find one who does not learn nmagic simply because magic carries power."



Hada contemplated showing himself to the nymph. Maybe she would steel him and actually wish. But how without his master rubbing him out he was trapped. Then he remembered where he was. In the ocean where water was constantly rubbing against the lamp. Hada took this oppurtunity to escape from the lamp.
"Master, you summoned me? What is your wish." He smirked and thought "oh let the fun ensue."


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