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Mystic RP Character Bios

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1Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:50 am



Post your Character Bios here. Update characters here. If something important is changed just say so in the RP for us to look here.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:14 am; edited 1 time in total


2Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:14 am



Name: Feo
Race: Elf
Clan: Fletching
Gender: Male

Personality: yet to be seen
Skills: Bow and arrow work is unsurpassed by any one in the three Great Elf Clans. He holds a mystic quiver, enchanted to never run empty and a bow that will never snap or wear.
Appearance: long black hair, braided, tanned skin, grey eyes, 5'11", lean muscles, thin


Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:28 am; edited 1 time in total


3Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:21 am



Name: Cori
Race: Merfolk
Clan: Siltskin
Gender: Female

Personality: yet to be seen
Skills: A student of magics, she has managed to lean how to create lags and walk on land for a short amount of time. She possesses healing abilities, so long as she has fresh water to use. Combat skills outside of magic are weak.
Appearance: short, silver hair, black eyes, pale skin, from head to tail: 5' 5", with legs: 5' 3"


Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:02 pm; edited 2 times in total


4Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:25 am



Name: Ianassa (goes by Nessa)
Race: Nereid (sea-nymph of greek mythology)
Age: ???
Abilities: Is more defensive than offensive. She is able to calm the sea and speak to water animals.

Mystic RP Character Bios Nereid_the_Nymph

Nessa loves nature but hasn't had much contact with other creatures. She's a bit naive but has a calming effect on most people she meets.

Last edited by Momo on Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:36 am; edited 1 time in total

5Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:18 am



Name: Lei
Race: Human Witch
Clan: Ouroboros
Age: 14

Lei is a witch of the Ouroboros clan. She is their youngest member by far but far from the weakest. She possesses a deep well of magic. Her's is neither dark or white magic, but pure magic. Holding aspects of both sides. With her servant the Dryad muse she searches for the next creature to become the reincarnation of Ouroboros.

Mystic RP Character Bios Vamp7

Last edited by Zatzu on Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:19 pm; edited 3 times in total


6Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:22 am



Name: Moss
Race: Dryad Muse
Clan: Lei
Age: 630

Moss is the servant of Lei, a claness of Ouroboros. She has the powers of a muse which makes her invaluable to Lei. Her feeling are mixed for her master. She dislikes enslavement but, Lei's regard for nature and life are quite touching. She goes along willingly as long as no one gets hurt.

Mystic RP Character Bios Dryad1

Last edited by Zatzu on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total


7Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:45 am



Name: Hell
Race: Mara
Age: ???
Type: Seer

Hell is a nightmare creature, she can also project illusions much like her brother, Cole. She does not have a Tarnkappe such as he. She however does have the ability to paralyze people. She is an outcast among her kind for her gift of clairvoyancy. She has very little interaction with her kind, enjoying her solitude. She often just stares into her crystal ball watching the downfall of people.
Mystic RP Character Bios Seer

Last edited by Zatzu on Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total


8Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:09 pm



Name: Hada
Race: Djini

Hada is a powerful Djini locked away in a peculiar lamp Mystic RP Character Bios Genie He loves twisting people's dreams for his own weird pleasure. If his dream won't come true then no ones will. He will see to that personally.

Mystic RP Character Bios Djin


9Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Char bio. Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:31 pm


Name: Zerxes
Race: Werewolf
Age: ???
Height: 5'8" on all fours.
Abilities: Has a large amount of control over Lightning (both light and dark lightning.) Can cause the ground to shake, occasionally causing short but deep cracks in the earth just by roaring.

Mystic RP Character Bios Werewo11

Zerxes appeared on the scene around the 15th century. For one century he was loveless and childless, which had hardened his heart and soul to a bitter crust... until around the 16th century he found his one and only true love, Kamalia, and had with her one daughter. Thus, Lukosa was born into their care. They lived and loved for yet another century before a horrible crusade took the life of Kamalia, sending Zerxes plummeting into a state of almost constant rage whenever he had any kind of encounter with anyone other than Lukosa. Since the murder of Kamalia, Zerxes and Lukosa have grown so close they have formed a Love Bond, meaning that if either one were to die for any reason, the other would die shortly after. (about 5 days or so...)

10Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Char bio. Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:20 pm


Name: Lukosa
Race: Werewolf
Age: ???
Height: 4'11" on all fours.
Abilities: Inherited the ability of limited lightning control from her father, Zerxes and a healing power from her mother Lukosa. (also, both Zerxes and Lukosa have the ability to communicate telepathically with each other and other chars.)

Mystic RP Character Bios Werewo12

Lukosa became extremely close to her father after the murder of her mother, Kamalia, forming a Love Bond (explained in Zerxes' bio) she is mature enough to be independent but chooses to stay with her father, due to the bond. She is a very caring Wolf that will take care of those she finds worthy, and she knows how to tell when someone intends to do harm to her or her partners.

11Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:17 am



Name:Cole (prefers Colby)
Age: ???
Abilities: Insurting nightmares into the minds of sleeping victims. Hallucinations. Shape-shifting.
Mystic RP Character Bios Kawaii_Elf_by_Alconite

Colby was originally a creature of the night, born in shadows. Now he tries to live his life during the day because...well a lot more interesting things happen when everyone is awake. He's the oddball of the alp clan and doesn't really like causing nightmares on a daily basis. Because it is not in the picture I should also mention that he has a hat. Wink

Last edited by Momo on Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:55 am; edited 2 times in total

12Mystic RP Character Bios Empty Re: Mystic RP Character Bios Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:03 pm



Name: Tarkal
Race: Dragon
Clan: none
Gender: Male

Personality: Being a guy makes him feel that he needs to be strong and brave and protect others, even though he is small. Not very serious.
Skills: Has the appearance of a basic land dragon, but due to water dragon blood he is a very apt swimmer. Cannot breath under water but can hold breath for about 30 minutes. Has yet to learn how to breath fire or fly (can only glide as of yet)
Appearance: Small and young. Dark green with slightly blue shine. Long tail. Horns are sharp but short.



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