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Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us!

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1. Your character MUST be some sort of mystical creature/being.

2. No half breeds (i.e. half fairy half elf)

3. Cannot be based off of any already existing story (Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings). Stay with traditional ideas and personal hiccups.

4. No more than four characters per account.

5. Post your character bios in the Character area! Not here.

6. No killing other people's characters!

7. Enjoy!

Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


2Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us! Empty Landscape Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:58 am



A rich forest, dense and green, thrives in the middle of summer. Clear, blue rivers run through out, all connecting at a single great lake at the very center of it all. Mountains lay to the East, fields and plains to the West. Far to the North is a dark and dead section of woods, where no light dares enter, for no light returns. And all is peace and prosperous in this forest and within its creatures there is balance. For now.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total




a young girl dressed in gothic style dressings walked between the trees singing the sweetest melody.
"I KNOW a little garden-close, Set thick with lily and red rose, Where I would wander if I might From dewy dawn to dewy night, And have one with me wandering And though within it no birds sing, And though no pillar'd house is there, And though the apple boughs are bare Of fruit and blossom, would to God, Her feet upon the green grass trod, And I beheld them as before!
As she hit the crescendo a beauty swaddled in nature stepped from a tree.
"I'm sorry milady, I haven't found trace of it yet, not a single creature knows. I will expand my search to the wastelands but I will not be able to perform my duties later if I do." the Dryad remarked properly to her mistress.
"We'll see about that Moss, just do as you must, I refuse to loose this treasure."




Eyes the color of the clouds scanned the horizon. The West was as unsettled as always, winds whipping wildly, sending loose vegetation and dust everywhere. The sun had only risen an hour ago, leaving the plains in the shadow of the forest until midday. Feo sat, covered and still on the border, watching and waiting. It was the perfect time of year for hunting the wild cattle that roamed here. They should be approaching the brush soon, for a stream ran out of the woods and through the plains, it was one for the very few sources of water out there during the dry season.

He sipped slowly from his canteen, always keeping both eyes focused on the still dark sky line. He spotted the movement he had been waiting for. Storing his water he pulled free a bow, and prepared to take aim.




Moss searched the land for more creatures, she spied a humanoid male crouched high in the branches of a maple tree. She began to twist the vines around him silently and with a quick force the ensnared him, holding him still. She walked into the tree and instantly walked out on the same branch he was perched.
"Elf, have you seen an elegant treasure of any sorts about this land?"




Feo glowered at the woman before him. He his the shame he felt in being so easily ensnared and answered her in a voice cold as the night winds. "No, I have not. I am not one for treasures. Now, if you will kindly release me, I have a clan to feed." He made sure to stare pointedly at the movement on the horizon for a moment. Even though he was trapped he still held his pose and aim.




"Come now you must have heard something." She peered off knowing what he was talking about. She began to whistle to the winds, calling the buffalo. A large heard rushed the tree and stood about grazing and the freshly grown grass Moss had made for them. "Now give me some information and you can have your pick. They will even carry you back to your clan." Instantly her demeanor change to nothing but pure evil. Her garb withered her hair turned from a lovely blond to a dead forest red. "If you don't assist me your clan wither and die a slow and painful death, So I will it." A curse of a Dryad was always a promise. She then turned to normal, "So how about it brother."




The Dryad waited. "With all due respect, sister, I do not know of any treasure one of your kind would be interested in. Perhaps, if given more information, I could aide you in searching for it. 'Elegant Treasure' is also not something one would use to describe a certain object they are searching for."

His eyes matched hers, this Dryad would kill his clan off, slowly, of that he had no doubt. He could only hope to placate her at the moment.




"Fine then take me to your clan, maybe someone there would know. I can give you no further description or my master will be quite cross." Moss shuddered at the thought of Lei being angry with her.
She dropped them through the tree freeing him during his fall. They both landed on the back of the waiting buffalo. "Lead the way."

An elegant lamp bounced on the shore of the great lake, Hylas.




It took Feo a moment to realize just what had happened. He glanced at the Dryad. "Are you mad? It is forbidden to bring an outsider to us! You will be attacked, I will be banished, no one would help you."

He was surprised, though, that she wished to go at all. If he, a traveler and hunter, did not know the location of something why would village hands know anything? It was a foolish thought that she would find her answer there.


New feet carefully made their way along the sandy banks of the lake they had walked from. Eyes closed in exuberant pleasure at the sensation of the earth and the rush of accomplishment that had brought her here.




She had no other choice but to join this person. She was out of options and power. Elf magic could help her replenish, so even if they knew nothing she could be renewed.
The lamp finally rolled onto the sand, sitting in the middle of the beach.



Zerxes and Lukosa slowly trudged through their home territory of dead decaying bark during their daily morning patrol, scanning what little horizon they could see for intruders, ready to pounce on anything that moved.

Zerxes raised his snout to the sky and drew in one long breath...

"Do you smell that?" The smell of cattle was the sweetest aroma to them, for it meant that if they hurried, they would feast for another week. "We must run, quickly now."

A quick acknowledging nod from Lukosa was all it took for the two to begin sprinting through the death and muck, and burst out to a scene of wild cattle grazing on what seemed to be fresh grass.

They took their respective hostile poses...



Moss could sense danger on the plains. She had called all the buffalo together and they had not dispersed in time and now they were being threaten by predators. It was not her business for this was the natural order of things but the grass was laced with a calming agent. It was gonna be a slaughter. She instantly turned around rushing away from her Elf companion. "I have to go save the buffalo!"

Moss arrived to two werewolves stalking the cattle. "Please be easy on the herd they are defenseless, take only one and leave the rest to recover. You may begin your hunt once they are sound mind again."




Feo stood there, surrounded by four cattle, half way into the forest and completely unaware of what had just happened. First she demands that he take her to see his people, then she disappears in to the woods. He feared he was dealing with a bi-polar Dryad. Sighing to himself, and not quite caring what she was up to now that he had been left alone, he led the cattle further towards his village. If they got too out of hand he knew he could kill them and have their bodies brought back in no time. They would not escape back to the plains.


Cori continued her track, eyes closed and face turned towards the morning sun. Though its rays were faint she could still feel the warmth of them pulsing through her, sending beats of power throughout her body. She had never felt more alive... more exuberant... more-

"Oww!" she cried as she fell to the sandy ground with a thud. She had stubbed her new toes on something hard and cold. "What in the world..." She glanced at her feet to see a lamp laying in the sand.

It was definitely what she had tripped on, and by the looks of things, it was no ordinary lamp. Just to be sure, she gave it a steady rub.



"And how long will this take might I ask", thought Lukosa.

"Screw it, just take them!" Zerxes fired at Lukosa as he reared back to attack a fresh buffalo.

Lukosa sprung into action by jumping in front of her father, after all, what could he hope to accomplish with a reckless decision like that? and in with a foreigner (to them at least) impeding their hunting, she knew her father was hyper-sensitive at the moment.

"Listen father," she thought at Zerxes (only he could hear her) "we might be able to make off with more than one. I've seen what these Dryads can do. It's best not to disobey, but rather to bargain."

"So what do you intend to do?" Zerxes wondered.

"Listen, I'm not making guarantees but if the cool down time on their mental state is too long, i might be able to get an extra buffalo, just calm down." and to this Zerxes just plainly shot a look at Lukosa.

"I'm sorry Dryad.... how long will this take?"



"About one day, then you can hunt when the tables are more fair"
A chilling wind carrying a song was heard through the trees, it was the hymn of the nymphs, Lei.
"Moss where have you been, I have been calling you for hours." Lei appeared from a spout of black water from he ground. "And who the hell are they, You weremongrel have you seen a pretty shiny shiny around anywhere. I'll give you a bone if you help" Lei said with a condescending attitude.
Hada formed from the mouth of the lamp. "Ahh it has been so long since i had a master. My name is Hada, what is your first wish Master.




Cori smiled up at the djini. This was great! finally, someone to keep with her and that could not leave. She was sick of always being alone and fending for herself. "Wonderful! Boy do I have plans for you, Hada was it?" She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. "First wish... I wish for you, Hada the Djini, to be my friend until the end of time."




Hada laughed "Your wish is granted" He summoned forth an hour glass. And watched the sands run out. "It is the end of this time, our friendship is over. Now all that remains is discord. You have two more wishes, let's not try that one again."




Colby sniffed at the air. His ears perked as he smelled something sweet. There was cattle nearby, which meant milk. It had been a long time since his last meal and wearily eyed the tall Elf man who was watching them. "I appologize in advance.." he murmered before sending out one of his hallucinations as a distraction. A baby dragon dropped from seemingly thin air and startled one of the cattle, who immediatly ran.


Zerxes immediatey snarled and crouched unto an offensive pose. "wereWHAT? you little- so help me if I even hear one snide remark out of you I will-"

"father! Please! Listen we don't want any harm to come to any of you. But we will defend ourselves for whatever reason. All we want is two cattle and we will be on our way to the lake. We are starving. Dryad, may we have two cattle to last us? We are quick eaters and need the energy."

"Lukosa how can you stand for this, this, this thing talking to us that way? Listen I may be old but I still know how to keep my dignity! Besides he's looking mighty tasty about now. " lukosa shot zerxes a sharp look, implying for him to wait for an answer from the dryad before any dessert was handled.



Lei looked at Lukosa, "You best keep a muzzle on your pet little pup." Lei looked at the buffalo, she sized them up. "Moss were you gonna just give away buffalo for free. If you want one of MY buffalo what will you give me in return." Moss shrunk back behind Lei, she dare not question. She sank into a pathetic stance helpless and sad.

Last edited by Zatzu on Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total



Ooc: sorry for making a gender mistake in my last post. Both girls got it. Lol

"ok that's IT!" was all zerxes found himself saying as he took a quick leap, not at the buffalo but the frail look figure that had just insulted him.

"father no!" was all lukosa could manage to get out but it was too late, for her father was in midair lunging towards the offender.



Feo gasped as a dragonling appeared out of thin air. and landed on one of the buffalo, scaring it and the others. "Damn!" he cussed before pulling out a bow and taking aim. He would have to kill them if he was to bring them home. It did not even take a minute before all four beasts were dead on the forest floor, still and silent.

The elf knelt by each and thanked the Earth for her gift. He proceeded to take out a carving sword and hack the bodies into more manageable chunks. He had to return with some part of his kill, lest the rest be stolen by others while he was away.


Cori pouted. Smart ass djini. She was not through with him however. She still had two shots to word her wish correctly. There was always a way to get around a djini's loopholes. Always. She would just keep him around until then.

"Fine," she huffed, still a bit miffed about being out smarted. "Come with me then." Her magic was fading and she would soon revert to her birth-given form, a mermaid. She slunk back into the calm waters, waiting for Hada to follow.




Colby gaped as the cows were hacked to pieces. What was this insanity?? No milk can come from dead cows. The young Alp bared his teeth and hissed. Stupid flesh-eating Elf. Best believe this would not be forgiven. He kept his eyes on the other, thinking all the terrible things that would be done in nightfall for this act.



As Feo worked he felt something lurking, watching him. It was normal to have such sensations, usually because something was watching you. In this place many things lived and hunted, you were either the hunter or the hunted. It was a basic rule of the world. Feo, though, did not like being the hunted. He stopped what he was doing and peered around.

"Come out, come out, little creature. I won't hurt you," he called out. To illustrate his point he even went as far as to replace his knife in its scabbard. His arrows would be more then enough to protect himself anyhow.


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