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Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us!

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"I... what?" Feo felt himself stumble over what ever he would have said before he realized what Colby had just said. "C-cute? Where did that come from?"


Cori shrieked aloud this time. "Hada! I did not summon you! Back in your lamp! Do not come out again unless I call you forth!" As an after thought she added, "No, that is not a wish, it is a command from you master!"

She glanced over at the nymph. She had just been caught in a lie... bad.




Cobly couldn't help but cackle with laughter. "It came from you of course. Very lean and cute...yes that's about right. While I don't find myself to be 'cute' in the least I'm not one to turn down a compliment."


Ianassa smiled deviously. "Oh, you thought I did not notice? Lamps themselves are a strong magical item. IT practically has a scent." She smiled sweetly.


Lukosa glared threateningly at the conniving figure that stood before her....

"you want my WHAT??? Why I oughta.." she cut herself short for her father had just let out a small whimper..

"hurry, please.. Lu-kosa... just do it." Her fathers words sounded like a faint wind whisper inside her head. This meant the transformation was becoming permanent... if she didn't act fast, her father would forever be a mere puppy. What an end for a warrior like him.

Lukosa slowly looked back at Lei and with a burden on her heart she finally whispered...




Feo blushed again. So, he might have said that. But the way Colby spoke made it seem so much... worse wasn't the right word. Much more perverted. Yes, that was it. "Look, I am going back to my village now. I suppose it was... interesting talking with you. If we should ever cross paths again it would be a pleasure." With that he tied up the the sack of meat and began walking.




Colby was a bit surprised by the Elf's sudden departure. Well! He certainly was a sensitive one. Although without his f...plaything it was suddenly a lot more quiet. Why did I almost think friend? he wondered. He watched Feo walk away as he wondered just what to do with himself now.



As he trekked through the dense forest Feo felt a slight weight on his chest. It might have been embarrassing but he had enjoyed his conversation with Colby. More than he had ever enjoyed one with anyone of his race. It was pathetic and fascinating all at the same time. Part of him wished he could bring the alp back with him. It was against the law of his people and he would not risk the extreme punishments that would be given to him for someone he had just met.




Sudenly he was struck with an idea! So what if his toy was walking away? He need but merely follow incognito. Of course he wouldn't be able to reveal himself to the Elf in the village, but during nightfall he could always entertain himself by playing with his dreams. Oooh, it'd been a while since he'd played those games. Now then...being a mere Alp he was at a disadvange in the act of shapshifting. He needed his Tarnkappe (his bandana hat) in order to perfom any magic, and in perfoming this magic his hat was the only thing that would remain the same. Only so many animals could be seen wandering around wearing a hat without evocing suspicion...

So he decided to become as inconspicious as possible and change into a white butterfly. Yes! He shall never notice me in this form! He flitted happily after Feo.



By the time he reached the village the sun was high in the sky and the heat of the day was beginning to hum around him. Feo placed his load in the village store house before making his way to his own tiny cottage. Because he was always on the move he very rarely slept there. It was more of a personal store house than a home.

He pushed open the front door was walked in. A thin layer of dust covered everything. It was not exactly a strange occurrence, he wasn't exactly the tidiest being in the world. Add in his lengthy absences and there was bound to be at least dust waiting at home for him. He placed his bow and quiver against the wall and made his way to the bedroom. He had been out all night scouting and tracking. He would sleep until nightfall and then head out again.




Colby fluttered in through the door behind him and rested on the ceiling. This room was not very kept. It was clear this Elf much prefered the outdoors. He assumed he would have hours of long waiting to endure when his luck changed for the better. He was going to sleep! When he was sure it was safe he popped back into his regular form and crept to the side of Feo's bed. No matter how he denied it, the man was kind of pretty. Not necessarily in a femme way, but the way most Elves are. As much as he had a distast for Elves he could not deny them that. He crawled lightly onto the bed and positioned himself cross-legged on Feo's chest. "Now then...let's see what scares you most when all of your defenses are down..."



All around Feo were his people. None had faces, however. The only things that resembled facial features were the slashes that were used for mouths. Some were turned upwards like cynical chesire cat grins while others were angled downwards in a maddening frown. Echoing in the blankness that surrounded the group was a sick mixture of laughter and angered cries. Tears fell from the faces with grins while those with the frowns shook wildly and clutched their sides. Slowly, the sound grew louder until it reached an unbearable peak in its crescendo.

"NO!" he cried without actually knowing why. "Stop it! Make it stop!" The voice that came from his mouth was he but not. It was his voice ages ago, decades past he sounded like this. "Help me! Help!"

Then, one pale, thin, bony hand outstretched itself towards him. Silently it beckoned him towards it. As the limb moved closer to him the sound continued to grow louder as its pitch climbed higher. "Please," he whimpered. "Please..."




The nightmare creature frowned. What a strange fear this one has...he could barely make sense of it. Most people he'd encountered has pretty standard nightmares, being chased, pit of snakes, monster under the bed type deals. They were all very silly and highly amusing to him. It also did not please him the way he became so terribly distressed by the ordeal. This was not a shallow fear. This brought pain. "There, there.." He whispered and patted the side of his face. This act was bringing him strange sadness so he released the other from his dream, removed himself from his position, and took his butterfly form. He rested himself on the wall, slowly opening and closing his wings and watching.



And suddenly, all was blank. Feo bolted straight up, sweat covering his body and chills running rampant. He had no had a dream like that in years. It brought forth many unwanted memories and feelings. He sighed as he ran a hand through his tussled locks. He removed his sweat-soaked shirt and tossed it to the floor. A handful of faint scars cross crossed over his chest and back. There was only one that stood out against his tanned skin, darker than the rest and jagged it ran from his collar bone to his hip over his chest. Most would consider such a thing horrid, something to be hidden of ashamed of. It was his pride and joy. Proof that even if he was harmed he was more than capable of pulling through it. It was a mark that gave him as much strength as his clan's.

His stomach gurgled and lurched, telling him it was time to eat. He opened his cabinet and pulled out the only thing in it, a sack of dried fruit. It was enough to keep him placated until dinner. He flopped ungracefully back onto his cot and started nibbling. A few bugs flitted in and out of the house, he paid them no mind. He enjoyed the hum of their wings. It fit well with the beating of the heat. He began to doze again as he stared absently at a very pretty white butterfly with the strangest headdress he had ever seen.




Lei walked up and outstretched her hand, there was a spiral birthmark on either side of her hand as if it went all the way threw.
"Then lets make this deal final" She quickly grabbed Lukosa's hand and spiral shined forming a replica onto Lukosa's hand. "This binds you to the deal. If you do not hold up your end of the bargain then each one of your children will die a horrible painful death." Lei was only bluffing, her kids would only go to sleep and never wake up. She was tough, not heartless. As the glowing sigils stopped shinning Zerxes returned to his naked human form.
"Oh MY! Elder can you please cover yourself, I'm only 14" She turned away and hid her face.
"My sincerest apologies master, I thought this nymph was bothering you. I guess you are completely right, she is nothing compared to you, I should have never worried." He smirked and headed back into his lamp for further entertainment.




Feo awoke from his nightmare and for some reason or another begane undressing. This nearly caused the poor butterfly-Colby to fall off the wall. Luckily he kept his balance and couldn't help but notice a large scar running across the other's body. That does not look like a pleasant experiance.. He thought to himself. I wonder how he would even get something like that..and he has a lot of other scars too..what does he go around fighting dragons? Is he not educated in the art of running and hiding? That's funny...he looks like he's staring at me...my God he IS staring at me! Um..um...Nothing to see here. Just a your average butterfly... Humm Humm Yeah..haha..perfectly normal here so stop staring. He shifted around nervously, trying to act as bug-like as possible.



"This Djini.." Nessa stated, "What is the meaning of his words?"



Feo yawned and dropped back into a restful sleep, snoring lightly as the sack of snacks rested in his lap. This time he dreamed of happier things like pretty butterflies in funny hats and laughing children chasing them.


Cori huffed as the djini slid back into his lamp. "Nothing, he is just a trouble maker. I meant no disrespect in hiding him, I'm sure you understand," she apologized. she did not need a nymph as an enemy, it was bad enough the other merfolk would hardly look at her. "Say, you know many magics, do you think you might entertain yourself by being a master to me? It would be so much easier to learn form an actual person rather than some old tablets." Cori hoped the change of subject would keep her new acquaintance satisfied.

As for the djini, she shook his lamp vigorously behind her back, hoping to rattled the no good instigator.



Zerxes shown in the light glistening in battle sweat. He appeared to be the age of a 90 year old mortal man with piercing white hair down to his mid-back which was covered in tribal tattoos from his childhood rituals of becoming a man. But with the deal just made he was still much stronger and much older than such a being. He let out a gasp as he fell to knees, humiliated. Lukosa quickly thought of nothing but the protection and dignity of her father. For a person that much preferred his wolf form, his human form was.... refreshing. He could actually speak for himself without having to think it, but he chose only to say,

"you... shall *gasp* pay..." before collapsing to the ground, only to be caught by Lukosa. Zerxes' hair flowed around his face hiding his weakness.

"father we must get you home, where you can wait for the moon.... that is if Diana is still willing to help." Lukosa knew that in one weeks time, the full moon would rise and her father could have his true form back if he so chose. You see, with these werewolves, when a werewolf had made the bond between wolf and man, and chose to spend his time in his wolf form, he was never again allowed to break that bond and return to man form. The only such way to do so is how he had just been transformed, through magic not of his own. The only way to return to the bond was to meet with Diana, the moon godess and have her restore the bond with a permanent bond once again....

But as for the first born child of Lukosa, there was posed a problem. Her and her father were the only two left of their species... Her father was a man now and her still a werewolf. What could become of the procreation of her species unless she reverted to her human form? She was now at a crossroads. Wait for Diana, who might not even come at all, to return, or make another deal with Lei, and be transformed into a woman to procreate with.. her father? this was a decision he would have to make at a later date, as her father was now passed out in her embrace and in dire need of medical care.



Colby sighed in relif. Thank goodness...my superior shapeshifting techiques preval as usual. He popped back into his regular form and curiosly poked at the snacks that happend to be there but they were not appealing at all. It was then that he remembered that the Elf clan may in fact have cows roaming around the place. Milk! At long last he would find it! He turned himself into mist to creep out under the door then resumed his butterfly form in order to do some searching.

Nessa's eyes intasntly lit up. "Me? A master? That would be fantastic!" The water Nymph clasped her new friend's hands and spun them around in excitement.



Cori allowed herself to be spun for a moment. When they slowed she gasped in horror. She had dropped the lamp. Her eyes darted down and she spotted it drifting rather quickly downwards. "My lamp!" She dove head first after it. "Damn you! Get back here!" Just as she was about to grab hold of it a somewhat large fish scooped it up in its mouth and ate it.

Cori was at a loss... a fish had just eaten her magic lamp. "Cough it up fish! That's mine!" she howled.




"Hmm...these people sure do a good job of hiding their milk. They are selfish and want it all to themselves. I see how it is." He flitted about outside until he came across the stables. He noticed the distict lack of cows but there was an abundace of horses. Colby was very fond of horses. And they produced milk! He happily resumed his regular form after confirming that no one was in the stable and found himself a milk-producing female. "Hello, lovely. I am just going to borrow some dinner." He pulled out his cantine and filled it with warm milk for when he knew he would need it later. He screwed on the cap and put it away before happily drinking his dinner by squirting it straight into his mouth.



"Miss if you will allow me, I will send you to your home." Lei did feel bad for what just transpired but she is not a force to mess with. All shall learn that. Lukosa nodded, she did not want to speak, nor could she bring herself to look at Lei. "Think of your home and close your eyes." Lei's voice was a whipser carried by the wind. It surrounded Lukosa, when she opened her eyes she was kneeling by her father in their den.
Lei was now out of magic and far from home. She now only had her muse. Moss was tired as well, she wasn't like other nymphs, she couldn't return her body to the ground and replenish. She had a master which locked her in her body. Her only way to replenish was to meditate peacefully. Lei on the other had had to do a ritual with very rare herbs. That is one perk to having a Dryad around, but for potent herbs, Moss had to be revitalized.
Hada was ejected from his bottle. He had a new master, a stupid one at that. He had the power to converse with any being. With stupid ones like animals he could take their desires and make them wishes. "Yes Master what is your wish." He stared at the fish and with three quick snaps all three wishes were used. A plentiful food source surrounded it, a fiercer look, and finally a large size. All it's desires were fulfilled. And with that the genie grabbed his lamp and smirked at Cori. "Bye now" his lamp had vanished creating a large twist of water where it once drifted.



With what had just happened, Lukosa took a moment to steady herself before standing up next to her fathers limp, weak body. she nudged him with her snout and asked if he was ok. He opened his eyes and whispered "Water Lukosa, i need water."

With that she nodded and didn't think twice about leaving him alone in the woods. Her mind was too far gone with the events of the day so far to worry about much more than what her father needed and what he needed was water. 'What better place to get water than the the lake' she thought to herself. She picked up a wooden bucket she had grabbed from an elf village a while back. They weren't too happy but it's what they needed. The water they had in the wastelands was just that, waste. So, she ran blindingly fast to the lakeshore where she slowed down to feel the sand through her paws and the incoming shore breeze through her fur. she looked out over the water to take it all in...



Feo woke to the sun just beginning to set. He straightened up his house and packed another travel bag with enough supplies, minus food, for three days. He would go to the store house and stock up on dried meats and bread before he left. First stop, however, was the stables to make sure he still had a horse to ride out on when the sun was gone.

The stables, as usual, were all but deserted. At least fifty horses roamed around the large, but enclosed, area. He hopped the fence and strolled easily through the herd. He knew each and every horse by name. He knew their personalities and relationships. He knew which elf rode them and which elf they did not like. He also knew that there was someone in the field that should not have been.

A dot of red was nestled amongst the newborns. He crept slowly towards the group and was about to grab and yank the intruder away roughly before he recognized it as Colby. "What are you doing here!?" he hissed at the alp as he began to pull at him.


Cori growled and hissed and cussed wildly. "The lamp! My lamp!" She began to sink slowly in her distraught state.



Lukosa let herself slip into the water deep enough to where the bucket was floating just on the surface of the water. With a small tug the bucket dipped under and the sound of rushing water into the bucket filled the otherwise calm and empty atmosphere...


Lukosa's head shot up first to the forest and then to the sky as a long blazing white streak flew across it. " what on this green earth could THAT be?" Lukosa wondered.. whatever it was, it just broke the sound barrier and was plummeting to the ground.... falling, falling to a place that looked like.... and then it fell out of view behind the trees.

"What was that? and why did it land over THERE?... FATHER!!" Lukosa yelled in her head as she realized that whatever just fell from the sky landed in the wastelands near what looked like was near their den. Lukosa quickly brought herself about in the water and withdrew the bucket as she practically flew to her den a few miles away.



Colby was suddenly and rudely yanked by the arm. "OW!" He pulled back. "I was eating. You could have asked without touching." He grumbled, rubbing his arm.


Nessa patted Cori on the shoulder. "It is alright Mermaid. Lamps and Djinis do not often bring happiness. The only creatures that truly get their wish are the simple-minded like that fish. It would have brought you bad luck and dissapointment."

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