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Mystic RP - Magical Creatures Come and Join Us!

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Hell dare not move, she knew it was a mistake to show up tonight, but he was so close she couldn't resist. She ignored his plea and held her ground. She must remain distant for his sake. Plus the pluck happy elf that would be quite cross after the bear attack.




Hell did not show herself. Colby gritted his teeth. What was she doing? "Feo, don't shoot. Illusions only have power over those who believe it."



"Illusion?" Feo repeated, finally listening to the alp. He stood and walked out of the foliage he'd taken cover in and stared down the dire bear. He told himself it was not really there, that it could not harm him. "Colby, you had better be right."

Feo did not even question why he was trusting someone he had just met yesterday.




Hell was out of options. Time for an offensive, she disillusioned the bear and as Feo watched a bright light flashed paralyzing him as she jumped on the road and began running.




Colby watched helplessly as Feo was paralyzed and his sister ran. He wanted to run after her but he couldn't leave the frozen Elf just standing there. He ran up to Feo and pondered what to do with him. He poked him in the side and he fell over.

"Oops...sorry about that." He dragged the frozen body and propped it against a tree, grumbling about how heavy he was. "There. I'm sorry about my sister. I don't know what's gotten into her...or why she is avoiding me."



As Hell got out of range her spell would wear out. She wasn't sure if she was going to be followed. She had to find a spot to meditate though, Tarkal may have needed her help. She found a rock pile and climbed into the center where she opened the third eye gate. She floated as a shinning third eye appeared on her forehead. Her crystal ball glowed, she was worried they would be able to see the light from the outside.
"Tarkal sorry for my absence, I got into a rough spot. How are you fairing?"




Feo was... angry. Angry, mortified, embarrassed beyond repair. And now. he was going hunting. He felt his body loosen after a few moments and shook himself out. "Your sister? she did this? Well, unfortunately for her, I'm going to kill her now! I will not be made fool of!"


'A LAMP!' Tarkal screamed in his head as soon as he heard Hell's voice. 'An actual magic lamp!'




"That must be the treasure I saw. What about the two headed beast, see anything like it?




Colby grabbed on to his arm. "What do you mean you will kill her!? In case you haven't noticed she didn't even hurt you! She threw a scary image at you and froze you so she could run away. She was probably afraid of you. And you will hunt her down for your twisted revenge? You will not! Calm yourself and re-think your actions. This will be a mistake for you if you do not." He was getting pissed that Feo would knowingly hunt down his very sister. He did not want to make an enemy of this man, but if he went after Hell there would be no choice. Regardless of circumstances he would have to defend his sister.



Feo huffed. "Some sister! She ran off without so much as greeting you!" He stopped to see how the other would react to this. His sisters in the clan would never do something so disrespectful and cowardly as to hide. And from a family member!


'A werewolf and human, though, I'm starting to think that it is actually another wolf. I'm going to grab that lamp.'




"That must mean the broken fangs. Get it or there power will increase, who knows if they are good or evil. Plus it's not like we couldn't use a few wishes."




"Maybe she has a reason! I don't know! I haven't seen her since I left home. Maybe she didn't talk to me because I was helping you. You don't understand. Hell is different. If she is acting strange...there could be a good number of reasons." Colby was definatly angry now. This guy had no right to take an attitude with him. "You can't go off shooting something because it displeased you. Honestly, you Elves! I'm surprised I've managed this long around you without getting one of your arrows in my back."



Feo was taken aback slightly at Colby's fit. He thought about retorting with another insult, but knew it would get him no where. "Fine, I won't harm her, but I am going to find her. Come with me or not, your choice." He started walking and threw back, "Wouldn't want you to get stuck with an arrow in your back because you stuck around with me."


Tarkal ignored the wolves and made a mad dash towards the lamp, hissing in an attempt to scare off the werewolves.




Colby growled and his hair bristled slightly. But he follwed nontheless. He wanted to find his sister and Feo was a far better tracker than he. Even if he was an oddly sensitive jerk-face.

Nessa and Cori broke the water's surface. Nessa sat on the shore and fished some string out of her pocket. "We will make bracelets. Then offer their power to the moon. Sometimes, the best magic comes from nature. You just have to know when and how to use it. Plus, they will be super shiny and cute."


Lukosa dug her claws into the earth as the creature barreled in their direction. she let out a fierce roar as the creature ran a few more steps. She saw that it was not going to stop until it got the lamp.

"what could THAT creature want with a lamp?? oh well i guess anyone can benefit... but especially me." she thought quickly as she whipped around on her heels kicked up mud into the creatures face as she started running towards the lamp. she was at a slight advantage. after all, this was her home turf. She knew the terrain and easily leapt over the branches and limbs to get to the lamp.



Tarkal winced as dirt and grime got slapped into his face. On reflex his closed his eyes, but did not stop running forward. He wound up barreling directly through a rotten tree, sending bits of wood and root flying everywhere. A decent sized branch was sent flying towards the werewolf.

He opened his eyes after he had collided with the tree. Thankfully, his extra eye lids (he usually used them when he swam but he wasn't going to complain about his body's reactions) had blocked out most of the dirt and he could still see.


Cori lifted herself onto a rock beside Nessa. "I know natural magic is the purest and most powerful," she said, trying not to make herself seem like such a novice. "But, it has always been difficult to harness it to charm something for me. Am I doing something wrong, I wonder..." she mused to herself.


It did not take Feo two whole minutes to spot a great glowing object not far in the distance. It was in the direction Colby's sister had run. "Hey," he called back to the trailing alp. "Can you sister do that?"

He pointed towards the light and waited for the other to pay attention to him instead of sulking. He might not be good at reading others but he knew that he had really upset Colby. He would apologize when they had a moment.




"Maybe you just need more practice?" Nessa suggested. She could feel a power struggle taking place in the distance and she 'hmm'ed in amusement.

Colby glanced up at this. "I know her crystal ball can. That would definatly be her."



Feo didn't mince words. "Then, let's get going." And they headed out.


This might have been the truth. Her mother had died very suddenly before she had ever advanced that far in her lessons. She had had only very basic instruction before she was on her own. "So, how do you draw power for protection charms?"




Colby could now see the faint glow coming from a rock pile. "There!" He exclaimed.

"I'll show you." Nessa consentrated on focusing her magical energy on the bracelet. She cahnted a magic spell, "φεγγάρι μας δανείζει τη δύναμή σας και μας προστατεύει με το φως σας από το σκοτάδι που μπορεί να μας απειλήσει" The scales began to shine with the light of the moon. There was now a small amount of magic attached to the object.



Without a horse the two had to move quickly on their own two feet. How that girl had gotten so far away so quickly was a mystery to him.


As Ianassa began to chant Cori heightened her senses to make sure she could feel just how to control the magic she pulled in. when she spell began to wane another power was felt not so far off in the distance. "What was that?" she thought aloud, staring off towards the energy.




Moss had finally recharged enough to summon potent enough roots. The only thing left to do was to purify them in water. They set off towards the river bank for the ritual. They finally broke the tree line and saw to water creatures on the sure making jewelry. Harmless enough the both thought, water creatures were naturally skiddish and most likely run when they got close enough.

They looked straight ahead carrying the roots gently avoiding any contact with the other beings. They were not in the mood for any trouble. Lei took the roots from Moss and lowered them in the water and recited her spell: Ó ar an Domhan na Mara, I lán criostail de light gealach geal, liom an Ghlao biotáillí a me, Bain an dorchadas, nigh uaidh an blight.

A large green flame surrounded her and rushed down her arms to the roots under the water. As it glowed green it was then absorbed into her skin. She stood tall and a burst a pure magical energy shot forth from her hole body as if some kind of barrier and broken.




Finally, they arrived at the rock cave. There was green light shining through the crack. Colby had no idea how his sister has squeezed herself in there. "Hell! I know you can hear me. You have to come out and at least talk to us!"

"So you can sense it too then? Look over there." Nessa pointed to a little down the shore just as a woman burst into a powerful green light.



Cori stared wide-eyed at the woman as the flames enveloped her. As they did she felt the woman's power flare along with them. It peaked and simmered to a high, yet stable, level. She shrank back behind the rocks. "Who are they? We should go..."


Feo called out also. "Come out of there! He is your family, isn't he? Why are you running from your own brother?" He thought about adding the fact that Colby also made Feo promise not to hurt her so she was still safe from him but though better of it at the last moment.




Ianassa smiled and pulled on her bracelet. "Oh, no. These are my waters that they are using. I believe I will go ask them what they are doing." The Nymph fluttered over to the tree lady. She did not speak yet but was in plain sight.



Hell snapped out of her trance. "Don't come any closer brother. I don't want to hurt you, you can not be part of my life for it shall only bring you misfortune. I have foreseen it."
Hell shrunk back and pressed against the rock wall, trying to conceal herself.
Moss instantly stood in front of Lei. Not because she wanted to protect Lei, she wanted to protect the approaching stranger from Lei. "We do not want any trouble, out business is done here, we are returning to the forest now." Moss flicked her hands and unnoticeably summoned a small vine of thorns just below the grass, just in case.


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