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High Risk High School

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51High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:07 pm



"I want you to join my new after school group. The turmoil society, a group of ruthless students whose job it is to monitor the school and keep the other student in line at any cost." Lady Robe said as she shuffled papers.

"So you mean like a mean safety patrol" Carmina sarcastically replied.
"Kinda, just more merciless, you're job would be to keep an eye out everywhere and go where there was someone stepping out of line, and settle the issue at all cost. In a school with this many super powered hormonal teenagers, things can get out of hand quickly, that's why we need to most heartless students. If there is any other that you believe should join let me know."
Carmina walked out wearing a pretty pin, it was an x made out of a hammer and scythe. She looked at Lalie, "Here we're safety patrol now".


52High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:28 am



Lalie bilnked a few times and smiled. "Oh goodie! Does that mean we get to tell people what to do and not get in trouble?"

She bounced after her friend, listening to her fill Lalie in. It sounded fun, and they were together. She hoped things didn't get too out of hand, but playing with people's emotions and not getting detention for it sounded good to her.

"Oh, do you have any idea where they keep our bags? I need a change of clothes.."


53High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:43 am



"They should be in our rooms already" Carmina gave Lalie a look that said she should of known. We have the right to take out our frustration on those who step out of line.
A dark skinned girl strolled into the the school flipping her micro braded hair. She smiled at Lady Rose who was baffled how she had gotten in past her plant traps. As she looked out she saw all her plants cut up on the ground. Isabella didn't know who this girl was but she knew she hated her.


54High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:56 am



Lalie smiled at the look her friend cast at her. Carmina always gave her that look whenever something stupid happened to her when she wasn't around. "I'll be in class soon then! Can't walk around all day covered in paint!"


Sister Mary yawned lightly as she handed out sheets of work to the students. Acedemic classes were always so dull. She loved the excitment of the training courses. Teach the fear of God to the children hands on! What better way to learn?


Clo was headed for the front desk. She'd been assigned the duty of helping out Rose first and second period, everyday.

She had nothing against the woman. Just that she was pretty much scared of her. She knew her reputation, she also knew how'd she stand against her if they were forced to fight. Not well...

"Rose! Hey there!" she called with her hand in the air. "Ooh, late student... that's not tied up?"


55High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:31 am



Ebony smiled as she walked past, "It was nothing really, I just didn't want anyone to faun over me." Her attitude was so hot she could burn down the building.

No one dissed Lady Rose, "You may have gotten past my plants but you must still be punished for being late."
"And I suppose you'll be the one giving me that punishment."
"Your damn right, face our lashes." Suddenly vines broke through the windows. And around her rose bushes bloomed. As she grabbed them the life was sucked out of the. She then whipped their life energy around mimicking wind blowing the petals at Ebony.

Ebony began to flip and twirl around the vines. Her gymnastic skills were great. But as the petals surrounded her it was over. The petals touched her skin and rejuvenated, as they sprang to life she began to get woozy. As they just circled she began to wobble. The vines wrapped around her restricting any movement.


56High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:50 am



So, Steve walked up to the front of the class where a small arena appeared.

"Hey, what's your name beautiful?" He sad in a sly, taunting voice.

57High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:42 pm



Papi raised an eyebrow at her current opponent. Did this loser just hit on her? "Papi," she answered. "But beautiful will do."

She stepped forward and into the spar area. "Let's go, skinny."


58High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:15 am



Aya finally arrived at the Auditorium, she was ready to go. She wanted to get out all her pent up energy. She walked down the stairs past the seats, she gazed at the front row students waiting to be called for their demonstration match. All the students here had signed up for school late and missed the powers exhibition. They all had to be assessed and placed. Aya didn't bother to sit with them, she walked right into the middle of the ring and smiled at the headmaster who was sitting waiting.
Isabella wasn't far behind Aya or Das. She came in dragging a pouty Ebony into the Auditorium. "Here's a smart ass for ya Headmaster.

Kaiya just smiled back and motioned for the girl to come forward. Ebony was released and obliged to walk into the ring standing opposite from Aya. "Late students must start" the headmaster seemed like a feeble old lady. Anyone who knew her knew this was a lie. She was the most ruthless and wicked assassin alive. She trained the three the ladies to create them as they are known today.


59High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:34 am



Das walked up to the Headmistress and bowed deeply. "If we may begin, ma'am? There are quite a few late comer, plus all of the back up from last years battle matches waiting," he informed respectfully. This woman, though brittle looking and elderly, was the most feared and respected of all fighters. Her kung-fu was second to none as far he he'd seen and he power, oh what a power!

He straightened himself and glanced at the two girls in the ring. A sour-looking dark-skinned girl was glaring at his newly found favorite source of entertainment, Aya. Das looked over the other girl, trying to put a name with her face.

It took a second, but he managed. Ebony, late comer and full of attitude. She'd make for an interesting fight with the foul-mouthed, hyperactive Aya. That was, if she had any god abilities.


60High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:49 am



As soon as the signal was given, Ebony began to circle the ring. Aya stood in a defensive stance waiting for her opponent to make a move or leave and opening. Aya began to notice a pattern with Ebony's running. Aya was use to scoping routes when doing acrobatics in the ring she noticed everything. Ebony skidded at every corner, Aya took advantage of this by throwing the first move. She spilled water which turned to needles and shot at Ebony. They were to slow she was already gone when they hit the ground and became water. As Ebony rounded that corner again she slipped on the ice on the ground. Aya charged forward throwing water around, Ebony used her excellent motor skills to spin up on her hands and knock away most of the water. She hated using her ability but there was no helping it. Her braids grew longer and began to move. Many bladed strands flew at Aya. Before they came close the headmistress called for and end. Her voice was enough to stop Ebony's attacks. She had seen all that she had needed.


61High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:53 am



The match began and ended quickly. Das was peeved he didn't get to see more of the two girl's abilities, but he knew better then to even show he disagreed with the headmistress. He marked down some information in his little black book and waited for the next pair to take the stage.

Before the match began he caught Aya's attention and sent her a wink. She could take it however she wanted, it was just him playing with her anyhow. There was no way his fun would end just because her match did.


62High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:06 am



Aya walked by Das spilling some water so it looked like he peed his pants. While Ebony headed out of the auditorium before the end of class.


63High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:22 am



Das looked down at his pants, now nice and cleaverly wet. "Oh, that's nice. Really mature, too!"

He pulled off his hoodie and wrapped it around his waist, hiding the "spill". 'Note to self: do not hit on Aya. I think she hates guys.' There was no other explanation, he was pretty hot and had brains. Plus he was tough as nails. why would she go for him, kidding around or not?


64High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat May 16, 2009 1:05 am



Aya sat, storming her mind. She tried to play out her next moves, she wanted to see if she could have beat her. She had to know, this opponent was skilled enough to catch her eye. She had to have a real fight with her.


65High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun May 17, 2009 2:57 am



Das watched and took notes on every student that went through the screening matches. Before long he'd memorized every face and name and ability in the auditorium. The new group of students looked promising, but no one stood out in peticular. The exhibition matches soon gave way to the back up brawls left over from last year. he watched as old faces showed over improved and altered powers. My, how people had grown in two short months.

Gleefully, he took note, both mental and written, on each change and new adaptation. He did so enjoy these first few days the most. It was in that short week or so that you aquired the most in depth and greatest amount of knowledge about your classmates. And it wasn't only him that valued the information. He could make a quick buck whenever the need arose by selling his information to needy and desperate school mates. Whether the facts he sold them were indeed facts or something else entirely depended on who it was asking, if he could take them or not, and his mood at that particular moment in time. And, while he was known to sell the off-handed lie, he always had customers lined up to beg him for the juciest inside tips.


Lalie ran as fast as she could back to class. She'd just finished changing and didn't want to miss too much, lest she be a burden on Carmina by asking her to catch her up more than need be.


66High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:20 am



Aya made it into the hallway, but there was no sign of Ebony. She knew she would run into her again, but she was very impatient.
Carmina was already day dreaming in her espionage class. She wasn't interested in spying. She was an assassin or body guard.


67High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:03 pm



Lalie slid into her class room and instantly spotted Carmina. She covered the class, teacher and all, in a forgiving mood and apologized before taking her seat quickly. She greeted her friend with a whispered and cheery, "Sorry I'm late."


Clo was on her way to the Espionage class, her friend, Max Koma, was the teacher and he'd wanted someone to come by and help with a demonstration on how to silently subdue a guard. She wasn't found of the idea of being used as a human meat puppet, but to have Max's hands all over her was something she just could not pass up.

There was another plus to going there this period, too. One of the Lady's girls would be in there. And she wanted a peek at the child that had an Assassin impressed for whatever reason.


68High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:41 pm



Carmina blinked a couple times as if she just had a brilliant thought. She looked over at Lalie, "What do you mean late, weren't you here the whole time."

Ebony powered past Clo, she was in a hurry to get to her class. She had to miss the beginning class because of the stupid fights. Most students stayed there for as long as they could, not Ebony, she loved academics.


69High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:55 pm



Lalie blinked at her. "What? But, I just got here... I went to change cloths... Don't you remember?" She felt a light panic rising in her chest. Carmina was acting strange.


Clo stared after the dark girl. "Hey, miss thing!" she called. Who did this little girl think she was? "Hold it right there!"


70High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:01 pm



"Oh yea, ....oh well,back to sleep" She leaned her head back and put her feet up on the desk in front of her." She was good at dismissing Lalie

She stopped and turn around, attitude splattered all over her face. "What lady, I'm missing precious class time, I'm coming from the arena so I don't need a hall pass." She turned and began to rush away once more.


71High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:10 pm



Lalie just shook her head lightly. she must have been still half asleep. Worrying over nothing. What a dork she was.


Clo reached out and grabbed the girl's collar. "And now you'll be missing more. To the office with you, Miss Attitude!"


72High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:19 pm



Poke-chan wrote:Papi raised an eyebrow at her current opponent. Did this loser just hit on her? "Papi," she answered. "But beautiful will do."

She stepped forward and into the spar area. "Let's go, skinny."

Steve sat patiently waiting for his opponent to throw the first punch. He was defending so he assumed it would be an illegal move. He looked into his opponent's eyes and waited.

73High Risk High School - Page 3 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:27 pm



Ebony executed a perfect reversal, her specialty. She then dipped out and ran full speed forward, "What's with these crazy teachers today.


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