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High Risk High School

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1High Risk High School Empty High Risk High School Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:48 am



~Okay Zatzu is going to start an RP open to everyone. If you join and make a character you better be active or they will be killed off immediately.~
This is about a high school that trains killers and protectors. The students learn to use there specific gift, whether it be from mutation, clan, or special techniques. Math, English, History, and Science are important subjects in most schools, but in Artorius High School they fall to the waste side. The classes that are important are based around the students fighting ability, and ability to use there techniques. You pass if you live to see graduation day.
Zatzu's char, Carmina- ring manipulation. Aya- Aquatic manipulation. Melony- Jewel Magic.
Lady Rose-Plant Manipulation Lady Ribbon-Ribbon Manipulation. Lady Robe-Clothe Manipulation
Students poured into the gothic gates that lead into Artorius High School. Every student looked different, some looked perfectly normal why others looked outrageous.
Carmina stood in front of her new locker fixing the rings in her hair. She stayed huddled close to her lockers so that she wouldn't touch those around her. As she stood there she tried hard to dodge conversation and glances. She didn't like other people, that's why she was in a school to learn how to kill them more proficiently.


2High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:36 pm




Papi (female): Paper manipulation
Yew (female): Animal speech and communication
Lalie (female): Emotional manipulation
Das (male): Self manipulation

"I hate school. It's such a hassle," groaned Papi. She and Yew walked past the creepy school gates and to the side, not wanting to join the mass of students attempting to enter the building all at once. "Not to mention it's full of idiots."

Yew rolled her eyes at her friend. "There's always something to complain about, isn't there?"

She flashed her friend a rare, but lovely, smile. "That's my motto."


3High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:31 pm



Melony strutted towards the crowd smiling at everyone she deemed worthy. As she came upon Yew and Papi standing before her as if in some defiance to proceed inside the school "Could you lovely ladies either proceed forward or ever so kindly remove your beings from my path." In too much of a rush to wait for a response she simply parted them and proceed betwixt them. "Thanks any way trife"


4High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:43 pm



Zatzu wrote:Melony strutted towards the crowd smiling at everyone she deemed worthy. As she came upon Yew and Papi standing before her as if in some defiance to proceed inside the school "Could you lovely ladies either proceed forward or ever so kindly remove your beings from my path." In too much of a rush to wait for a response she simply parted them and proceed betwixt them. "Thanks any way trife"

Yew tossed the bitch a dirty glare and cast her aside in her thoughts. Bitches will be bitches, after all. However, Papi wasn't so level headed.

"Look, Yew, not only is the school full of idiots but it also has a class-a bitch queen, too!" She sneered at the girl and flicked her wrist. Sheets of paper slipped lightning fast out of the book she held and wrapped itself around her foot, causing her to trip and fall on her rear.

"Careful where you're walking, blondie. I know you people aren't all that smart so try not to walk and talk at the same time, you don't seem to be able to manage it."


5High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:53 pm



Before she hit the ground a stone throne rose from the ground returning Melony to her feet, and with one swift motion a rock from her thrown flew at Papi's striking her dead center in her forehead.

"Before trife like you dare make a move against me you better know who you dealing with, just because you made it into this school doesn't mean your anything special. Your just as worthless as you were when you woke up this morning."

Melony covered her mouth as she chuckled as she proceeded away with a large posy that stared daggers at Papi.


6High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:58 pm



Zatzu wrote:Before she hit the ground a stone throne rose from the ground returning Melony to her feet, and with one swift motion a rock from her thrown flew at Papi's striking her dead center in her forehead.

"Before trife like you dare make a move against me you better know who you dealing with, just because you made it into this school doesn't mean your anything special. Your just as worthless as you were when you woke up this morning."

Melony covered her mouth as she chuckled as she proceeded away with a large posy that stared daggers at Papi.

Papi smirked at the back of the blonde's head. "I'm not worthless, you see. I, unlike you, have a brain larger than a peanut and therefore have something called a thought process. You, my fine little eyesore, are the worthless one, no matter how much money daddy has in the bank." She and Yew stood there and waited for it to sink in.


7High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:08 pm



A few people in the crowd began to laugh, but there laughs were not towards Melony but seemed to aimed at Papi.
Aya sprinted into the street in front of the school. She looked every direction seeming to map at some kind of route. Finally her eyes locked onto a tree in front of the gate.

She leaped forward initially landing on the gate then springing back onto a tree branch for but a second before launching herself into the air with a dazzling spin.

She lands on one knee and slowly rose, pulling out her water. She grinned as she spoke "Oh hell yea, i kick some major ass. She spoke low so only she could hear. Now she was on the other side of the gate and avoided a large crowd.

She didn't care much if anyone saw she didn't mainly for herself.


8High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:40 pm



Papi huffed and walked off with Yew, what ever they were laughing at Papi didn't know. And she sure as hell wasn't going to make an idiot out of herself by asking.


Das stood at the gate watching the small scuffle between two of the most promising students at the school. He knew almost everything about everyone. People called him Dossier as a joke. Papi Sabado didn't seem to know that Melony Seager was one of the top students in the Earth Science Depot.

Of course, Papi wasn't a block head either. Her writing skills were practically unparalleled. Two geniuses going at it, what fun!

And speaking of fun, Aya Mizo was currently pulling off a fancy flip over the fence. "Miss Aya, you do realize that the gate is open, correct?"


9High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:49 pm



"And what joy would there be in just walking in, anyone can do that. Plus i don't feel like waiting for everyone to get out of my way when I'm in a rush." She gave a big grin and gave Das a friendly hard punch in the arm.


10High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:57 pm



He smiled back at her as he rubbed is arm where she had hit. It wasn't extremely painful, but there was discomfort. "And, what, may I ask, are you in such a rush to get to?"

The crowd that had formed earlier due to the brawl had dissipated and only a few stragglers remained. So much for his fun.


11High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:09 pm



Lalie skipped merrily along, looking for her friend. Her only friend. Carmina Castiglione was a shy, but sweet and vicious girl. Though, if you asked other people, she was just plain mean and weird. But Lalie knew better than that.

"Carmina," she sang. "Where are you?" She poked her head between people, intruding in on groups. "Nope, not here!"

Then she spotted her, huddled into her locker. As usual. She smiled as she skipped towards her friend. "Carmina! Gooood moooorning!" As the rules of being her friend stated, no touching, so she stood, bouncing in place, behind her.


12High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:43 pm



"No place special i just don't like moving slow, walking's for lazy people." She then sprinted off towards the school.

She wasn't headed towards front door, no. She began to again survey her surroundings, she jumped and grabbed on the school sign. It was hung by chains so as it swung she released sending her into the second story window.
Carmina was elated to see her best friend, she was very happy. Not that you would know it, she was smiling on the inside. Lalie was very bubbly and always happy. She knew a lot of people and was pretty much liked by them all.

Carmina was a psycho, she would kill at a moments notice if she got the chance. She hated everyone, she hated anything that was deemed happy. It was surprising she could even stand being in the same school as Lalie, let a lone be each others one and only true friend.


13High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:53 pm



Das chuckled to himself as he watched her run and flip into an open second story window. At least she knew what she was doing. He hoped...

"Walking's for lazy people," he repeated to himself. "Wow, we must have an epidemic on our hands here." He smiled, in an amazingly good mood this morning, and headed to class.


"So, how's your morning going? did you get your dorm number? I didn't, I think we get them in homeroom. Do you know yours? Mine's 213." Her words fell out in a hyper rush as Carmina turned to look at her.

"You know, you should smile more." Taking a slightly deeper breath she pulled out great joy and pushed it on her friend, waiting for the smile she knew was building up.


14High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:14 pm



"Well if yours is 213 then so is mine," Carmina pulled out the unopened homeroom slip and threw it out.

Carmina's face began to contort she was fighting something, it looked like she was constipated. A smile broke free, no matter how she tried she couldn't fight Lalie's power it was too much.

"You know i really hate when you do this, i have my own emotions you know." Carmina growled through a large smile.


15High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:20 pm



She echoed her friend's forced smile, though hers was genuine and much brighter. "I know, you were happy, I made you smiley." To illustrate her point she made a swooping motion in front of her face in the shape of an upwards curve.

"Well," she said as she turned and clapped her hands, allowing her power over Carmina fade away, "I know the way to our room, so let's go!"


16High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:33 pm



Carmina's faced snapped back to normal, she wasn't use to smiling, it made her face hurt. She adjusted her jaw and continued walking behind the bubbly Lalie.

As Lalie rushed down the hallway leading them to their destination, a boy bumped into Lalie making her take a step back. Instantly Carmina's rings fell out of her hair. She whipped around, guiding the rings with her hands. All six rings circled the boy's neck, he stopped in his tracks and carefully turned around. As soon as he got to Carmina, her eyes shot him daggers.

"I believe you owe her an apology." The boy begged to know what he did, Carmina moved the rings closer to his neck. "You know what you did, you bumped Lalie. Now, apologize to her, or i swear your about to get a load off your shoulders."


17High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:46 pm



"I'm sorry! Okay, I'm sorry!" The boy trembled and looked like he was about to wet himself.

"Aw, it's okay. But you really should be more careful, okay?" She smiled at him and spread a calming emotion all around. "Let's get going Carmina! don't want to be late our first day!"

As they walked off the spell faded and everyone began to talk in rapid and hushed voices about the pair of psycho pair of girls. This story was going to be all over the school.


18High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:25 am



Carmina started to wish she hadn't done it. She could feel all eyes on her. Her face turned red and she followed Lalie with her head down. With her head down she couldn't see where she was going so she instinctively grabbed Lalie's hand so she wouldn't lose her.

Carmina hated people, especially people who noticed her. She hated feeling people's eyes.
Three teachers walked out of the teacher's office. They stared down the kids, sizing them up. Each of them taught their own subject. Isabella, a.k.a. Lady Rose, taught botany, biology, and chemistry. Amelia, a.k.a. Lady Robe, taught fashion, and interior design. Dawn a.k.a. Lady Ribbon, taught home economics, dance, and theater.

They were once the deadliest women trio. They were ruthless assassins with a zero loss record, they were unstoppable. Now they were high school teachers.


19High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:00 am



Smash's Characters...

Steve-Minor Time Manipulation
Nikki-Tattoos of self-invented creatures that f***ing come to life and DEVOUR YOU
Mr. Dr. Prof. Liwochkensterson-Can shoot LAZEAHS out of his eyes and s*** like that

As Steve sighed and stared at the entrance to school, he couldn't help but feel slightly retarded. His first year in school, and he's 14. Just wow. He brushed his hair with his fingers, and looked at the clock tower. Though he had no idea what Roman numerals were, he knew one thing. He had 22 seconds until homeroom.

"Slow Down!!!" Steve screamed, and 22 seconds was now like 11 minutes, but he couldn't hold it that long, so he ran and ran. He found his homeroom in only about it a minute, but he was tired. He let time flow normally, and pulled out his MP3. Musice seemed to help him recharge. He layed his head on the desk and nonchalantly dosed off.

"Hey, little buddy, wake up and put that away." Said Mr. Dr. Prof. Liwochkensterson. He had gray hair that looked as if he just got out of bed. His skin was pale, and his eyes were crimson. And his smile...was paralyzing.

20High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:15 am



Lalie beamed as she felt Carmina's hand wrap around hers. She didn't like physical contact so this was a special occasion. It wasn't everyday she got to come into contact with her friend.

Smiling she led the way towards the back of the class where she knew her shy and antisocial friend would like to be. As they made their way a few of the people around the room, some in groups of friends, some sitting at their desks already, waved to Lalie, and she waved back.

She was well liked by most everyone, but none of them were her friends. They all wound up pushing her away. Apparently she was too hyper and exhausting to be around, and people complained about her meddling with their emotions. All of them pushed her away into the position of acquaintance. All but Carmina.


Das made his way towards room 112. As he walked in he adjusted his glasses, a nervous habit of his. Sure, he knew everything about everyone, but he had no idea of who he'd be dealing with this year. Some people were more of a hassle than others.

A quick look around and he knew half of the faces as pretty mellow students. No one crazy or out of hand. Everyone else would take some investigating. So, he took his seat and got to work on sifting through his mental encyclopedia.


21High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:28 am



Carmina glared at all the people that gave attention to Lalie. She was scared that one of them might steal her best friend from her. She would destroy anyone who would try to harm their relationship without thinking twice.
Aya looked through the hallway, she found her homeroom without any problem but she didn't feel like waiting for the students to all pile in. She noticed the window above the door was cracked enough for her to fit through.

She ran forward and jumped against the wall and banking towards the window. All was seemingly going well until she noticed she was too high. Her head smashed into the top of the window shooting her down into the lap of an unsuspecting student.

She lay there bleeding from her forehead partially unconscious.


22High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:38 am



Steve looked down at the bleeding, unconscious body, and stated to himself, "What the fuck?"
Blood was getting all over his jeans, making them darker than they already were. He picked her up and walked up to Mr. L.

"Should I take this terribly injured child to the infirmary? She looks like...um...she's gonna die or something."

"Yeah, just drop her in the corner over there. Needs to toughen up a bit."

"Seriously? This looks like brain damage or something..."

23High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:54 pm



So Steve threw the limp body on the floor and she landed with a thud. While he found it quite distasteful, he couldn't help but to let out a laugh. She moaned and started to move a bit. Aya sat up and sighed. Immediately she jumped up and looked around at a classroom staring at her.

24High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:30 pm



Papi and Yew made their way to their seats as class began, the bell ringing loudly from some unknown source. It took no more then three seconds for a nun to walk into the room and smile warmly at all of them.

"Welcome my children. You may all call me Sister Mary. I shall be your homeroom teacher this year. I also teach religion basics and advance religious study. I help out in the nurses' office whenever I can. I expect to see many of you darling new students there before the day's out. you may now talk quietly amongst yourselves whilst I take roll."

She hummed a hymn as she pulled out the class list and began calling off names.

Last edited by Poke-chan on Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


25High Risk High School Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:32 pm



Aya's first instinct was to ask everyone what they were looking at until she felt the blood ruch down her head. She quickly turned around, initially making herself dizzy and whipping blood on the whole first row. She searched her backpack for her first aid kit. She pulled out some tissues and wiped her forehead then stuck a huge bandaid on it.
She turned and smile at the crowd and gave them a falsly warm greeting. And found her seat next to Steve who had a little blood on him from carrying her. "Umm, i think your bleeding dude, there's is blood all over you, whoa everyone's having accidents today" She smiled and handed him a bandaid.


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