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High Risk High School

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26High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:54 pm



"Mr. L! I think she DOES have brain damage." Steve said with a serious look on his face.

"Nah, She's fine. This happens a lot."

Steve was dumbfounded by this. A lot? That's crazy. She's gotta some type of superhuman, he thought to himself. He suddenly had a certain drowsiness come over him and laid his head down to rest.

27High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:08 pm



The three teachers separated heading to their respective classrooms. Lady Robe was in charge of freshmen this year. This pissed her off, she liked experienced students so she could have fun in class. "Welcome students I hope you all have an enjoyable school year, those who survive."

Amelia's eyes scanned the room, as she looked at everyone she began to pick out students who she thought would be worthy demonstrations. Her eyes locked onto Carmina for her death glare, while Lalie's up beat attitude just pissed her off.
As Sister Mary cheerfully looked over her attendance sheet marking all the students she heard a tapping at the door. After a couple knocks, without the aid of anyone Melony walked in for her appointed duties. "Hello my fellow students, I am Melony Seagers, Junior Class President and candidate for school president. It is my duty and pleasure to welcome you to the school."

As she looked around the class and noticed Papi, she smiled and continued her greeting. "I'm sure many of us will become good friends" she said while smiling at Papi. "Well if anyone needs anything you can get my contact info from the good Sister here. That is all, I hope you have a fine first and till then."


28High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:42 am



Lalie doodled happily on her pad of paper she'd brought to write down supplies she'd need to pick up for the coming year. Beside her Carmina sat silently, no doubt scanning the room with a deadly stare. She'd felt a strange burst of jealousy come from her when they'd been walking back to the desks. She wasn't sure who she was jealous of, but it wasn't a good thing. She chanced a peek at her friend but was distracted by their teacher walking in.

"Welcome students I hope you all have an enjoyable school year, those who survive," she said to them. The teacher's eyes began to scan the room, briefly stopping on each student.


Papi felt her eye twitch as she spotted that blonde whore walk into class. Yew rolled her eyes and went back to talking with a robin that was perched on the windowsill. Melony began to give a cheery welcome speech to the class in a charmingly, irritating voice. Then, she just had to do it, didn't she, her eyes found Papi and she made the most ignorant comment ever uttered by someone.

Not one to take shit like that sitting down, Papi was on her feet in less than a second. "You got something to say say it, bitch! Or do you want to finish what we started in the court yard?"


29High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:07 pm



Steve's attention quickly shifted to the doorway. There walked in, with hair as blue as a bright midnight and skin as pale as the moon, a young petit woman, maybe still a girl. Steve noticed some odd tattoos on her biceps. They weren't real animals, he concluded. They were figmints of her mind that she created herself. Steve has always wondered about the incredible abilities of the human mind. Hers was special.

"Hey... Um, why are you staring at me?" the girl said.

"Err...me? Heh heh, uhh nothing. Just kinda droned off..."

"Okay... Well my name's Nikki and I guess I'll see ya 'round..."

Last edited by SmashHero24 on Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : BaD gRaMmEr AnD sPeLlInG mIsTaKeS)

30High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:27 am



"Excuse me young man, I was in no way trying to be offensive. If you would like to challenge me sign up for a match in the auditorium and I would most definitely be joyed to teach you the ropes. I love helping the less fortunate."
Lady Ribbon patrolled the hallways, looking into the different classes seeing the new faces. She came across the room of Mr. Dr. Prof. L. She couldn't help but to stop in. "it's so nice to see you, and look everyone's alive. Try to keep it that way, you don't want a repeat of last year now do we. HAHAHA" Dawn laughed to the sky as she continued towards her own homeroom.


31High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:29 am



Zatzu wrote:"Excuse me young man, I was in no way trying to be offensive. If you would like to challenge me sign up for a match in the auditorium and I would most definitely be joyed to teach you the ropes. I love helping the less fortunate."
Lady Ribbon patrolled the hallways, looking into the different classes seeing the new faces. She came across the room of Mr. Dr. Prof. L. She couldn't help but to stop in. "it's so nice to see you, and look everyone's alive. Try to keep it that way, you don't want a repeat of last year now do we. HAHAHA" Dawn laughed to the sky as she continued towards her own homeroom.

Papi smiled when she called her a boy. She knew it was a stab at her looks, short black hair, very flat chest, tomboyish air. She was mistake for a guy all the time. Far too oten for it to be even close to insulting. "Why I'd be happy to. And I think you'd be able to learn a thing or two from me, blondie." With a grin and a small lick of the wrist she sent a piece of paper from the closest source to Melony flying at her.

"Just remember, paper beats rock," she cooed.


Ms. Clo Shinmak skipped merrily down the hall, late for homeroom. She wasn't a student, no, she was a teacher. A teacher with tenure! So, she may be as late as she damn well pleased, and they couldn't do a damn thing about it! Besides, it was only ten minutes, no biggie.

Humming, she opened the door to the choir room and hopped onto her desk to sit. "Hello, my darling second years! Not going to tell you kids anything you've heard before so, welcome back and have fun surviving classes!"


32High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:18 am



As the paper flew past Melony it snagged a wad of her luscious hair causing to to fall to the ground. Her mannerisms were calm, but anyone that looked into her eyes could see her cool was long gone. "I highly doubt that trife, in this school we don't play little games."

She balled her fist causing the graphite in her pencil and on her paper to spread out of control destroying everything in her notebooks.


33High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:26 am




Papi jumped up on her desk and spread her arms. Paper from ever book in the room. Every sheet aimed itself at Melony, sharp as a knife and hard as stone. With a wicked sneer she twitched her fingers and a good third of the sheets flew at her, aimed at every and any surface of her body.

Beside her, Yew whistled to the robin in a tone that said quite plainly, to anyone who'd been around Yew that long (like Papi), "Oh, she does this type of thing a lot."


34High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:44 am



Melony smiled, she released her fist stopping any pieces of paper that had pencil on it. As a few penned pieces of paper she use the sheets under her control to stop them.

There Melony stood, calm collected, as Papi stand seething on top of her desk with a vulgar look on her face. Melony was good at making it look like she was doing no wrong.


35High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:58 am



"You think you're so good?"

An entire text book rose, a number of others following. They stayed, suspended in midair, for only a moment. Then they flew at the blonde, some pages sticking out to cut and tear. Papi also had sheets of paper fly around the room, sticking to the floor and walls and ceiling. More still flew at Melony along side and behind the books.

Papi couldn't remember a time when she'd ever hated someone so fiercely.


36High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:04 am



Melony lifted her hand to her mouth and chuckled, as she did stone spike pillars lifted out of the ground pinning the text books to the ceiling. While she continued to stop the single pieces with either graphite or other pieces of paper.

"Enough child" and with a sweep of her foot, the ground beneath Papi vanished.


37High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:36 pm



Quick as a flash Papi enchanted the papers that weren't pinned or useless and pulled them under her, lifting her up on a wave of them that looked similar to a magic carpet, a very thin one. "It'll take more than that!" She pointed at her feet and the sheets she'd managed to slide under then whipped out from under her, causing her to lose balance.


38High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:59 pm



As she walked away, Mr. L screamed down the hall, "H-hey! It's not my fault they failed their final exams." Then his voice turned to a whisper, "Though they did have an expected visitor. Not even I would have been able to slay that beast. I hope it was destroyed. By someone..."

"Anyway, class, I have to pass out your schedules. There wasn't enough room for everyone in Colosseum, so some of you were switched to Study Hall."

Steve kinda drowned him out and looked at his schedule. his faced turned to s state of shock.

39High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:03 pm



Ribbon finally got to her homeroom, she smiled at her class. As she stared at the class she began to pick out the ones who wouldn't last. The teachers picked out ten random students and bet on which ones would pass or fail one way or another.
Rose was happy to not of have a homeroom. She worked at the front desk, she took care of all the students inquiries, and late arrivals. She had plants all over the yard that detected anyone trying to sneak in.


40High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:28 pm



Papi raised herself up, above everyone else, and was ready to strike. Melony looked just as ready.

"Okay, that's enough," chimed a sweet voice. Suddenly, both girls were pinned to the wall by very tiny, very sharp crosses. Some had cut their skin, some had ripped holes in their clothes. Sister Mary stood between them with her hands splayed out. When she made them into fists the crosses flew into the air and just floated there. "You'll have class with me later you two, so calm it down and save your energy, you'll need it!"

Papi huffed and sat herself on Yew's desk. Yew merely tossed her a dirty look of irritation and said her goodbyes to the bird as the bell rang.


Das headed off towards the battle room, better known as the auditorium, to get ready for the first day. Kids would sign up to fight and spar with each other, when the year came to a close there were usually matches back up for days, which were carried out the first week of the next school year. Das was a referee and commenter. This job, that he'd had since half way through his freshman year, was a primary source of information for him as far as relationships between people and basic attacks went.

One would be surprised at how much baggage got thrown around during one of these matches. This was how lots of people sorted out disputes. There was usually a good amount of unabashed shouting in a single match. When in the fray people weren't much worried about secrets and embarrassment.

Not only was it informative, it was endlessly entertaining as well.


41High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:37 pm



Steve headed out of the room at the sund of the bell. He headed to the gym to practice his physical strength instead of going to orientation for biology. He didn't care how other people and animals worked and existed. Just how the thought. So he went straight to the work out equipment and started to bench press 230 lbs. Time manipulation was not enough to win a fight.


Nikki left the room and headed to her class. She had Defense 101 first, so she walked to the class. When she arrived, she had realized she went in a complete circle! Back at Mr. L's room, she took her homeroom seat and waited patiently for class to begin.

42High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:42 pm



Sister Mary walked out the door, waving at the class but keeping her eyes on Papi, now that Melony had left. When she was sure they weren't going to find each other too soon she headed to her first period class. She didn't teach her "normal" classes until the afternoon. First period was Basic Dodging. Right next to the Nurses' Office.


43High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:37 am



As homeroom ended, Aya felt back to her normal self. She was determined to get through the over head window. She jumped forward and banked off the side of the teacher's desk. And again she arched her back as she moved through the opening. "Cleared." She made it through into the hallway and caused a mass of students to scatter for fear of getting landed on.

Aya was back to her flippy self but, her mood and personality severely changed. School was in session, no more games. She stampeded down the hall pushing people out the way. "Move... get lost... out my way wide load... yea that's right bitch everyone wants to see your pimpled ass in there face, jump off a cliff." She spewed insults at anyone who got to close.
Lady Ribbon prepared herself for the introductory classes of the first day. She taught home EC. first period. She also had to prepare the welcome speech for the freshman induction after school. She always kept busy, she had a hand in every part of the school. That's the way she liked it, even though she was a teacher she had an inside informant on all the student info.

You would never think sweet Dawn Moore was one of the most lethal females alive today. The number of people she killed alone was staggering, let alone all the people her and the oher girls got rid of.
Lady Robe stopped Carmina from leaving homeroom. She signaled Lalie to go on ahead without her. Carmina was both slightly concerned and excessively irritated, she didn't like being late and she especially didn't like being separated from Lalie, who knows what could happen it Carmina wasn't around to keep an eye on her.
Melony didn't know what to do first. She had to fix her hair, fix her clothes, and then fix that Papi. All while being perky punctual, and dealing with her council duties. Melony waved her hand bringing up a reflective rock and breaking off a sharp piece. With a few simple tugs and cuts, Melony evened out her hair and even styled it. She hatched a mean plan to further piss off that piece of trife.

As Melony walked around many people queried about her hair. She just told them that it was the new look. She knew that by the middle of the day, most of the girls would be sporting a similar due.


44High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:47 pm



Das strolled through the halls, in no rush to get to the Auditorium. The fights couldn't start without him, so they waited on him, not the other way around. and that's how he liked it. THe hallways were always so crowded, it sometimes caused fights between people who were just a little too pushy.

"One side lard ass!"

Das turned his head, he knew that voice. It was the jumpy girl from that morning, Aya Mizo, a new freshman. He spotted her pushing Frankie Marrelli to the side in an attempt to rush. Ah, the perfect example.

She had made it just steps in front of him when he reached out to grab her. Das pulled over to the side to watch the fireworks. Frankie had the ability to make any part of his body hard as stone. A perfect power for such a thick-skulled blockhead.


Lalie waved goodbye to her friend and skipped on ahead. They were headed to the same class, and would be together all day long! It made her want to sing. But she held it in, she didn't have a good singing voice. Smiling and pushing a "Oh, I better stay away from her" feeling onto everyone near her she made her way into her classroom without a problem.

Giggling she imagined how surprised Carmina would be when she saw that Lalie didn't get into any trouble all on her own.


Oh, so close! Lalie wipped the paint from her eyes and look around. This was not her class. Oops. She waved cheerily to the few students that were there, staring at her like she was nuts, before ducking out and heading in the right direction.


Papi and Yew hung back on the side of the halls, letting the crowd thin out. No sense getting caught up in that hell hole when in a few minutes it'd be much clearer and more comfortable to move around in.


45High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:04 am



Aya felt a cold hand on her shoulder. "I did not give you permission to lay a hand on me pig." Using his strong arm as an anchor, she jumped up and latched onto it. With a quick pull down they were both heading to the floor. Aya twisted landing on her side throwing the large mass to the ground. She jumped up and spilled her water on him, as the water poured it turned to jagged ice. He was pinned in a cage of ice.


46High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:05 am



Das grinned to himself as he watched Aya flip and publiclly humiliate Frankie. It was a lovely site. He could only hope she had more up her sleeve, this woman was fast becomeing a source of boundless entertainment for him.


47High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:57 am



Aya's eyes burned with pure anger, where was the energetic girl that flipped around the school. She was long gone, it was time to get serious, and serious meant vicious. She retracted her water back into her bottle and continued down the hallway. Insults flying just like before "could you be anymore useless."


48High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:22 am



Nikki sat in the front of the room, looking at Mr. L as he had two medics called in to stand by. She gulped and waited for the bell.

Ding Ding Ding Ding

"Ah a small class first period. Welcome to Defense 101, where you will shown how to use your powers to block, and even parry, your opponets moves. I'll begin with a small demonstration. You, in the back, what's your name?"

"Cosmos, sir."


Suddenly, Mr. L shot a powerful red laser at him, going about 30 MPH. The poor child didn't block properly, and a huge explosion overcame him.

"Tch, shame. Medics, see if he lived and bring him to the nurses if so."

49High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:59 am



Yew and Papi sat in the center of the class, looking at what was left of the poor kid that had been chosen. Yew felt bad. and relived. That could have been her. Why the hell was she in this class? She had no special talents to block with! She could ask animals for favors, but she couldn't make them kill themselves for her.

Okay, she could, but wouldn't. If she wanted to live she'd have to work on that.

Papi blinked at the smoldering pile of ash that was once her classmate. "Oh joy, this class is going to be fun, fun, fun..." she heard herself mutter.


Lalie stood outside the door of her real classroom and waited for Carmina. What was taking her so long?


50High Risk High School - Page 2 Empty Re: High Risk High School Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:33 am



"Now, to start, you have to think quickly on the battlefield. As Cosmos showed us, it's the difference between life and death. Luckily, the kids still alive, but he's gonna be in the ICU for 3 weeks. How about we get a match between...Steve, and the girl in the back. Steve must defend while she attacks."

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