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Pottermore RP

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1Pottermore RP Empty Pottermore RP Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:30 pm



Pottermore RP Characters
Please put your Pottermore user name in the Title area of your character sheet so we can ID you.

1. No teacher characters (theses are personifications of your Pottermore accounts)
2. We are all first years to start with. We will grow as the RP progresses
3. Keep bios short, sweet, and to the point. Make sure you leave room for your character to develop.
4. Make sure the name matches the heritage (i.e. Hexior would NOT be the name of a muggle-born)
5. Try to keep these characters as close to yourself as possible. The histories can be different but personalities similar.
6. DO NOT use your IRL names when naming your character
7. Must be entirely human (no half-elves/giants/centaurs/etc.)
8. We live in the UK. You are not any kind of "transfer student".
9. Enjoy! See you at Hogwarts!

Please follow this format when filling you your Bio:

Name: (first and last)
Heritage: (muggle-born, pureblood, halfblood)
House:(pottermore sorted)
Pet: (can be different than you Pottermore pet)
About:(basic info such as main characteristics, appearance [may be altered slightly from reality], strengths and weaknesses[hexes, potion brewing, Quiddich, etc])

Last edited by Poke-chan on Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


2Pottermore RP Empty HazelNight11263 Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:26 pm



Name: Hazel Lacerta
Heritage: Pureblood.
Family: Mother - Mirah, Father - Vega, Twin brother - Hex
House: Slytherin
Pet: Night, a Siamese cat.
About: She has long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her strength is making potions, though she gets bored easily waiting for them to brew, and she is decent at spells. She is horrible at Quiddich as her sense of balance leaves much to be desired. She also is not very fond of heights.

Last edited by Momo on Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:15 am; edited 1 time in total

3Pottermore RP Empty FrogSparks96 Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:27 pm



Name: Gerry Heist
Heritage: half-blood
House: Ravenclaw
Pet: Sparrow named Sparks
About: Quite the spit-fire, this redhead throws her whole being into achieving what she deems as greatness. She values the written word and sassy attitudes. She's a loyal friend and handy with a wand, though her potion brewing could use some work. She might be small but she's got a lot of spirit.


4Pottermore RP Empty BladeFirebolt4633 the nord!!!! Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:55 pm



Name: Bridgette YoHannson

Heritage: halfblood

House: Hufflepuff

Pet: Black cat with green eyes, female, kitten, Ellen YoHannson

About:Bridgette YoHannson was born Barnabas YoHannson to Hiddy Yohanson (Squib), father unknown muggle. Bridgette was treated like a girl from a young age by her grandmother, Inga Yohannson(witch), who had visited a gypsy before Bridgette's birth and discovered the truth about Bridgette's gender troubles. Inga raised her granddaughter to be a tidy little gryffindor like every witch and wizard in the family. Bridgette has (with magical help from her grandmother) developed into a bright young girl. She is loved by her grandmother (dispite being the first YoHannson sorted into Hufflepuff)almost abusively. Bridgette herself is rather tall for her age at 5'7" she towers over most girls in her class. She has coppery red hair, hazel eyes, and is rather plump. She excels at defense against the dark arts, and care of magical creatures, but is week at charms, and hexes.

5Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:55 am



Name: Hex Lacerta
Heritage: Pureblood
Pet: Dust: Tabby cat
About: The twin brother to Hazel, son of Mirah and Vega Lacerta. Hex is a very withdrawn young man, opting to be by himself or with his sister. He also has a fondness for all types of creatures, spending time and studying them gives him comfort. He doesn't like talking much and also feels alienated by his peers. A bit sensitive, he becomes overwhelmed and cries, only when dealing with people though. When he begins to cry, it's not because of sadness but frustration and anger, to which he is likely to lash out. He knows a lot of spells but performing them are another story. He is great with potions and him and his sister already had a few riding lessons. He is great with all animals, even those people say are dangerous.

Last edited by Zatzu on Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total


6Pottermore RP Empty SparksMarauder10777 Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:18 pm



Name:Madeline Singh
Heritage: Pureblood
House: Slytherin
Pet: Mura-Black Cat
About: Madeline Has Wavy Brown Hair with Blonde Highlights scattered through out it. She's Excellent at spells, adequate at Quiddich, She could work on her potions but other than that she's quite adequate at everything else. She's Very artistic and in her shared room You can see Canvases and sketch books. She Reads about the Dark arts but has never admitted to it nor has she tried anything in the books. She is very interested in ghosts and speaking to them and can more than most likely be seen speaking to them more than the living. She for some reason wears her scarf no matter the season, only taking it off when needed (Being around the dead makes you cold ya know~)

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