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Pottermore RP

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1Pottermore RP Empty Pottermore RP Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:24 pm



Welcome to our Pottermore RP! This RP is based on your personal Pottermore experience, from finding out your house to learning spells and potions, all of it can be brought to the RP! Here are our guidlines:

Everyone starts of as a first year: We are all first year students based on our accounts. Pretty simple.

No Godmodding: You aren't Harry Potter or a dark lord. You are a student with strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it realistic.

Time setting is 7 years after the Battle of Hogwarts: This means none of the old students are there. All new cast and crew. Several old teachers will still be teaching.

RP characters are based on YOU: Personal history and minor differences can be changed to fit the Harry Potter universe, but try to keep it YOU. That means no mixing races. There are no half elves, giants, ect. Human students may apply only.

You are 11. Keep this is mind.

Have fun!

2Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:49 pm



Gerri clumped up the steps of her family's front porch with the heavy footsteps of someone who had had enough for one day. The slight girl slumped into the swinging bench and dejectedly as she listened tot eh group of children play together just a few houses down the street. She didn't want to play with them anyway, they were stupid. Everyone knew emus couldn't fly! Stupid kids with their stupid made-up rules about animals.

And unicorns were too real! Mom had said so herself. So there!

With a great sigh Gerri resumed her pouting in earnest. She was going to pout so hard that the others kids would feel her pouting and come over and apologize for being such stupid heads and let her play with them. Yeah, she'd show them.

She was just getting ready to turn up the blast when a shadow fell over her. Before she could inspect what had caused the sudden shadow something was dropped into her lap. It was an official-looking letter made of thick paper, similar to the kind her mom used to write the family letters. She thought it was for her mother when she noticed the address. This was a letter for her! With a shout of excitement she tore it open and read the papers inside.

She couldn't stop herself. She screamed and ran inside to tell her mom the news. She was going to Hogwarts!


3Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:15 am


Bridgette sat in the living room. Her grandmother stepped out on the porch to puff on her wooden pipe and contemplate the clouded sky in relation to the sun. Bridgette listened to her grandmother's humming, and enjoyed the smells of bread baking in the oven. Everything was peace. It was noon in mid July. Bridgette's copper hair was newly curled thanks to one of her grandmother's expert transfiguration spells.

A sudden fluttering sound along with waves of shadows from the kitchen made Bridgette jump up. She dashed as fast as her chubby legs would take her to the kitchen. She shrieked! A very large, very regal Eurasian Eagle Owl. It's orange eyes seemed to go right through Bridgette as it looked at her. it stretched out it's leg gracefully. A Letter was attached to it.
"Bridgette! Baby, what's wrong?" Her grandmother bellowed as she made her way into the kitchen with pipe in hand. Her eyes rested on the letter. "Well, my little lion cub. It looks like it's for you. Take it." Bridgette shook her head. "Don't be afraid. We're the vikings, we sacked Rome. now Bridgette I want you to stretch out you hand and take your letter from that owl."

Bridgette did as she was told, though the owl frightened her. The seal was a Hogworts one. Her grandmother smiled down at her and stuck her pipe back in her mouth. "Another proud Gryffindor."

4Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:14 am



The twins enjoy their warm summer weather, opting to spend their day in a large backyard, smells coming from the sun beaten grass and flower gardens strewn through their very own garden of Eden. The sky a gorgeous twilight golden pink marked the coming of the end of a perfect day.

Hazel sat, moving slightly back and forth drawing in the sand with her toe, enjoying the feeling of sad on her feet. Hex ran around bare foot across the grass, shouting for his sister to join him in his game. She was tired, they had been running around the whole day, now she just wanted to wind down. Hex's imagination knew nothing of fatigue, he could play in his lustrous world of pretend. He wasn't the type to tire nor did he enjoy quite time when with his family. This was contrary to his public persona, when outside his sanctuary that was his family home, he reserved himself, no interest in socializing unless he was sure they like him.

Hex gave up on his sister and just ran around yelling spells he had made up in his head, coupled with sound effects, he was quite a sight. Hazel continues to draw random figures and doodles in the sand, she hears a flapping sound and sees a shadow stop close to her own. Above her, a well groomed barn owl stands, perched on the swing set with just one foot. The other foot clutching two letters, two sepia colored letters with a slightly visible red wax seals. It wasn't until the owl let out a call that Hex noticed the birds appearance. They both stand with a smile on their face, they knew what this meant.
The letters dropped and the two young children snatch and run, heading for the house where their parents are preparing for dinner. The kids run into the house, letters high in the air. They present the letters with big smiles spread across the similar faces. From this angle, chin up, Hazel's hair falls back and the likeness is remarkable for fraternal twins.

The proud parents prop both kids on kitchen stools and tell then to open their letters. Their mother, Mirah lays her hand upon Vega's shoulder, pulling her dear husband closer, to enjoy this family moment. Both kids read the letters in unison, minor alterations break the harmony, but for the body, they are one child. They finish with vigor and excitement, jumping into their parents arms. They knew the letters would arrive soon, they have known this day would come since they were little sprites. That did not matter they still acted as if this was all just a surprise. The kids did not share a psychic connection but together they thought, how perfect things were.


5Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:14 pm



Madeline would be in the kitchen with her father helping him cook lunch. He put things here and there and had her chop up the vegetables,fruits, and also had her dress up the sandwiches.She had younger siblings in her family and they were all picky so she was used to this duty. She sighed as she looked out the window chopping a cucumber now, the sky looks so blue... everything seems so clear she thought to her self. She took a sigh of relief closing her eyes, but when she opened her eyes something was staring at her. She Jumped a bit and looked to her father, it was an owl and it wasn't very chatty.

Her father laughed and took the knife from her opening the window, his heart swelled with pride when the letter was dropped in to her hands. She smiled to it and smiled to him before hugging on to him.

"I knew today would be a good day.."

6Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:37 pm



"Mommy! Mommy!" Gerri called as she ran thought the house, waving her letter over her head excitedly. She couldn't wait to show it off to the whole house. They'd be so proud of her! "MOMMY!!"

"In the living room!"

Gerri dashed away. She zipped around the corner and almost slammed into her mother. "Mom look!" she said as she shoved the leter into her mother's waiting hand. "And owl flew by and then it dropped this on my lap and just look!"

Her mom - the plump, curly haired brunette she was, smiled down at her. "You know what this means right?"

"Hogwarts! I means I'm magic! I means-"

"It means we need to have a talk." Gerri froze. A Talk? They only had Talks when Gerri had done something bad. Like accidentally used magic to trip Bruce when he made fun of her freckles or when Thomas' wheels fell of his bike that one time he'd pulled her pigtails.

"But I didn't do anything!" she quickly defended herself.

Her mom patted her head. "I know. You're not in trouble. But things are going to start changing very soon and you need to understand what that will mean for you and the rest of the family." Gerri knwe what that meant. If she had magic then the little ones would too. And that meant telling Dad about all of it.

Gerri's mom was married to a very kind muggle man. They'd been together for several years. He wasn't Gerri's birth father but that didn't matter. She loved him and he loved her and her younger siblings like they were his own. No one ever spoke of her birth father. She couldn't remember much, just that he'd left after Gerri had showed signs of magic. After that her mother had decided to keep her (and her child's) magic a secret.

Now, though, her cover was blown and she had no other choice.

Gerri hugged her mom. "Don't worry. Daddy loves you."

Her mom didn't say anything, just patted her head.

Diagon ally was crowded and loud. Men and women milled about on the cobble stone streets wearing the strangest outfits she'd ever seen. Robes and pointed hats of all colors adorned most. Every now and again she'd spot some lost looking child or confused adult in muggle clothing. Gerri, herself, had opted for a pair of jeans and an old tee-shirt for her journey.

Her mom held her hand tight, keeping Gerri from running off whenever somethign new and interesting caught her eye. Within the first five minutes of her trip the two had gotten separated when Gerri had dashed over to the pet shop to gaze longingly at the different animals living behind the glass windows. After Mom had foound her she hadn't been let go of.

At the moment they were on their way to get Gerri fitted for her school robes. "You'd never fit into my old ones, even if they were wearable. You're too tall," is what Mom had said.


7Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:10 pm



Madeline would be extremely happy and looked to her father hopefully,
"Can we call mom and tell her??"
Her fathers smile went to a frown with a sigh, then back to a smile but a more concerned one.
"How about.. I tell mom when she comes home later,.. She's very busy and you know that.."
She Looked down a bit and put on a fake smile just nodding.

The next day she would be in Diagon Ally with her father, he held her hand and kept her close as she tried her best not to push through people to get the things that she needed, and her father would not accept hand-me-downs. She went to pick up all of the supplies she needed first then she went to go get fitted for her robes. This wasn't the most important to her she wanted to get her pet and she wanted it all done as quick as possible.

8Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:08 pm


[quote="witchypoo12"] Bridgette and her grandmother finished their lunch in the Leaky Caldron. Bridgette looked around the gloomy wooden establishment. She loved it. Her grandmother looked down her hook nose at Bridgette's list. She looked very fine in her dark robes and conical hat. Dark raven and inc green mallard feathers decorated both the robes and hat. Bridgette squirmed her own set of matching dark robes. the feathers tickled her chin. Her grandmother's hazel eyes flicked up at Bridgette. Her stern face broke into a quick smile.

"Do you have to pee, little dumpling?"

Bridgette giggled and shook her head. "It itches."

Her grandmother chuckled to her self. "I may have overdone the feathers a bit. It's encase you get lost. It would be easier to find you if I explain that we are wearing the same robes, my butter bean." She waved her her wand and the feathers were gone. "Better?"

"What if I get lost?" Bridgette asked.

"Then I'll find you." Her grandmother said. "Now should we go get your school robes?"

Bridgette's face lit up!

Bridgette and her grand mother walked into Madam Mullkins robe shop. The elderly witch was fitting another redhead. Bridgette looked in aw at the girl in here Hogwarts robs. Bridgette moved to talk to the girl, but her grandmothers iron grasp kept her in place.

"Wait your turn, sweety pie."

9Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:34 am



Gerri wiggled her toes and blew at the same strand of hair she'd been trying to get out of her face for the last ten minutes. One would think, after repeated failed attempts, someone would help her out. She'd fix it herself except she had to "stand very, very still" for her fitting. She couldn't move an inch or everything would be totally lopsided her mom had said.

Gerri was not good as staying still.

Behind her she heard the door open and close. She wanted to turn and see who else had walked in. Another student maybe? Gerri had never met any other witches or wizards outside of her family. And they'd always looked just like muggles (oddly dressed ones but still). She was curious about how real magic folk looked.

"Wait your turn." Gerri heard an elderly woman say. There was a muttered reply from a tiny voice that Gerri didn't quite catch.

Before long another witch came out and pulled up another fitting stool, ushering the other customer onto it. A large child hopped up next to Gerri. They were very tall and pudgy. The other kid had red hair like Gerri. However, they also had a boyish face. Gerri had a lot of boys in her neighborhood and she knew a boy face when she saw one. But everything else about the child was girly - clothes, hair, even the way they stood.

Curious and just a little bit perplexed Gerri looked over to the other child. "Hi, I'm Gerri!" she said. "Who are you?"


10Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:06 pm



Madeline felt her father drag her in to the building as she looked on to the animals. She saw to females being fitted and huffed a bit. She was fine with waiting as long as no one got in front of her or tried to tell her to leave, she was much to impatient for that.

She Watched and waited, She was quite shy to new people and didn't want to talk to them first, since she saw they were in conversation She hug on to her fathers side the best she could as she waited for them to be done, which was of course boring.
"Dad.. They're taking to long.. can we please go get my pet.."
Her Dad would flick her nose and shush her. He was dressed in a cloak to keep him warm but other than that he didn't feel he had to be to outrageous like the other folk.
"Hush Madeline.. You have to wait, They waited and now you have to.."

She puffed her cheeks and rubbed at her nose.

11Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:53 pm


The Gingery girl spoke to her. Bridgette would hoped all over the robe shop, but she could feel her grandmother as well as Madam Mulken's eyes on her.

"Hi, I'm Bridgette, Bridgette YoHannson. Nice to meet you."

The door or the shop opened. A another girl around her age ans her father walked in. The girl looked shy. Her face was yanked up by her grandmother suddenly.

"Look up, lion cub," Her grandmother said.

Both her and one of madam Mulken's employee's hands move over Bridgette's body.

"Below the knee," her grandmother said to the witch. "We don't all the boys thinking your a scarlet woman in your first year," She said to Bridgette.

Bridgette's face burned ever more. her eyes flicked to the other girls. Bridgette deeply hoped that they didn't hear.

"Best to save that for your fifth year," Her grandmother said with a wink.

Bridgette wanted to hide her face in her hands, but she knew she had to sit still. She hoped that this wouldn't make her new class mates think badly of her.

12Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:10 am



Gerri smiled and puffed her hair out of her eyes (again). "Nice to meet you! Are you going to Horwarts this year, too?"

Gerri was so excited to meet new people. Maybe she would fit in better with magic folk than with the muggle she'd lived around her whole life. As she waited for the other girl to answer the door to the shop opened again as more people walked into the shop. she wanted to turn and see who else was here but she'd already been scolded enough by both her mother and the seamstress so she kept still.


13Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:55 am



Hazel sighed heavily and rocked on her heels. She had spent forever getting her robes fitted and now it was her brother's turn. It twice as boring waiting for someone else to try on clothes. She pulled on her mother's sleeve.

"Mom, can't I just go get my wand on my own? PLEASE? I know where it is, we've been to Diagon Alley a million times!"

Her mother rolled her eyes. "Fine. Go. We'll be there soon enough."

"Yes!" Hazel wasted no time walking briskly out the door. Finally! She would have her very own wand.


Olivander had given her an interesting assortment of wands to try out. Hazel wasn't really sure how she would know which wand was right for her. That is until she received a wand measuring at 12 inches, perhaps a bit more.


14Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Tue May 01, 2012 11:45 pm



Soon Someone else would see the line start to build up and dragged Madeline along to a different room to get fitted, or so she thought. Her father had actually himself become impatient and asked for a private room to get fitted. They'd Pull Madeline here and there and pulled her about till eventually she was pushed back out everything already done.
"W...What..." She held her head a bit and walked out with her father.
She looked back to the two other girls and huffed a bit pouting that she didn't get to properly meet them but oh well I'll see them soon she just thought to herself. as she strolled along to her next place which was indeed the pet shop finally.

15Pottermore RP Empty Re: Pottermore RP Wed May 02, 2012 2:28 pm



Hex listened as best he could while being fitted for his robes. Ladies were running about in the back of the robe shop grabbing things they needed for the multitudes of kids that would be coming in today. Thankfully the Hex's and Hazel's great Aunt still worked there and let them come in from the back for a quick fitting. These weren't the twins first robes, but these robes were special, they were for Hogwarts. Also because the kids still had the same basic shape, aside from Hazel coming slowly into her girlish figure. All the had to do is measure one and make two.

Hex kinda felt bad for getting seen so quickly, he was sure there were plenty of people waiting to be seen. But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

Hex watched his sister slink out the back of the shop. He was a little upset, he had always waited for her and know she couldn't find the same patience. He hoped she was just going to the bathroom but he knew better.


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