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Ibara & Tsume

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1Ibara & Tsume Empty Ibara & Tsume Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:48 am



Neko Ibara

Nickname(s): Cheshire



Hair: Orange

Personality: Ibara is the more level headed than his twin brother Tsume. He normally is the one to speak around challengers and during matches as his brother just tends to belt out in anger. Don't get him wrong though, he is just as mean as his other half. They both despise most A.T riders and vowed to take down their “sky” with their own claws.
He is often smiling for no reason, a fact his brother can't even explain. For that reason he earned himself the nickname Cheshire. In a battle he suffocates his opponents with his presence. He confines them by moving in close limiting their movements.

Type of Rider: Acrobatic Power

History:Cat's were never meant to fly, this is what the Neko brothers live by. Cat's destroy those with wings that dare to mock them on the ground. Both Ibara and Tsume were picked on by their older siblings for not having A.Ts. They were both afraid of heights what would they do with wings. After continuous harassment the finally strapped up. They soon found out they didn't have to fly, they could get revenge.
Ibara's fighting style is done from the hips, which made him the first male canidate for the “Sonia Road”. He was denied quickly after seeing the fact he used his thorns to creep and strangle the enemy, rather than using them to protect something.


Neko Tsume

Nickname(s): Hyena

Age: 16


Hair: Bluish Silver

Personality:Tsume looks down on a lot of people, this causes him to get easily offended by those who speak out of turn. He is also very sensitive of people interrupting his brother, Ibara, while he is talking. Tsume has the incredible gift of antagonization, he can easily get under people's skin. He'll go into hysterics watching people crack, this is why he is the Hyena.
In battles Tsume rushes for his opponents with a quick hit then powers forward leaving them disorientated. He does love to talk about himself and how good he is, a trait that makes him even more annoying.

Type of Rider: Acrobatic Speed (Are they a Speed, Power, Balanced [speed and strength are even])

History: Cat's were never meant to fly, this is what the Neko brothers live by. Cat's destroy those with wings that dare to mock them on the ground. Both Ibara and Tsume were picked on by their older siblings for not having A.Ts. They were both afraid of heights what would they do with wings. After continuous harassment the finally strapped up. They soon found out they didn't have to fly, they could get revenge.
Tsume spent his training time sharpening his claws. Like his brother he was also a candidate for the position of king of the “Bloody Road”. When he failed he blamed it on his claws, claiming they weren't sharp enough. He vowed to sharpen them on the wings of riders.


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